God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 965: Thunder

The ninth and sixty-five chapters ask for thunder

The Lord of Lightning is facing a dead end, and the potential is erupting. It is still struggling under the numerous swords, and the Thunder is constantly roaring and biting with the dragon.

He must persist, and as long as his brother arrives, he can join forces to deal with Qin Qi and defeat him!

The brother of Lei Guang’s master knows that he is awesome, he must abandon the old man and rush to come over, but the old man is dead and biting. Qin Qi is the hope of the white fox nest, and he must not die.

"The animals are still not rolling!" The brother of Lei Guang’s brother roared, but the old man was desperate, and he was temporarily difficult to rush.

There is no choice, the brother of Lei Guang’s brother had to fight himself and the thunder blade fell. Almost the old man’s body was directly smashed into two sections, and the old blood was no longer able to stop and fall into the earth.

The brother of Lei Guang’s brother paid the price of half shoulder and one hand, but even so, his fighting power still retains more than 80%. At this moment, his eyes are more wild, his body is turned into a thunder, and he is killed toward Qin Qi. go with.

The Lord of Lightning noticed the action of his elder brother, and his power suddenly changed. He turned the defensive into an offensive and wanted to cooperate with his brother to kill Qin Qi.

No effect!

The counter-attack of the Lord of Light and Light, which had already been prepared, fell directly into the empty space, and Qin Qi’s sword had a must-have effect and penetrated his body.

The owner of Lei Guang’s teeth, he is a five-star Wu Zun, even if he is stabbed a sword, he can still bear it. He can even take the opportunity to seal Qin Qi’s weapons and create opportunities for his brother.

It was just a bang, and the fascination in the eyes of the Lord of Light and Light was instantly dissipated.

Lethal effect!

"Small beasts, die!" The brother of Lei Guang’s brother rushed to the thunder, and the thunder blade was also the thunder, and the power was terrible.

However, Qin Qi’s figure disappeared instantly in the same place.

Shadow sword, flashing!

Qin Qi appeared on the side of the brother of Lei Guang, and the dragon **** tears down, sword one!

Under this sword, everything was annihilated, and the powerful Thunder was all dissipated, along with the half body of the Lord of Lightning.

"Impossible, our brothers are reunited, just want to show their strengths, and how can this be the Thunder madfield?" The brother of Lei Guang’s brother bleeds in his mouth, his voice is vague.

"It's very simple, because you chose the wrong opponent." Qin Qi's voice is indifferent, and a sword is handed out, but it triggers the lethal effect again!

Even if there is no death, this is enough to kill the other side, and since it is triggered, there is naturally no change.

Triggered twice in a row, and the lucky value of 4 points is not covered.

Qin Qi, after killing them, got 200 billion orange shields, naturally it was an instant upgrade, and came to the ranks of 61.

That is, one star Wu Zun!

Qin Qi, finally called Zun!

"Mom, how good it should be if you are earlier!" Qin Qi was almost excited to cry, before upgrading, it was generally difficult to eat, now, one shot is two levels, the more the more the war, the faster and faster!

Come on, is there still?

Qin Qi Huai Li Li people, standing between the battlefield, this wind and rain are all because of the chills, like the king of the gods, people are daunting!

The people of Lei Guangzhi began to have cold hands and feet. Qin Qilian killed so many Wuzun strongmen. Now, even their boss, the Lord of Light and Light who led them for a hundred years, was killed by Qin Qi, together with his long-lost brother. , dead here!

As a result, they simply couldn’t accept it, morale suddenly fell, and even deserters appeared.

On the other side of the White Fox Nest, it is a morale that is even more fierce. In one fell swoop, the situation is reversed. In the **** kills, the people of Raytheon are killed by nearly a quarter.

If they are not guarded by Wu Zun, I am afraid that the loss will be even greater.

The Raytheon retreats, and as a result, it is impossible to continue fighting again, and Qin Qi has not chased it, because it is enough, and greed may have problems.

After defeating the enemy, the Yaozu warriors couldn't help but cheer up. It was already the end of the day, but they did not expect to have a miraculous victory. The feeling of the rest of the life made them feel like dreams.

And all this is what the humans brought to them.

Like a **** king!

"God king? You are also worthy!" A voice, revealing the meaning of the sky, came from the sky, so that people have a sense of scalp numbness.

"Well?" Qin Qi looked changed and looked up.

Just above the sky, the clouds are constantly rolling, and the massive thunder gathers, which is even mixed with the red thunder!

It was the kind of attack that first fell in the nest of the White Fox. It came back again. This force could not compete at all. A single blow destroyed almost the defense accumulated by the White Fox Nest for hundreds of years.

How strong is Qin Qi, in the face of such power, it is also like ants.

"Master of the family?" Qin Qi eyes cold, the Jun family can actually manipulate the thunder of the Thunder mad, it is terrible.

Qin Qi can see that this method is much more powerful than that of Gong Sun Yilin. Gong Sun Yilin uses the gold system to attract the Thunder, and the strong man of the Jun family is really controlling these Thunder.

After the sanctuary of the monarch is sanctified, has the understanding of Thunder Avenue reached this level?

"Qin Da Ge!" Fu Cai Xuan screamed, such power, can not resist?

"Do not worry, it is useless to be strong." Qin Qi smiled, invincible state!

The Thunder fell, the power was even more terrible than before, and the whole world seemed to be connected by the thunder that was dumped. Many of the demon warriors looked shocked and almost crouched on the ground.

The roar of the Thunder, the madness resounded, the violent to the extreme, like a fine punishment, Qin Qi completely drowned in.

Moreover, I am afraid that there is only a retreat for the last defensive, but also to be nothing under this attack.

This battle, the Lord of the White Fox is finally unable to escape?

The Thunder kept beating, too strong, no demon people dare to approach, can only watch the Thunder destroy everything.

"Haha, my family's blood, destined to be the overlord of the Thunder, this Thunder madness is destined to belong to our family!"

"Anyone who resists will die, and today the White Fox Nest will be destroyed, and the next one is the City of Chaos!"

That voice, very large, full of majesty, sounded in the thunder, really seems to be the thunder of the overlord, shocking everyone.

However, the grandfather of the monarch may have this ability, and other people, I am afraid I can't do it at all?

"It’s just a matter of harnessing the power of some saints, but I really thought that I was sanctified. I’m here, you’re going to see it again!” But it’s Qin Qi’s voice, jumping from that moment. The thunder rang out, and then a sword light broke out, dividing all the thunder into two segments.

Qin Qi, no flaws at all!

"Thunder's overlord, Laozi stood here, ask for thunder!" Qin Qi haha ​​smiled, embraced the beauty, even unharmed!

The Yaozu has been shocked and can't speak. Is this still a human being? How can it resist such a terrible lightning strike?

Even if it is a six-star Wu Zun, is it afraid to be embarrassed?

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