Chapter 764 sweeping

"Oh..." Jun Qinhui's eyes suddenly rounded, and then slowly lost his look. There was still a cold smile on her face, but at the moment it was divided into two by a blood mark.

Then, the whole person splits, falls down, and can't die anymore!

Junqinhui, and Junqika and other people are the same generation of people, just like the Qinqin heart, the piano generation, the strength is much stronger than the previous killing Jun Qidong.

It is a pity that the enemy of Qin Qi is one.

"How could this be!" The Lord of Light and Light was in a big heart, and even the breathing was slightly rushed.

Qin Qi should not be so powerful, have this ability, why did you have to spend so many hands and feet to deal with Lei Tao?

Or is it that Qin Qi’s strength has suddenly skyrocketed?

This is impossible. It must be that Qin Qi deliberately concealed his own power, in order to lure the enemy and let the opponent take it lightly.

Despicable guy, but the more it is, the more it feels terrible.

Jun Qinhui, the strongest of the four-star Wu Zun, and from the existence of the Jun family, was actually killed by Qin Qi and a sword.

Under this circumstance, Lei Guangzhi’s side is really chaotic. They originally occupied a huge advantage. They crushed the white fox's lair on the top combat power. On the middle level, the white fox's lair, the brigade has already pressed the border. You can encircle these monsters.

But now, Wu Zunqiang died a few, even the four-star Wu Zun died, in addition to the two five-star Wu Zun, actually turned over by the monster.

Moreover, Qin Qi’s shot, too hot and unrelenting, has already made the morale of the Yaozu strong. If he does not solve Qin Qi again, I am afraid that not only will the top combat power be completely destroyed, but even the big forces at the bottom may fail.

At this moment, the two people have collided and are fighting!

The Lord of Light's eyes is cold, and only he has taken it at this moment.

Five-star Wu Zun, very good, come and give Laozi a level!

Qin Qi did not say anything, but took the lead and took the initiative to rush to the Lord of Light.

"Be bold!" The owner of Lei Guang was furious and his face was incomparably difficult to look. Qin Qi was too much in the eye. He must let Qin Qi know that there is a difference between Wu Xing Wu Zun and Wu Xing Wu Zun!

The Lord of Lightning roared, and the thunder and lightning flashed. Every movement was accompanied by thunder. Every arc was as thick as a water tank. It looked really shocking.

"Lightning body!" The Lord of Light and Light drank, using a powerful increase in martial arts, is a quasi-national martial arts, the effect is naturally significant.

The owner of this thunder is worthy of the old rivers and lakes. Even if the realm surpasses Qin Qi, it uses the light body at the beginning, obviously it is not an accident.

In his hand, the sickle of a top grade has been picked up, and the exaggerated blade is like the minion of Lei Qilin. The weather is amazing.

A knife fell, hegemony!

Five-star Wu Zun, it is unusual, this knife, two Jun Qin Hui I am afraid to be killed immediately.

The people who can build the thunder of lightning in such a place as the Thunder madness are really powerful and worthy of Qin Qi’s serious response.

However, for Qin Qi, who has had a battle with Lanze, the Lord of Lightning is still worse.

And he is much stronger than the time when he was on the blue screen, not in the way.

Tenjin form, 1000% full attribute increase!

The power of Qin Qi suddenly surged. The Thunder, who came from the Lord of Lightning, almost drowned him. At this moment, he was directly shaken away. He did not rely on any martial arts, but only the momentum of the outside!

I can't believe it!

The main pupil of Lei Guang is tightening. How can he not feel the sense of terror from Qin Qi? The power of this moment has increased more than the thunder.

"Six Palaces!" Qin Qi went forward, punched out, fists above, six dragons first round, as if the real dragon impact, the dragon humming sound directly in this piece of heaven and earth.

An ancient power, the power of the Titans, the dragon gods record the Qi Qi resonance, this punch is to carry out the violent to the end, regardless of the soul force, only the brute force on the hero!

This punch has not yet arrived, the feeling of oppression has arrived, as if the 100,000 mountains were pressed together, the void was instantly broken, and it was crushed into slag, and even a vacuum zone was created.

The Lord of Lightning snorted, tightly biting his teeth, and slammed the sword with all his strength.

Fortunately, he was grateful for his habits for many years, and he never looked down on anyone. So he started the thunder body at first. If it wasn't, Qin Qi couldn't stand it.

And now, there is the possibility of catching it!

"Ah!" The Lord of Lightning snarled wildly, and the power of the five-star Wu Zun was completely motivated. Without any reservation, the blood vessels of his body exploded directly, but he did not pay attention to half.

The huge sickle, the thunder and light roared, turned into a fierce Thunder unicorn, and the dragon-shaped smashed bite together, finally resisted it.

However, the Lord of Lightning is a sudden warning of the heart. He is a strong man in this realm. His intuition is too sensitive. It is absolutely not good to kill. After Qin Qi’s fist, he will directly send out the sword. The tears of the sky are sharper and unstoppable.

However, the owner of Lei Guang has sensed in advance and quickly avoided it. The speed of the Lei warrior is still very advantageous. Qin Qi’s sword did not receive the effect.

"The combat experience is rich." Qin Qi's eyes are slightly stunned, and the person who can control the glory of Lei Guang is not simple and cannot be easily killed.

However, Qin Qi’s offensive is far from over.

Ice Queen, Dark Wizard!

The power of the ice system swept in an instant, bringing the effect of freezing, limiting the action of the Lord of Lightning. On the Dark Wizard, there are several soul chains that directly lock the soul of the Lord of Light, and several DEBUFFs have been attached. .

The Lord of Lightning snorted, feeling that the power was weakened a lot, the soul was a little chaotic, and the dangerous feeling in the heart came to the apex, and he was erected with his hair.

"Get out of the way!" Lei Guangzhi did not want to know, knowing that Qin Qi's killings are about to arrive soon. There is no difference in the current power, and the endless thunder sweeps in all directions, and wants to force Qin Qi to retreat.

Moreover, these thunders are too many, and all the air engines are covered, and Qin Qi can not perceive the specific position of the Lord of Lightning.

This response is really good, but Qin Qi obviously will not give him any chance, it will be effective, unlimited sword system!

Numerous swords appeared, Qin Qi crossed, and opened the way with the sword net, all the thunders were opened, and under the effect of the must, the Lord of Light has nowhere to hide.

"Brother, save me!" The Lord of Lightning roared, has been completely suppressed by Qin Qi, the frost effect of the Queen of Ice and the DEBUFF of the Dark Wizard, so that his combat power has dropped too much, simply unable to exert full strength.

In front of Qin Qi, this is fatal.

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