Jiang Fan had never understood it before, but thought that Arthur was too stupid.

Now it seems that the reason why Arthur did this was to imply that the benefits he got in Avalon were definitely more valuable than the seven corpses!

He is not afraid of going by himself, but is afraid of not going by himself!

And his purpose, I am afraid, is not only to let himself come here, it is best to bring Naomi!

I had always been very strange just now. When I heard that Naomi was not here, Arthur's eyes suddenly became very strange. Now that I think about it, there was actually a kind of loss in it.

Why is this happening?

Obviously, the weaker his side is, the more beneficial it is to Arthur, but why does he still show such eyes?

The answer is very simple, Arthur needs strong!

And the purpose of needing a strong man is now clear at a glance!

Just to deal with those who prevented him from entering Avalon!

This game is actually very simple. Arthur knew for a long time that someone was going to stop him from going to Avalon, but these people were hidden in the dark and their strength was very strong. It was difficult for Arthur to find and kill them first.

So Arthur hired Polaris and the Desert Fox and used them as bait to lure those people out.

In this session, even Merlin, who has made a public appearance, is also part of the bait!

And once those people show up, Merlin and the masters on his side, and even Naomi, who is likely to appear, and the people hiding behind Arthur, will catch them all!

As for the life and death of this group of people, it will not be in their consideration at that time!

And after arriving at Avalon, the hidden master behind Arthur is likely to take action again and control himself, Naomi and everyone else, or... kill him directly!

Let the Arthur family have exclusive access to the secrets of the entire Avalon!

The whole plan, three simple steps, interlocking, without too many variables, is perfect!

Even Jiang Fan couldn't help but admire the person who helped Arthur formulate this plan.

That's right!

With Arthur's reckless man, he couldn't have designed such a simple but wonderful plan.

The most important thing is that this plan actually designed himself into it. If it weren't for these two attacks, I'm afraid that I would still be kept in the dark. Based on this alone, the other party can be worthy of the word "great"!

After listening to Jiang Fan's story, Alisha and the others were all stunned!

Not because of the plans of the Arthur family, but because of Jiang Fan!

Is this guy a pervert?

Just based on two attacks, a phone call before Arthur, and some details, to sort out such a conclusion?

A few people looked at each other and couldn't believe it!

"Mr. Jiang, even if what you said is true, it is possible for the Arthur family to control us. After all, it is the secret of the Arthur family. It is normal not to let us know too much, but if you kill us, will this... too exaggerated?"

"Yeah, our North Star and Desert Fox are not soft persimmons. Once an accident occurs, the boss will definitely ask Arthur to ask the teacher to blame!"

"No matter how strong the Arthur family is, do they still dare to fight with our two mercenary groups?"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth evoked a sneer:

"Since you know that Avalon is the biggest secret of the Arthur family, you should know how much the Arthur family will do in order to continue to keep this secret!"

"And don't forget, what did he do in Avalon? The sword in the stone has accumulated power for so many years. Once the long sword is restored..."

"I am afraid that at that time, the Arthur family will not even have to give the Pope's face, let alone you!"

Several people all gasped!

Every generation of Arthur will pour his life-long power into the sword in the stone before he dies, and now, this time has gone through more than a thousand years!

It is only because it is incomplete that this power cannot be completely extracted.

And once the long sword is restored and this power is injected into Arthur's body, it is simply unimaginable to what extent his strength will be tyrannical!

And Jiang Fan kept talking:

"What's more, what's the purpose of your mercenary group? It's nothing more than money. As long as Arthur gives enough, what is life?"

The black pit vipers all twitched the corners of their eyes!

Jiang Fan's last sentence is truly heart-wrenching!

Moved from place to place, and changed their position as the boss, the final result, I am afraid that after taking the money, it will be a peace of mind!

"Oh shit!"

There was a trace of scarlet flames in Firefox's eyes, and the temperature in the entire bar rose straight up in an instant!

"I will go to Arthur now to explain!"

He said lift his feet and leave!

However, Jiang Fan smiled softly:

"Are you looking for death?"

Firefox's footsteps trembled and suddenly reacted.

If what Jiang Fan said is true, let alone the master behind Arthur, even Merlin can't get through it!

Several people looked embarrassed.

But the three-eyed fox's eyes moved, and suddenly smiled:

"Mr. Jiang, you said before that you want us to follow you! I don't know what Alisha and the others think, but we, the desert foxes, will definitely follow your lead!"

Alyssa also reacted, and pouted at the three-eyed fox:

"Go to your code!"

She turned to look at Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, don't listen to this old fox's nonsense, we have already messed with you! Tell me, what will you do next?"

Jiang Fan looked at a few people:

"Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it!"

The four of them said in unison!

In fact, several people may not really believe all of Jiang Fan's analysis, but looking at Jiang Fan's posture, it is obvious that he is planning to fight against Arthur.

Jiang Fan's shocking punch was so impressive that at least everyone believed that if the power of Jiang Fan's punch fell on Merlin, the old man would definitely die!

If there is no one behind Arthur, then killing Merlin, Jiang Fan will have the final say!

If there are people behind Arthur, then it proves that Jiang Fan is right, the Arthur family really regarded them as bait!

They are mercenaries, and they do it with clear swords and spears. If they die, they will die, so they have to accept their fate!

But being used as bait and dying inexplicably is another matter!

In short, no matter what, in the current situation, it is right to follow Jiang Fan!

"very good!"

Jiang Fan snapped his fingers, suddenly got up, and strode towards the door of the bar:

"In that case, let's go!"


Several people were stunned:

"Mr. Jiang, where are we going?"

"Go to Arthur, we have to renegotiate the price with him!"

Captain's Room.

Arthur stood by the window, looking gloomily into the distance.

And Lancelot, Percival and others were all sitting on the sofa in the room.

"The Firefox has just appeared, and the third attack, I am afraid it will not be these hot weapons, but the real masters will appear."

Percival spoke slowly.

Lancelot followed in an angry voice:

"I just don't know if the other person's Heaven and Human Realm will appear for the third time."

"Not very likely."

Merlin spoke slowly:

"The biggest possibility is that they will send the same level 19 limit to dismantle the ship, so as to force me to take action and test my strength. Once the highest combat strength on our side is determined, they will dispatch the Heaven and Human Realm to launch a general attack. ."

Arthur's eyes became more and more gloomy, and he suddenly roared:

"These **** traitors!"

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