God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2667: Undead town

Immortal protection.

Yan Fei naturally knows the protection of immortality.

At that time, the temples of Shenfeng and Solomon were very secretive, and they intended to complete the immortal protection and the scabbard of blood in the exile. As a result, everyone knows.

Two of them were banned, and none of them succeeded in recycling.

The blood scabbard was in the hands of Qin Qi. This world is known, but the Qin Qizhi, Solomon and Shenfeng Temple did not dare to ask him.

And another immortal care is disappearing.

So far Solomon and the Temple of the Gods have not been able to recover the immortal protection.

I did not expect that it was in the hands of Scorpio.

Yes, Tianzhu also entered the exile area like Qin Qi, and the cultivation of this is the eternal avenue. It is not impossible for this immortal guard to choose her.

Yan Fei thought on the electric turn, could not help but bite his teeth, his face was ugly.

The immortal protection is the shackles of the heavens, and the power is naturally terrible, although for him, it is not impossible to deal with him.

But it does have some trouble.

Especially, just this hit!

The attack of Yanfei was under the protection of the immortal. The Scorpio did not suffer much damage, so the sword of Scorpio would be unstoppable and pierced into the body of Nanyue Xun.

This sword, not a dead star, Nan Yuexun is even a god, can not resist.

Almost, it is a situation of sudden death.

"Looking for death!" The smoke was roaring, and the flames suddenly burst out and forced the sky to retreat.

"How about the immortal protection, when you can't kill you?" Yan Fei was cold and cold.

Even if there is immortal care, Scorpio does not want to compete with him.

"First die," Scorpio wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, cold and cold.

"Hey, hey, I am not dead yet!"

However, Nan Yuexun smiled, although his face was pale and bloodless, and there was a blood hole in his chest, but the vitality did not completely disappear.

He is still alive.

"Oh, you still can't do it, just a little bit!" Nan Yuexun taunted.

That sword, failed to get rid of all his vitality, is indeed a bit biased.

It seems that Yan Fei’s blow is still useful. At least, Nan Yuexun survived.

As long as you are alive, you can naturally recover in the future. The strength of a Tianzun class is very important even in this age.

Can stay, naturally the best.

Just looking at Nanyue Xun, Yan Fei just sneered.

"Let you live, there is a law of death that belongs to you." Tianzhu is indifferent, and then he will pinch his hand.

Nan Yuexun's body was shocked. He bowed his head and found that the blood in his chest was filled with darkness.

It is an extremely pure force of immortality. Although it is pure black, it has nothing to do with the power of darkness. Scorpio actually left such a force in Nanyuexun through a blow.

This is the power of immortality. As long as Scorpio is willing, you can use this power to maintain the life of Nanyue.

But what does it mean by doing this?

Nan Yue Xun is in a state of chaos, he wants to push the amount of power, and force this undead force out of the body.

Although he did not know the purpose of Scorpio, he knew that it was not a good thing.

Just, it’s too late.

In the midst of the undead power of Nanyue Xun, the gas of the entire Death Valley is instantaneous.

If someone stands on top of the sky at this moment, they will see an amazing scene.

The entire Death Valley has begun to illuminate.

A heavy black light is constantly shining from far and near, and the light belt is like a rewinding waterfall, which rushes into the sky.

Is this a big battle?

How many major arrays are there?

"You!" Yanfei's face changed.

However, he is a great god, but also the owner of a temple, experienced, how can you watch this formation?

This is not dead, obviously it is prepared here, although Yan Fei does not think that their arrangement can deal with him.

But he doesn't want to take risks.

At the moment, Yan Fei suddenly shot, only take the Scorpio.

However, he did not succeed.

Nan Yuexun smashed out, the fire was thick and blazing.

This knife, turned to Yan Fei!

"Roll!" Yan Fei sighed low and shot it in one hand, and flew out Nan Yuexun directly.

Yanfei's face is a bit poor.

After all, he did not know what kind of arrangement was made in this place.

"Do you think you can control the South Moon, you can beat this seat?" Yan Fei cold and cold, "Then you can afford to see him."

"It is you who looked down on us," Tianzhu snorted.

But listening to the sound of slaps, from the Death Valley, there are countless black tentacles popping out, densely rushing toward the smoke.

At the same time, there are also many tentacles rushing into the body of Nan Yuexun, so that his breath continues to climb.

However, at this moment, Nanyue Xun has lost control of himself. He has already smashed the shackles of this array.

In other words, Scorpio turned him into a battle of the formation, apparently wanting to use his power to defeat Yan Fei at a lower cost.

"This is..." Yan Fei snorted and his body rushed into the sky. Those tentacles had not touched him, and they had been burned to nothingness.

However, the tentacle is like endless, covering the entire Death Valley, and the flames of Yanfei can protect themselves, but they cannot penetrate.

"Undead town?" The voice of the smoke is low.

Undead town.

The idea of ​​the undead sage was to work with his own undead, but the requirements for undead and formation were extremely high.

Before the death of the undead, it was only tried once during the peak period.

It was just a test, not a complete form, but the record was incredibly amazing. With the undead town, the undead gods defeated a guy who was far stronger than himself.

After the death of Tianzun became a giant in the Taoist world, there was very little shot, and after that, a mind was all above the supreme sacred fairy, and the undead town was also put down.

That is no longer his way. For him, it can only be a chicken rib.

However, I did not expect that it was actually exhibited by Tianzhu today.

Has the Scorpio's undead skill been at this level?

Yan Fei looked at the sky with a gloomy look. The wound on her body was quickly recovering. The power of the undead body was showing tenacious strength.

"With the ability to not die, even if you took it away from the dead palace, you can't arrange this undead town."

"Look, there are a lot of things that don't know how to live and die, help you in the dark, one by one, are you really looking for death?"

Scorpio is expressionless.

Yan Fei is right, but what about it.

Scorpio will not let Yanfei leave here alive.

Seeing this, Yan Fei blinked his eyes, then he smiled unconsciously: "But then, find them to settle accounts."

In a word, the smell of Yan Fei suddenly slammed, and the blazing flames were full of fairy tales.

Even if it is not dead, there is a feeling of being burned.

"Come on, little girl, let this seat look at your skills", Yan Fei proudly said.

Scorpio holds the sword and is indifferent.

The power of the undead town is not only to weaken the opponent a lot, but to continually consume its vitality. At the same time, it also has a huge blessing for her.

What's more, she still has the protection of immortality.

Plus Nan Yue Xun this 傀儡.

No, not a fight!

Big day!

At the time of the battle, the heart of the Scorpio suddenly jumped quickly and could fight against such an opponent, even to defeat the opponent, even if it was a scorpio, could not help but be excited.

In any case, this battle will go down in history.

"Hey, the undead towns have come out, it seems that it is really a small look at the little girl." Among the coalition ships, many amnesties are slightly guilty.

Undead towns, they all know, the products that were once proud of the undead, but unfortunately they were abandoned.

Seeing you today can also make up for the regrets of some eras.

It is a pity that the town is not dead, they can not judge the situation in the town, the final result will be, no one can be sure.

"The smoke is good, it is a big god. The gap between the two is huge. Even if you don't die, you can't win it."

"That's not necessarily, she still has immortal protection."

"Hey!" Solomon's Lord snorted.

In fact, according to the agreement of the two at the beginning, the blood scabbard was the Temple of the Gods, and the immortal protection was Solomon. The result is now in the hands of others.

"Even if there is immortal protection, it is not enough." Solomon is cold and cold.

Undead town, immortal care, plus a Tianzun, this kind of combat blessing is not enough to make up for the gap between the first entry of Tianzun and the old Datianzun?

On paper, it seems to be the case.

But what really has a gap may not be these, but between Yanfei and Tianzhu.

And this, no one can say.

"In fact, what we should pay attention to is not the undead town, but why the town is not dead."

It is said that everyone is silent and looks different.

Undead towns are not arranged for a day or two. They don’t talk about some forces that are arrogant and arrogant, and they provide a huge amount of materials for Tianzhu. It is difficult to say that it is arranged.

And once placed, there is no possibility of transfer.

So if the smoke does not appear in the Canyon of Death, then everything will be paid.

But the final result, Yan Fei appeared there, not bad at all.

In connection with the direction of the war before, the night far mountain generally understands what is going on.

The commander of the other party is even better than he imagined!

Then Ji Wusheng’s defeat is just a matter of time. "Forget it, no matter how good it can't change anything", the night mountain shrugged, then knocked on the table and said: "You, ready, almost can go to clean up the mess."

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