Jiang Fan looked around in confusion.

The temperature here has definitely reached below minus 30 degrees, and there are floating glaciers on both sides of the cruise ship's channel.

The cruise ship is already a behemoth, but compared to the glaciers on both sides, it is extraordinarily inconspicuous.

Percival's voice suddenly sounded from Jiang Fan's ears:

"This is the Arctic Ocean. Our current position is in the Arctic Circle. To be precise, even if we are not far from the pole, we are not far."


Jiang Fan was stunned, and suddenly jumped up:

"Fuck! Quick, quick, find me a mink!"

Arthur's mocking voice sounded from not far away:

"Jiang Fan, with your strength, you don't need to wear mink, right?"

Jiang Fan suddenly turned his head and immediately saw Arthur and his party.

At this moment, almost everyone has come to the deck, standing respectfully behind Arthur according to the primary and secondary.

Arthur was wearing a white fox fur coat and was full of extravagance. He held the railing and looked at the glacier in the distance.

And the subordinates of the Arthur family are constantly carrying out the wooden boxes that were previously loaded on the cruise ship from the cabin at this moment.

Merlin, who had recovered a lot, followed closely behind Arthur, and when Jiang Fan looked over, he immediately glanced at him.

Jiang Fan's eyes were still humble, but Merlin's already gloomy eyes became more gloomy.

But in the end, Merlin didn't say anything.

He looked at the subordinates who were carrying the boxes:

"Hurry up, we'll be at the entrance soon."

After finishing the order, he took out Avalon's map and looked at it, but then he couldn't hide his excitement and looked at a looming glacier in front of the cruise ship.

The glacier should not be too far from the cruise ship, but it was wrapped in a thick ice fog, making it difficult to see the real thing.

"My king, there should be the entrance to Avalon."

Merlin forcibly suppressed his excitement and spoke slowly.

Arthur's hands holding the railing trembled obviously, he took a deep breath, and then nodded calmly.

Behind him, everyone in the Arthur family didn't hide it at all, and all showed excited smiles.

Jiang Fan was also full of smiles. The time to harvest the fruits was finally coming.

Arthur waved his hand gently, and the speed of the cruise ship was a little faster.

At this moment, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang.

It's just that the sound just appeared, Jiang Fan flicked his finger, and the sound just disappeared around his body and disappeared.

Jiang Fan shivered as if he was frozen, he laughed dryly, turned around and entered the cabin.

Lancelot frowned as he watched Jiang Fan enter the cabin:

"My king, shouldn't this kid run away?"

"He can't run!"

Gaharis smiled and swung his chain hammer.

Arthur said coldly:

"Gaharis, if he dares to run, cut off his legs for me immediately!"


Of course Jiang Fan wouldn't run.

He entered the cabin and immediately took out his mobile phone.

As expected, it was Harold who called. It seems that there is already news about the candidate to ambush the Arthur family.

Although it seems that the result is a bit late, once the Dark Council takes action, it will definitely be the elite.

When the Arthur family entered Avalon, they would not be able to come out for a while. They had some time to arrange.

Instead, dispatching now would easily arouse the vigilance of the Arthur family.

As soon as the call was connected, Harold's voice came:

"grown ups!"


"Yes! Deputy Speaker Margaret leads the team and is ready to conduct a sneak attack when the Arthur family comes out of Avalon!"

When he heard the news, Jiang Fan was startled:

"Not Lucas?"

In the current dark council, Lucas is the most powerful, and the ambush of the Arthur family is a good opportunity to continue to expand his influence no matter how you look at it. Lucas did not rob Margaret, which is really unreasonable!

Harold didn't know what Jiang Fan had told Theodore before about the analysis of the situation, and immediately asked doubtfully:

"Yes, it's not Lucas, but my lord, does it matter?"

Jiang Fan explained the previous analysis, and then continued to speak with some doubts:

"Heinrich took the initiative to withdraw from this battle, which means that he should be very clear that this time is likely to be a trap."

"And now in the dark council, his sphere of influence is the weakest. Once Margaret has an accident, Lucas will be the dominant one, which will not benefit him at all!"

"For him, the most correct way should be to join forces with Margaret and let Lucas do it."

"And the two of them divided up Lucas' power after Lucas' accident."

"But now, don't you think it's strange that Margaret came to attack the Arthur family?"

After listening to Jiang Fan's explanation, Harold was shocked:

"Then, what does the lord mean?"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly:

"I think again, will it be the opposite... Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway, whether they die or not has nothing to do with us, you are like Theodore, stay well, if Lucas calls you, just find a reason Prevarication."

"Ah? My lord, I still don't quite understand..."

"With your wit you don't need to understand, remember, the dog lives!"

"What you said... yes! I understand!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and immediately smiled:

"It's getting more and more interesting... Let's fight, the more fun you play, the bigger Laozi's territory will be in the future! Hehehe!"

Jiang Fan strolled around the cabin, and actually found a mink fur. He put it on happily, and then he returned to the deck.

At this moment, the cruise ship has entered the ice fog area.

Galahad spoke at the right time:

"Everyone is vigilant. When we enter Avalon this time, some people are bound to be afraid. If there is an accident, we must protect our king!"


The crowd agreed in unison, but then their eyes fell on Jiang Fan involuntarily.

Another identity of Jiang Fan is the saint of the Guangming Council, and over the years, the Guangming Council has suppressed the Arthur family a lot!

Jiang Fan laughed dryly and volunteered to stay on the bow.

The cruise ship sailed in the ice fog area for more than ten minutes, and everyone looked around nervously, but no accident happened.

Just when it passed through the last piece of broken ice, the cruise finally passed through the ice fog area, and the huge glacier finally appeared in front of everyone.

This glacier is more than 300 meters high, majestic and majestic, but it is different from other glaciers that move with the current. Just like a real mountain, it is rooted in the sea and remains motionless!

On the glacier, a long staircase was also built, leading to a hole halfway up the mountain.

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