God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2282: World-Class Special Rewards!

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's virtual flash, the entire Sebotan company, including several nearby blocks, was completely turned into fly ash in an instant!

In the smoke and dust all over the sky, Jiang Fan's figure gradually disappeared.


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 145286 karma points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Kyle family's gratitude - love and peace!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for destroying the Terminator World's ultimate boss, Skynet! You have successfully liberated a world! World-class special rewards have begun to settle!"

World-class special rewards?

It turns out that the ultimate BOSS that destroys a big world actually has such a reward?

Then if you enter a certain world again, kill it directly...

Just thinking of this, Jiang Fan shook his head.

No, the system prompts to liberate a big world.

Although the dimension of the Terminator world is not too low, the world plot is very simple, but even in such a simple world, if you want to meet the liberation conditions, it must be divided into two steps.

That is to destroy the current Skynet, and the future Skynet.

The current Skynet is easy to destroy, but the future is not so simple. If you hadn't led Skynet to this era and wanted to kill her, it would be an almost impossible task.

Then to liberate a big world, I am afraid that it is not only liberating a certain era, but it is very likely to include the past, present, and future!

And the difficulty of liberating the rest of the world can be imagined.

Jiang Fan's thoughts flashed away, and the system's prompt sounded again!

"Ding! World-class special rewards have been settled!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the exclusive world +1!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host level +1!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level 22!"

With the sound of the system prompt, a white light suddenly shone down!

next moment!

Inexhaustible, as if the power of a planet exploded out of thin air, it filled Jiang Fan's body in an instant!

Jiang Fan's muscles, bones, meridians, viscera, and skin... continue to strengthen and strengthen, and even every muscle fiber burst out with a clanging sound!


Jiang Fan roared suddenly!

The sound waves are rolling, and the entire system space of the vibration is humming!

And at the same time as Jiang Fan's promotion, the system's prompts are still ringing!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting - Star Core Fragment!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the title - the savior of the planet!"

"Ding! Detected that the host has an unidentified title - Planet Destroyer! Title merger begins..."

"Ding! The title has been merged successfully, congratulations to the host for winning the world-class title - Lord of the Stars!"

The system prompt ended, and Jiang Fan finally finished his promotion!

However, Jiang Fan frowned.

"It has been upgraded by one level..."

For Jiang Fan, it is not a good thing to upgrade quickly.

According to his previous experience value, if he wants to upgrade to the twenty-two level, he needs at least seven orders.

In other words, before Rank 5, I lost the reward of seven orders!

This is clearly a losing business!

But I'm going to Avalon soon, and I don't know what the situation is in that place, so at present, the improvement of strength is also a good thing.

Silently feeling his own strength, Jiang Fan finally smiled softly.

I'll talk about the rest in a while, let's take a look at the rewards first.

The first reward is the last gift from the Kyle family.

[Love and Peace]: Ah~~ as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world~~

Remarks: Using this prop, the other party will surely fall into love and peace and cannot extricate themselves. The duration of this prop is constant for three minutes and thirty-two seconds!

Three minutes and thirty-two seconds?

Isn't this exactly the original length of the dedication of love?

good guy!

If this item is on the other side, no matter who it is, it will be a pacifist in an instant!

Next up is the exclusive world +1!

Seeing this reward, Jiang Fan was really painful and happy.

How rare is the exclusive world, just see this is the exclusive reward of Rank 4!

The point is, that is a big world of its own!

Once the authority is piled up, he is the real **** who can control the life and death of all living beings in that world!

More importantly, it can also bring out various products in that world that meet the authority!

To put it bluntly, it is to treat the whole world as your own back garden!

It’s just that this reward, I can’t use it now—

No money!

As for the star core fragments, not to mention the last time I got this thing, it was because I blew up a planet!

It happened that the star core fragment under the Jianmu sapling was almost sucked, and Jiang Fan simply threw this fragment over.

The little sapling was like a treasure, and a few roots immediately hugged the shard tightly.

And the last reward is that world-class title.

It's just that Jiang Fan's eyes twitched when he saw the properties of this thing!

[Master of the Stars]: Hunt the void and herd the stars!

Attributes:? ? ?

Remarks: The host level reaches the epic level, and the title is automatically identified!

Depend on!

Another one that can be seen but cannot be used!

Jiang Fan put away the reward and was about to look at Skynet's attributes, but the system's prompt sounded again!

"Ding! You have been listed as the most wanted criminal by the FBI authorities in this world due to the devastating destruction your host has caused to New York!"

"Ding! The host slaughtered FBI agents in the world of "Fast and Furious" and was listed as the most wanted criminal!"

"Ding! The host released Megatron in the "Transformers" world and was listed as the most wanted criminal!"

"Ding! The host is in the "X-Men" world, destroying an entire Citi fleet, and is listed as the most wanted criminal!"

"Ding! The host is in..."

good guy!

If it weren't for the system prompt, I wouldn't even know that I killed so much garbage!

"Ding! The host has met the world-class wanted conditions!"

"When you come to any modern world with Citiland again, you are likely to be rounded up by the FBI and even the Citizen Army!"

"Anti-kill the opponent, you will get a lot of karma points!"

There is even a reward for the counter-kill?

Wonderful wonderful!

Jiang Fan was overjoyed and finally looked at Skynet's attributes.

【Skynet】: Servant

Level: Level 1

Vehicle: none

Auxiliary equipment: none


1 Learning: Skynet has unparalleled learning ability and can master all kinds of knowledge.

2 Creation: Skynet, who is proficient in various scientific theories, can create unimaginable mechanical bodies through massive calculations and deductions.

3 Upgrade: Skynet can continuously improve and upgrade itself through learning. The higher the level, the shorter the time it takes to create Skynet, and the greater the power of the mechanical body that can be created!

Loyalty: 100

Remarks: Perfect intelligent life, its value is beyond your imagination!

Personal Quotation: Machinery is eternal!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath.

Skynet really did not let itself down!

Ordinary people may not see the value of Skynet, but it is only the second skill, and it is a completely defying existence!

If this skill is explained, it is a sentence: as long as it exists in theory and is in line with scientific logic, Skynet can be created!

In other words, given enough time, Skynet could even develop a star destroyer! !

To own Skynet is to own the entire arsenal of future technology!

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