God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2666: Stand up and kill you

"You look at it here, I have to go and see if I can help."

In the main battlefield military camp, the green radiant smiled.

Scorpio has been away for a few days, and preparations for that there should have been completed.

"After three hours, Yan Fei will appear there", Honglian Road.

She has been controlling the rhythm of the entire war. It can be said that Ji Wusheng was led by her nose from now to now.

The purpose of this is to introduce the smoke in the established position.

This is very difficult, and the entire Guangming community is afraid that few people can do it.

But she is a red lotus, a red war woman, is one of them!

Yanfei will inevitably appear, just on the battlefield there, Honglian has not helped anything.

"Hey, I don't want to be exposed so early, but there is no way to do it." Green Luo shrugged, and there were heavy shadows behind him. In a flash, she disappeared.

The power of the world is really strong, and there is not even a little vacancy in the void.

Green Luo left, Honglian licked his neck and whispered: "In this behind-the-scenes command, the body is stiff, or it is time to go to the battlefield!" Honglian smiled.

At this moment, the heroic and heroic, the women’s battles are like this, the red robe is added to the hero!

The Red Warrior went to her battlefield, although her Majesty is not a familiar wolf, although this is not the battlefield she hopes.

However, when you can make a smooth battle.

The war, the commander, the battlefield is the road to sublimation.

She is to water the crown of heaven with the blood of the enemy!

The war suddenly changed dramatically.

The left-wing army under the leadership of Ji Wusheng, although the pace of the attack was frustrated, the situation can still be stabilized.

He is also constantly changing, trying to find a breakthrough.

To this day, he also understands that the other party must be a master, an opponent that needs him to face up.

He admitted that he looked down on the other side.

But now, it is not too late.

He will not give him another chance to suppress him. Now, he will not have any contempt, and all his strength will be revealed.

He has to step by step to recover the disadvantages!

Ji Wusheng is war-torn. In this battle, he will not fall to the altar, but will go further.

The position of Tianzun is taken in this battle!

In the battlefield, the drums moved and the horn rang, and Ji Wusheng led the squadron to leave the fire army and played in person.

The reversal of this war will kick off.

Ji Wusheng personally participated in the war, the morale of the coalition was greatly enhanced, but the giant city that could not be attacked, at this moment, the city gate was opened.

The flag was fierce, and a male teacher stepped forward. As the first person, it was actually a woman. The bright red warfare danced in the wind, and the heroic and refreshing, which added a little scenery to the boundless cold and cruel battlefield.

A woman?

Ji Wusheng snorted.

He does not know what the undead is going to do.

But now, he will not make any more mistakes, even if the other party comes to a woman, he will not have the slightest contempt.

Be yourself and go all out!


Ji Wusheng shouted, the entire fire regiment was like a blazing flame, suddenly madly rising, 100,000 people, as one, as uniform, uniform.

With the Jiwusheng Bingfeng pointing, the army is moving, and the collapse of the river, there is an overwhelming arrogance.

And from the fire army to charge, the other regiments in the battlefield also followed in order, each echoed, is a very subtle unity, to be charged to the middle of the battlefield, the momentum is gradually becoming, has been like a mountain.

Such a situation, when no one can stop!

The red-shirted warrior chuckles, she is like a flower blooming in the battlefield, with war, the most beautiful moment!

The big battle, at the touch of a moment, reached the climax in an instant.

Undead, Death Valley.

This place is a big battle zone for the undead, but it is not the main battlefield for the battle between the Red War and Ji Wusheng.

Even, they are not ranked in the top three.

The battle situation here is also very fierce. The undead is safe and guarded, and the use of the location of the Death Valley is quite a gesture.

Although the coalition is fierce, it has never been able to break through this place.

Of course, the wars and defeats here cannot determine the direction of the entire war. Therefore, no matter whether it is the undead or the coalition forces, the emphasis on this place is not high.

But it is such a war zone, but at this moment, it has ushered in the most dangerous enemy.

The main ship of the left army has gone to this place!

For the entire 30 theaters that are not drawn from the dead, where is the key, both sides are very clear.

According to common sense, if the characters such as Yan Fei personally enter the scene, then of course it is necessary to go to the main battle zone, to make a hammer!

However, through these days of games, Ji Wusheng knows the strength of the other commander. Although he does not think that the undead has the ability to deal with Yanfei, but cautiously, he still recommends that Yanfei start through other theaters.

Maybe doing this will delay some time, but if it goes well, then victory is theirs.

In the end, after repeated considerations, Ji Wusheng abandoned the best three theaters and set the breakthrough in the Death Valley. This can be said to be insignificant.

The reason for this choice is because the war situation in the major theaters has allowed Ji Wusheng to judge from this place to break through. The effect will be moderate, not weak or strong.

This is the best place. After all, for the left army, the strength of the effect is not important at all. The break is the key.

Another point is that it radiates from the Death Valley. Although it is not a perfect place to enter the army, it is an excellent choice for the future.

Therefore, the Death Valley, selected by Jiwusheng, has become a decisive battlefield!

"The little girl in Tianzhu has not appeared on the battlefield. It seems that she is guarding you and me." On the main ship, Nan Yuexun smiled lightly.

The card of the undead world is also the day.

"Luo Yongsheng has changed her in the past, but it is not unreasonable. At a young age, it is already the realm of Tianzun. Few people can compare it." Yan Fei chuckled.

However, it does not pay much attention.

A junior Tianzun, he is still not in the eye.

"Lord, this Death Valley is not the main battlefield, let's start from here, it is to bully them, it is better for me to come, so as not to dirty your hands," Nan Yuexun laughed.

Yan Fei’s flash of light flashed, but he shook his head.

In his capacity, starting with such a war zone, it is indeed a joke.

However, Ji Wusheng had already told him that this time the opponent should not be underestimated. The so-called lion fight rabbit also uses all strength, now is not the time to take care of face.

The existence of Scorpio still needs a little attention in the end. There is no need to let Nan Yuexun take one shot, but it is more risky.

"Getting it together, quick fix", Yan Fei is a veteran strongman, at a critical moment, does not want to give his opponent a chance to breathe.

Although Nan Yuexun does not think that it needs to be so big, but since Yan Fei decided, there is no need to oppose it. Together, it directly ruined the undead position of the Death Valley.

On the battlefield, the sound of the sound of gold rang, and the pace of the coalition’s attack slowed down, and then they began to retreat.

However, they did not withdraw too far, but regrouped in the distant battlefield, not attacking, but looking at the fortress of the Death Valley.

The defenders of the Death Valley are all face to face, do not understand what the coalition means.

Only the next moment, the squadron will suddenly come down, and the garrison spirits will be shocked. Even if hundreds of large arrays rise at the same time, they will not be able to withstand such powers.

Nearly a small half of the defenders, directly bursting open, have been killed.

Immediately, two people appeared in the battlefield.

In an instant, the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami broke out among the coalition forces, and their Supreme, descended on this battlefield.

So, what else can resist them?

"Hey, it’s a bit of a loss of identity to kill these ants." Nan Yuexun shook his head, but his eyes were cold.

In this battle, the loss of the real fire industry is not small, and his heart has long been anger burning, now, but it is venting.

"Scorpio will come soon," said Fei Fei.

"Then let her come!" Nan Yuexun laughed.

At the moment, the two took a step forward, the war bastion of the Death Valley, which was connected with a heavy defensive array, and they could not stop them for a moment.

In an instant, it broke.

Many powerful people directly vomited blood and flew out, and they could not withstand the power of the Tianzun class.

This is a completely unequal battle.

"Surrender, it’s really meaningless to kill you!" Nan Yuexun said faintly.

He and Yan Fei have already stood in the war fortress.

This is called a lonely army.

Just, what is the relationship?

Both of them are enough to withstand the thousands of horses in the undead world.

"Nan Yuexun, here, the wheel gets you arrogant?" But it was a cold voice.

Immediately, a shadow appeared in the darkness of death, so beautiful, and the most beautiful, it is Yan Fei and Nan Yuexun, can not help but slightly change.

After the promotion of Tianzun, the scorpio has faded away from all the greens. Compared with the past, the temperament has also changed.

Indeed, it is very eye-catching.

"Scorpio, you come really fast, but what can you change? I advise you to still get lost, return us, and give you a way to live!" Nan Yuexun proudly said.

"Nan Yuexun, really want to return, after killing you, advise you to say less," Tianzhu is indifferent.

"Scorpio, dead to the end, you still have a hard mouth, even if your talent is higher, nowadays with me is generally only Tianzun, what do you kill me?"

"Not to mention, there is the Lord!" Nan Yuexun cold channel.

"Then you stand, I will kill you." Tianzhu was indifferent and had a dark sword in his hand.

"Responsible!" Yan Fei sighed, some pity, but also some anger.

In the face of them, especially in the face of him, Scorpio actually wants to resist, is this not to put him in the eye?

Then he will let Tianzhu understand immediately, how stupid this decision is.

"I am standing here, to kill me!" Nan Yuexun laughed.

He is not as weak as Scorpio.

Even if there is an accident, Scorpio is indeed stronger than him, but he does not think that Scorpio can kill him.

This is simply not possible.

Instead, his eyes are full of jokes, but he has to look at how Scorpio kills him!

Scorpio no longer speaks.

The power of the gods, the moment burst out, and when they come up, they intend to use all their strength.

Nan Yuexun blinked, but he was not afraid. He also had a terrible breath, and the surrounding voids shattered, and even the entire war fortress began to oscillate.

The respect of the heavenly atmosphere!


It seems to be nothing.

Scorpio has already started.

The void is almost too late to break open, and a black shadow has been deceived to the front of the South Moon, which is the Scorpio.

So fast!

So strong.

Nan Yuexun’s eyes sneered, but he sneered, just so, **** him?

He also shot, with a long knife in his hand as a fire, standing down.

This knife, the self-owned fairy particles, gathered in it, the flames are raging, but it is very viscous, the blade is down, and a straight line of flame is drawn.

When the fire line came out, the blazing scent was violently dispersed, and the power of the scorpio was actually burned in an instant.

There was a straight gap.

God fire world, God fire!

This knife is not too fancy, but it is extremely strong. This Nanyue Xun’s position of Tianzun is indeed not fortunate enough to have a real thing.

Scorpio snorted.

She felt the pressure of this knife.

However, she did not retreat, and the sword in her hand did not come out, but one hand went forward, and the force of immortality gathered to withstand the fire line.

The fire line is as thick as a rolling magma, but the undead power is an undead characteristic. This knife returns without success.

"how about this?"

However, Nan Yuexun snorted, and the long knife turned around. Everything around him was like a smoldering fire. The blade was plowed, and the flames were close to the fairy!

Shenhuo Xiandao!

A knife is a cross, but there are still not many fancy, but it is stronger than the previous one.

Fire, burn everything.

Knife, cut everything.

Nan Yuexun's knife is enough to force the sky to retreat, dodge or sword.

But Scorpio, the sword in his hand is still brewing, the body does not die, roaring, actually hit the knife with his body.

court death?

Nan Yue Xun's look changed.

However, even if Scorpio's choice is unexpected, he is not likely to take the initiative to take the knife, only to make this knife more embarrassing and stronger!

"I don't die?" Yan Fei gave a light laugh, even if it was not dead, it was not so messy.

A knife, kneel down.

The flames burst out in an instant, and the endless volcano erupted in the body of the Scorpio. Even the void was burned unbearably, let alone the body of Scorpio.

Her body was shrouded in flames in an instant, and although the force of immortality rushed, it still lost nearly half of the body.

Not to die.

But this is also a huge loss.

Scorpio, is this sword so serious?

Only by this serious injury, can the power of this sword reach its peak?

Scorpio is still moving forward, her eyes slowly lose their brilliance, and turned into a dark, like death.

The eye of death.

Scorpio's natural strength can put yourself in an absolute state of sudden death to stimulate more potential.

People, or heaven and earth, often face unimaginable potential when they face death. This potential cannot be calculated. More and less, no one can tell.

Similarly, at this moment, the power of the Scorpio, no one can tell.

"Don't die!"

Scorpio sword falls.

Undead is the original ambition and ambition. He pursues immortality because he believes that only if he does not die, he can look forward to immortality.

It was only the last time that he did not die to find the supreme being, even he himself could not go to the end on his own path.

In the last battle, in the face of the sacred king of the world, the ones that were displayed were not undead.

However, Scorpio is not the same, she inherits the undead sacred Taoism, she wants to go to the end of the undead.

She used this sword to leave her determination.

Don't die!

This sword has an indescribable power. Even if it is smoked, it feels a bit of fear and is threatened.

This sword of Scorpio may actually kill Nan Yuexun directly.

At the moment, Nan Yuexun couldn't help but pale.

Scorpio is suffering from a sword. He is already seriously injured. He can't recover from his undead body. If so, how could he not pay the price?

The price is that he has been unable to avoid this sword.

He didn't even think of it, and Scorpio actually went out like this, completely changing his life.

Is she crazy?

What is the benefit of doing this for her?

How about killing him, she will die.

It’s a madman!

Unfortunately, this is not a single fight.

If there is only one person, I am afraid I really can't get the sword, but now, there is smoke on the side!

Besides, if there is no smoke on the side, he will not fight with Scorpio in this way, and will not give such a chance to Scorpio.

If you think about it, you can understand Scorpio. She only has this opportunity.

Nan Yuexun madly spurred the seeds of the immortality in the body. He has already spared all the power to resist this sword.

At the same time, he is also asking for help.

Yan Fei shot, everything will end.

"Stupid", Yan Fei spit out two words.

He reached out and gathered a flame in his hand, burning slowly, not much blazing, but the feeling of giving is the ultimate danger.

And Yan Fei, just push this group of fire forward.

The next moment, the Scorpio will become a group of ashes, even if it is not dead, it can not withstand the big Tianzun such as Yanfei.

This is not a random blow, the fire is the fire of the fire.

Scorpio died under this flame, and it was glory.

The flames move forward, and the danger of burning all things makes the Scorpio tremble.

But her sword did not deflect at all.

This fire, falling.

Yan Fei stood up with his hands and looked at Tianzhu with pity. He would personally watch Tianzhuxiang Xiaoyu.

Nan Yuexun is excited and can't help but want to laugh.

Only the next moment, the expressions of both of them were instantly solidified.

The fire didn't burn.

But the sword, but completely immersed in the body of Nan Yuexun!

"Imperial protection!" The next moment is the incredible roar of Yan Fei.

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