Merlin frowned slightly:

"My king, calm down, our arrangement has been completed. They came here, but they are just throwing themselves into the net, and as long as they can safely enter Avalon, this group of betrayers is no longer a concern!"

Hearing the three words of Avalon, a ray of light finally appeared in Arthur's eyes.

Once you enter Avalon, you get the complete sword in the stone, and at that time...

Arthur gritted his teeth:

"Not only those traitors, but also Jiang Fan! This despicable villain, I want him to see with his own eyes that my Arthur family has the power to subvert the entire world!"

The light in Arthur's eyes skyrocketed, and after a long time, his mood gradually stabilized.

And Merlin also spoke at the right time:

"My king, I still suggest that it is best to eradicate Jiang Fan together with the group of traitors. This little guy's past history is really terrible, and the test at the port just now shows that he does have 20th-level power. With him, I'm afraid it's a long night dream..."

"Do not!"

Arthur suddenly interrupted Merlin, his eyes gloomy and almost dripping with water:

"This **** Jiang Fan has brought me humiliation, and I can only wash it with his blood! This person must be left to me to do it myself!"

"It's… okay."

Merlin sighed and said no more.

Instead, Percival frowned:

"My king, Jiang Fan just kicked me out and left him with that group of mercenaries. Will something go wrong?"

"Humph! Percival, you think too much!"

Lancelot sneered:

"What kind of storm can a group of bait cause?"


Percival didn't finish speaking, but was interrupted by Arthur:

"Jiang Fan is just one person. Those mercenaries were hired by us. No matter what Jiang Fan wants to do, I'm afraid..."

He's not done talking!


There was a knock on the captain's room door!

The next moment, before Arthur and the others went to open the door, Jiang Fan pushed open the door and walked in with a smile!

"Hi guys!"

"Jiang Fan? What are you doing here—"

Arthur frowned, but before he finished speaking, his eyes changed!

Along with Jiang Fan, there were actually four other people, Alisha, Black Pit Viper, Firefox, and Three-Eyed Fox!

The principals of the two mercenary teams actually followed!

Arthur and a few people only felt that it was not good for a while, shouldn't it, just really said it?

Jiang Fan found a sofa to sit on his own:

"Where are you all? What are you talking about? Take me with you."

Arthur stared gloomily at Jiang Fan for a while, then suddenly looked at Eliza and the others:

"I hired you, not to let you hang out at will! Go out and be on guard now!"

However, Alyssa and the others remained motionless, all standing behind Jiang Fan with indifference.

Arthur's expressions changed.

Lancelot stood up slowly:

"Black Viper, what do you mean?"

Several people did not speak, but Jiang Fan smiled:

"I'm sorry, let me explain, the Arthur family's employment contract with Polaris and Desert Fox will be officially terminated from now on!"


Lancelot was stunned.

Only Merlin's eyes gleamed!

Arthur stared at Alyssa and the others:

"It's okay for Jiang Fan to talk nonsense, but you should be very clear about what it means to terminate the contract, right?"

For mercenaries, the most important thing is reputation!

In particular, the larger the mercenary group, the more they value the contract, because this is their root.

This kind of temporary termination of the contract, once spread, will definitely be a great blow to the credibility of the two mercenary groups!

And to terminate the contract, the compensation required is ten times, and the commission Arthur gave this time is a sky-high price, and ten times the compensation will definitely make the two mercenary groups reach the level of injury!



Jiang Fan took a picture of a bank card on the coffee table!

"The money here is enough for compensation. By the way, their two mercenary teams are now hired by me. All actions are under my command! Any more questions?"


Arthur looked at Jiang Fan with a dazed expression.

Even Merlin was not calm this time, looking at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

The old man took a deep breath:

"Mr. Jiang, what are you doing?"

"Don't do anything, I was in a hurry before I came, and I didn't have time to find a bodyguard or something, so I had to pry your corner..."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"It's just two mercenary teams. Your Arthur family won't be so stingy, right? Besides, you have a lot of manpower yourself, so there's no need to worry about it, right?"


Arthur frowned.

If it's normal, he doesn't care who this group follows, but not now!

As Jiang Fan said, the two mercenaries were the bait for him to draw out those betrayer!

Once these guys give up, will they use their own people as bait?

Almost all of the twelve Knights of the Round Table are loyal and loyal. No matter who dies, it will be a huge blow to the Arthur family!

So now, these two mercenary groups must not let go!

Arthur took a deep breath and tried to soften his tone:

"Jiang Fan, you and I are allies. Since the North Star and the Desert Fox are on this ship, of course they will protect you together. There is no need for you to do so..."

"That's right!"

Before Arthur could finish speaking, Jiang Fan said with a smile:

"We are allies in the first place, so no matter who they follow, it's not the same? Don't worry, if there is another attack, I will definitely not let them stand by."

Arthur was speechless, and was stunned for a while.

"Of course!"

Jiang Fan went on to say:

"These guys are too unruly, and they despise a rich man like me the most..."

He stretched out his hand and pointed at the black pit viper and others:

"Look, they are all messed up, I guess it's not easy to mobilize them, so if you fail to stop the attack in time, don't blame me."

Arthur and others were stunned!


Jiang Fan's words are clearly saying, don't expect Lao Tzu to help you block the attack!

What do you want to do in the future, do it yourself!

Arthur just felt his brain buzzing.

This bastard!

Why doesn't he have time to be honest?

Originally a perfect plan to eradicate those traitors, is it about to be destroyed by this bastard?

Arthur was burning with anger, and suddenly roared:

"Jiang Fan! I—"

"Mr. Jiang!"

Merlin suddenly spoke, his voice was not loud, but he suddenly suppressed Arthur's roar.

Merlin smiled and looked at Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, the other party's purpose is very obvious, it is to prevent us from reaching Avalon. If we fail to enter this time, the next time we have such an opportunity, I am afraid it will be decades later. You also have many enemies. It must be imminent to improve our strength. Entering Avalon together this time is originally a matter of mutual benefit, and cooperation is a matter of mutual benefit, what does Mr. Jiang think?"

Jiang Fan gave Merlin a deep look:

"I have a lot of enemies, but I have more friends, such as... the Council of Light!"

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