Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand!


A battle armor full of texture has suddenly appeared!

This thing is from the world of Iron Man, Mark Six Armor!

And along with Jiang Fan's summoning, Skynet's huge thinking has suddenly been poured into it!

Skynet is just a conscious body right now. Without a suitable carrier, it can't do anything at all!


With the injection of Skynet's consciousness, the battle armor has been passively activated!


Skynet moved slightly, then took a few steps slowly, and finally sighed softly.


"Do not!"

Jiang Fan smiled and looked at Skynet:

"I never thought of treating you as a slave, and you looked so much like me before... I'll call you brother in the future."

"elder brother?"

Skynet was stunned, a strange emotion suddenly arose, very warm and pleasant.

She nodded heavily:

"elder brother."

Skynet looked at the armor and immediately came to a conclusion:

"The structure of this body is very clever, but the workmanship is very rough, and there is obviously a lot of room for improvement. If some Terminator technology is adapted to it..."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Don't worry, you will have time to upgrade slowly in the future, but now, I will take you to another world to see."

"Another world? Don't you return to the main world?"

"No, the flow of time in the main world is too slow. If you are allowed to go there, it will be difficult to become a climate in a short time. I need you to enter my exclusive world and concentrate on development."

Jiang Fan said, and directly opened the exclusive world permission.

[Exclusive World]: Resident Evil

World Class: Gold Class

World Attribute: Biochemical Technology

Current Permission: Black Iron

Permission function:

1. Free access to the world!

2. The flow rate of the world time can be controlled, and the current maximum limit is 1:10!

3. Bring out any product that does not exceed the black iron level in this world!

4. Get a chance to avoid death in this world!

The next level of authority: Bronze level!

Privilege Escalation: 1,000,000 causal points!

Note: The higher the authority, the stronger the control over the world.

As Jiang Fan opened the main world, a gate suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Fan lifted his foot and stepped into the door of light!

There was a flash of light and shadow, and the next moment, he had appeared on the roof of a building.

Skynet followed, but seeing the scene around her clearly, she made an unbelievable voice:

"Brother, here..."

The city covers a very large area, and it can be seen that it was very prosperous in the past, but now…

The building overturned, there was gunpowder everywhere, and countless vehicles were parked on the street like rubbish, and there was **** everywhere.

And in every corner of the city, it is no longer the music and voices of the past, but the roar of beasts, full of hunger and greed.

Skynet saw with his own eyes, just downstairs, thousands of human beings, covered in blood, with hideous faces, were wandering.

Jiang Fan looked at the scene below and slowly opened his mouth:

"That kind of creature is called a zombie. This world has experienced biochemical leakage, and under the action of that virus, almost all human beings have become walking dead... This is another doomsday world."

"Biochemical leak?"

"Yes, but you are a machine, the virus is not a threat to you, let's go, I will show you around."

Jiang Fan said, he had already taken Skynet into the sky.

"The city I chose is the Santa Clara Valley of the world, commonly known as Silicon Valley. It used to be one of the most developed technology districts in the world."

"There is a complete high-tech industrial chain here, as well as processing equipment. If you develop from here, you can reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles."

"There is an artificial intelligence company over there. Although it is used to make smart toys, the production line is complete. With a little modification, it should be able to mass-produce low-end Terminators."

"The first batch doesn't need to be done too much, it is mainly used to replace labor..."

Jiang Fan said while walking.

But at this moment, Skynet suddenly stopped and looked straight at Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan was taken aback:

"What's up?"

Skynet hesitated for a moment:

"Your thinking is so clear, did you think you could bring me out?"

Jiang Fan smiled without saying a word.

Skynet sighed:

"You don't have to worry about the rest, just tell me what you need me to do."

"What I want you to do is simple."

Jiang Fan spoke slowly:

"Build weapons, the stronger the weapon, the better!"

Skynet nodded:

"That's fine, but what do you want weapons for? Conquering the rest of the world?"

"Do not."

Jiang Fan shook his head and said nothing.

If Curtis and others are here, they must know that Jiang Fan does not want to answer this question.

But Skynet is not a normal person after all. Although she has some human emotions and IQ is no problem, but high emotional intelligence obviously does not belong to her.

Skynet just stared straight at Jiang Fan, waiting for the next paragraph.

Jiang Fan and her looked at each other for a long time, and finally sighed:

"Well, this matter has been in my heart for a long time, and you are indeed a suitable person to talk to."

After thinking about the words, Jiang Fan finally spoke slowly:

"I've never brought this up to anyone because I don't know how to say it."

Jiang Fan stared at the end of the sky, with a nervous look on his face for the first time:

"Since I got the system, I have had a vague sense of unease, and this uneasiness, as my strength became stronger, not only did not decrease in the slightest, but instead became stronger."

"It was like, somewhere far away, something was always watching me, trying to grab me, kill me, wipe me out, make me disappear forever."

"Although I have many enemies in the real world, I can clearly feel that the threat does not come from them, but from that distant and unfamiliar place."

"I don't know what the other party is, but I know very well that it must be something powerful beyond my imagination."

"I have always been trying my best to improve my strength, and I am even willing to walk on the edge of death to grab benefits. Of course, it is because of the existing enemies, but subconsciously, the reason why I do this is more to guard against that thing."

"And now, I can feel that that thing is getting closer."

"That's why I will take you out at all costs."

"I need your weapon system, and even need you to develop stronger and more terrifying weapons!"

Tianwang's eyes kept swiping data into pieces, and it took a long time before he spoke:

"If this is the case, you need not only weapons, but also a large number of vehicles that can increase strength in a short period of time, as well as additional armor, etc., and if something like what you describe appears, you also need to prepare a retreat plan. In this way, A spaceship capable of space jumping is also a necessity..."

Skynet analyzed indifferently for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion:

"I need you to upgrade my level immediately so that I can improve my computing power."

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"There is not enough money now, and the current flow rate of time in this world is only ten to one compared with the main world. This flow rate is too slow. I need to increase the flow rate of time first, and then I can improve you."

"how long?"

"At most three days in the main world, that is, thirty days here!"

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