God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2414: escape

"This is really..." Mephis was speechless.

She just came over and saw the two men at first sight, and the man turned away with a woman.

This speed is too fast, and even she is not too responsive.

"It looks like the strength should not be weak, but the escape is so decisive, and because of what?" Memphis smiled and smiled, but it was also dangerous.

There are only a few that she can guess, probably because the woman there is injured and does not want to fight, so fleeing, this is also common in the land of creation.

However, although it has not been carefully seen, Mephis can also see that the man is definitely not weak and has the power to approach Tian Zun.

Do you really need to run your legs?

After Mephis came in, he had already met a man who searched the soul after killing it. He understood the situation here and knew the strength of the person. Among these people who came in, it was overwhelmingly powerful. .

At this point, the man should be clear in his heart.

Therefore, it may be another possibility. The man knows that she is strong and cannot stand the enemy, so she does not want to escape.

Because he knows that even if he stays for more than a moment, he may become a prisoner or even a death.

If so, it would be interesting.

"He really felt my strength, or, by any other method?" Memphis flew in the air, hanging behind Qin Qi.

She did not intend to let Qin Qi escape.

"Or..." Mephis looked down at his chest, and the proud towering place, with a Gula badge, highlights her identity.

The identity of the craftsman.

Mephis blinked, this should not be possible, how can the people of the bright circles know the things of the craftsmen.

However, Mephis immediately remembered the information that was sent back from the dark city.

There was a constant time, and the Yuanshen show was in the exile. It was only recently that I came back from the dark city. I heard that before he returned, some people successfully entered the dark world and disappeared.

It’s just that the Yuanshen show is special and there is no report, so there is no follow-up.

In addition, the comet has also entered the exile. According to some traces, he should be appointed by the craftsman's office and enter the border in advance.

But the final result was to escape from the road, and the injury was extremely heavy and cost a lot.

It’s not good, it will even affect the foundation.

This incident is actually worthy of attention. However, after the comet came back, it was only left to the family to heal, and there was no disclosure to the outside world or even the round table council.

Therefore, the reason for his injury is not known.

But what you can know is that regardless of the Yuanshen show or the comet, in the place of exile, I am afraid that I have met the strong among the aborigines of the Guangming community.

"If the comet is worse, it is also a craftsman, it is impossible to be defeated by this kid." Mephis whispered in his heart, but his heart was more interested.

"Oh, no matter how good, grab it first, don't you know it when you get there!" Mephis' eyes lit up and suddenly exploded.

Even in the land of creation, she can use the speed of almost broken hollow, it is incredible.

"Rely!" Qin Qi snorted.

The other side did not have any cover-ups. He naturally felt that the pressure was multiplying at the moment.

At this speed, he could not escape.

Qin Qi bites his teeth, keeps turning, and uses the terrain to slow down the pursuit of Mephis.

But the effect is very limited.

Although I can't say no, but Mephis' pursuit experience is beyond imagination, and Qin Qi is really comparable. I want to open the distance between the pursuits. I am afraid that it is impossible.

"Take me, you can't escape", Qing Li Tiandao.

"What do you do, throw you away?" Qin Qi did not feel good.

Qing Litian silently.

It is also awkward.

They have always been hostile, that is, after she took the stone and licked her own feet, the relationship between the two did not improve much.

I really never thought that one day Qin Qi would not want to give up her.

"And... two minutes, she will catch up." Qing Li Tiandao, "At the time, still fight."

"Calculating, it still takes two minutes to catch up, this ability to escape, it can be considered a lottery", Mephis snorted, which has made her very surprised.

After all, it is incredible to use Qin Qi’s realm to maintain the distance for so long. Even if it is a land of creation and a stable space, it should not be so.

This kid, a little doorway!

But then, Mephis just mocked and laughed. "Alright, the descendants of the losers should really work harder to escape."

Two minutes.

Both Qing Litian and Memphis are very accurate, and it is only two minutes.

But don't forget, here is the land of creation.

Filled with countless creations, but there are endless dangers!

"Hmmm?" Qin completes the escape, the means to do it, only to slow down the progress of Memphis, and after turning in one direction, Qin Qi only feels that the body avenue particles tremble slightly.

There are special fluctuations coming from the front.

"There are avenue particles in there?" Qin Qi flashed.

For the dark genus, the avenue particles, at least the power to compete with them, will not be suppressed by the dark particles.

When Qin Qi naturally speeds up, he rushes in that direction.

"Aisle particles?" Mephis also noticed that the moment it snorted, naturally understand what Qin Qi wants to do.

However, she is a craftsman. The character who can walk out of the main entrance of the craftsman's house knows that there will be danger and it is impossible to retreat.

Here is the country of the loser. As a noble winner, if it is deterred, is it not ridiculous?

All the way to catch up, two minutes soon passed, and Qin Qi holding Qing Litian, has jumped into a valley.

This valley is like a fairyland.

Qin Qi stepped down, but his heart was shocked. The valley turned out to be unexpectedly deep and could be called a canyon cliff.

Just because of the fog, the perception is limited, Qin Qi did not know in advance.

However, they have already jumped, and there are other options. At the moment, Qin Qi’s body was violent, and it was turned into a rock.

In order to reduce the impact, it is also possible to change direction.

"The avenue particles are getting stronger and stronger. Is there over there?" Qin Qi looked slightly moving, his feet fell on the rock wall, and then the force suddenly struck, and the rock wall suddenly collapsed, and Qin Qi whole people flew out like a cannonball.

Directly drowned in the fog.

"Have you escaped?" Mephis swept down, there was no distance left, and on her body, the dark particles suddenly expanded, and the avenue particles could not be approached.

Dark particles of this concentration are comets, which is a little worse! "It's stronger than the comet?" Qin Qi bites his teeth, and his heart is not flustered, crossing the fog in front of him at a very fast speed.

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