For a time, everyone showed an extremely excited look!

"Hahaha! Mr. is really clever!"

"It turns out that Abbot Mountain is there!"

"Hey, this guy who lifts a mountain is an idiot!"

"Yes, it's not good to hide it, but it's hidden in such a dazzling place!"

"That person must have discovered this place by accident, but he probably couldn't break the restrictions in the mountain, so he thought of a way to hide this Abbot Mountain!"

"Well! It's probably so, but fortunately so, it proves that the third key we've been looking for must still be there!"

The crowd chattered.

Mr. Xu even showed a relieved smile:

"Kung fu pays off, let's go!"

Following his order, everyone rushed towards the coral forest!

And the more advanced the mountain, the stronger Mr. Xu's heartbeat became.

This kind of heartbeat, how many years have not been seen?

Yes, after a hundred years of pursuit, and now the third key is in front of me, even I can't hide my excitement!

It's just that the feeling of this heartbeat doesn't seem like excitement?

Rather, it's more like...

Mr. Xu thought about it carefully for a long time, and then, his pupils shrank and suddenly stopped!


This heartbeat, this is not an excited heartbeat!

This is the throbbing of fear that has not appeared in many years!

At the same time, he has finally seen clearly what that mountain is!

The body surrounded by the panel, the thick and solid scales, the bone spurs on the spine, and on the huge head, the two long flowing whiskers, and the two horns that are almost forked...

Then it's not a mountain at all, but a mountain larger than a mountain——


Jiaolong! ! !

At this moment, Mr. Xu only felt that the shadow of death was overwhelming!

He almost used up all his strength and suddenly screamed:


This scream shouted, and everyone was stunned.

And then, everyone finally saw the appearance of the dragon!

In an instant, the legs of the master-level masters were almost soft!

And Fenglin Volcano opened his eyes in disbelief!

Fortunately, Mr. Xu's voice was louder and louder, and he woke them up.

Everyone is almost a piece of shit, and they have to run for their lives!

But right now!


The coiled Jiaolong suddenly opened his eyes lazily.

Swept away by his incomparably huge dragon eyes, all the masters only felt that they had become insects on the spider web, and they dared not even move!

However, Feng Lin Huan all subconsciously looked at Mr. Xu!

Mr. Xu's complexion suddenly changed, and he suddenly gritted his teeth, and he suddenly threw a green bead at Jiaolong!

This bead passed over the heads of everyone, and everyone felt as if the **** of death rubbed their scalps and flew out!

Even Fenglin Volcano is no exception!

One can imagine how amazing the power of this bead is!

Jiaolong looked at the bead curiously.

The beads were extremely fast, and they arrived in front of Jiaolong almost instantly, followed by!


With a loud bang, the beads suddenly shattered, and a green light instantly enveloped the Jiaolong!

The coral in front of Jiaolong instantly turned into green powder!

This bead is actually a hundred times more violent than the poisonous waters in the forbidden waters in the sea!

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Mr. Xu has roared again:


Fenglin Volcano reacted first, and then retreated!

But at this moment, seeing the corals being shattered, Jiaolong frowned and suddenly took a breath!


When he sucked it, it was as if the sea was accepting hundreds of rivers. The countless emerald green rays of light were all sucked in by him!

At the poisonous entrance, Jiaolong's eyes suddenly changed!

On the other hand, Mr. Xu's face was overjoyed, including Fenglin Huan, he no longer ran for his life in a hurry, but sneered:

"What an idiot!"

"How dare you devour this Myriad Poison Pearl rewarded by our ancestors!"

"The power of this thing, even the twenty-fourth level can't bear it!"

"Hey, this is a Jiaolong, and it's full of treasures!"

"Even if you don't find Abbot Mountain this time, just relying on this Jiaolong will definitely outweigh your faults!"

Several people laughed!

And Jiaolong's eyes changed, suddenly showing a very sad look, and his whole body was even more tense!

Mr. Xu's eyes are getting brighter and brighter!

The poison of Wanduzhu has already attacked, this Jiaolong is destined to be skinned and deboned by them!

Finally, Jiaolong could no longer control it, and suddenly opened his huge mouth!

Immediately afterwards, a sudden, earth-shattering—



This sneeze is deafening, stirring the world!

In the sea area near the coral forest, the turbid waves emptied in an instant, turning the world upside down!

It was as if the whole sea had been turned upside down!

Countless sea water surging wildly, rushing towards the surrounding frantically!

The first to bear the brunt are those master-level masters. In the roar of the sea, they didn't even have time to let out a scream, and they were blown up into countless fine blood mists by the instantaneous increase of water pressure!

Followed by Fenglin Volcano, the four of them howled miserably, and the skin and muscles on their bodies were scraped off!

The worst thing was the mountain that stood in front of several people. Even the sternum was smashed into powder, and the eyes were squeezed out!

As for Mr. Xu, he was hit the hardest. Half of his chest collapsed, and the blood he spat out was filled with heart fragments!

However, at this time, he didn't care about the injury at all. With a look of horror on his face, Fenglin Volcano suddenly rolled up, like a lost dog, and ran out for dozens of miles in an instant!


This monster!

It was just a sneeze that almost killed everyone!

I thought that the poison had taken effect, but I didn't expect that the extremely terrifying, ten thousand poison beads, which were enough to poison the twenty-fourth level, could only make this dragon sneeze!

How could there be such a monster in this world!

Mr. Xu has never escaped so quickly in his life!

Almost spent the energy source in escaping!

On the other side, after Jiao Long sneezed, his face suddenly felt relieved.

He shook his huge head and yawned lazily.


"Well, this little poison is quite exciting, much more enjoyable than the dregs that Wang Yangbo's little guy made back then."

Jiao Long chirped, but still carried a trace of confusion that he hadn't slept too much:

"Who are these people? Are they the enemies Jiang Fan said?"

"It's too bad."

"Well, this elixir is a bit cool, let's continue to absorb it first, and then help him take care of all the enemies when it's over."

Jiao Long was confused and prepared to go to sleep, but when his head drooped, it was empty.

Under the power of that sneeze just now, not to mention his coral forest, even the distant hills were wiped out!

Jiao Long was stunned, his big eyes full of grievances:

"My old nest!!"

Jiang Fan didn't know anything about what happened here.

When he woke up from sleep, it was already three poles in the sun, and the surroundings were already covered in silver, and the cold wind was bleak.

Jiang Fan suddenly sat up and looked around with a dazed expression:

"Where is this so special?"

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