God-level desert island survival system

Huge black shadow on 193 sky

Zhao Yunxiang and others all the way, the cloak monsters took the struggle and shouted the horse wrapped in a place in the ancient city!

There is an altar of the ancient city!

"A flash is shining, you are your grandfather!"

The old man shouted, and the altar appeared in a grid.

"Lying in the trough?" Zhao Yunxiang was shocked, "high technology?"

The walls seem to have to pass the meaning of the past.

"Zhao Yunxiang, Han Qi fell in our hands, I want to see her and follow it!" The old man turned and said to Zhao Yunxiang.

"..." Zhao Yunxiang's mouth pulled, "Don't, send you ..."

"??" The old man is god, and then the taunt, "men are big pig hoops! Pull * ruthless!"

"Are you a stupid?" Said the horse's wrap said, "I am not a thousand and thousands of thousands of days, you have a fool!"

"Oh ..." The old man was smirked, and then he immediately extended, "took away!"

Zhao Yunxiang stood in place and looked at the unknown creatures covered by the cloak.

"What is that?" Han Qian fell asked, the grid looks very horrible, seems to have strong power.

Just now, a butterfly hit it up, instantification of coke.

"Thunder is reaching a certain critical point, you can act as a high-grade medium that transmits a substance!" Maltose said, "You can try it, you should also enter another place as the group of guys."

"Another place?" Han Qi frowned, "Do you say another space?"

"The legend of the legend is not overwhelming, but the civilization above the continent is too high, which caused the horror war, because radiation and the power of various lightning, thus triggering some unmembers of celestial changes. ...... "

The monkey suddenly turned into a word, and started various comments.

"I didn't find it before, the monkey did so talented!" Lin Qingyu only thought that the monkey would only cultivate plants, playing water, did not expect it to understand so much!

"Oh ..." The monkey is smirked, "the girl, the hair on your body is less, if you are like me, I will let you know my ability."

"Oh ..." Lin Qingyu laughed, your ability I still don't know, I can't move my kidney deficiency, and I have to let the mortar sugar will leave.

"Zhao Yunxiang ..." Han Qianli pointed to the grid that is gradually disappearing in front of him, "I asked" How do we do? Chasing? "

If you have chased it, I don't know what to meet.

It may be a new world.

However, if you put it, you will feel very difficult!

"Go home to sleep!" Zhao Yunxiang made an yaw, ready to go back.

You can learn from the old man's words, Zhang Chenglei has provided all!

Obviously, the seemingly cold guy must suffer, and it is still a big loss!

It may be given by the monsters under the cloak ...

In this way, Zhao Yunxiang and others left ...

The ancient city returned to quiet, but this is quiet will not last too long!

"Are you gone?" The captain took a few survivors and was afraid to look at the old altar.

This altar has been broken, from here, can only see the complex ripple on the ground.

It's hard to imagine that the cloak monster is from here!

"I'm gone, I'm gone ..." A survivor had a little bit of shots, "Let's leave, this ancient city is not safe!"

"Okay, go!"

The captain is now the main heart of this group. Because the big sister is already dead, it is just a scammer who is screaming, and now it is already asked to be taken away.

At the moment, you can't continue to stay here, you have to leave!

Just when a few people are ready to leave, suddenly!

There has been a fishman from the door of the ancient city!

One of the hidden fishman has a bald, and he is flying, and it is a female fishman who stands on the high flight. She has a hair, and the perfect body.

"Zhang Wei, the feeling of becoming a fishman?" Gao Fei ganggang asked, "Is it very cool to get a sense of vitality?"

At first, Zhang Wei refused to become a fish, even if she died, she did not want to become a unreasoning thing.

However, because of suicide, he hesitated, the army knife of the chest was shifted, and the karm suicide is not easy, and the puncture is not strong enough!

In this way, Zhang Wei has become a fishman, and his thinking has also changed. Now she can make a strong fish, harvest more blood, so that the blood of failure becomes a pure blood!

"You have a monster, why don't you die?" After the captain saw a few fishermen, he immediately yelled, "Do you have to die, will be willing to do it is right?"

"Now you are so small, who is killed, it is still not necessarily!" Gao Fei grinned, showing sharp black and yellow, "I want to kill you all, open your blood!"

"Together, these guys are only humble and have their tables!" The captain slaughtered a lot of fish people, and these guys were as weak, and the body did not have a little strength. The only thing worth noting is the sharp paw.

As long as the paw is avoided, the fish can only be slaughtered!

The captain took a few people picking up a wooden stick, ready to shoot, but have not planned to shoot, just see Zhang Wei rushed over!

Zhang Wei's speed is very fast, and long-haired fluttering looks look very fairy, if you don't look, just look, Zhang Wei is indeed a good output object!

However, this moment, Zhang Wei is no longer a human, but a monster that harvested life.

Zhang Wei's speed is very fast, although she is a fishman, but it is weak, as long as the speed is fast, dodge high, even if you can second, how?

"How?" The captain watched the wooden stick in his hand. He has been a stick, and he didn't expect Zhang Wei to hide, and she also touched his throat with nails.

The blood flows on the ground and gradually spread towards four weeks.

"It's already killed!" Zhang Wei sat in a cool under the corner of the wall and puts with scarlet nails.

"So, start now!"

Gao Fei started with more than a dozen fish, it seems to be about the altar abandonance.

Soon, the altar has a thunder, which followed, the thunder network began to spread the entire island.

There is a huge black shadow in the sky, and the black shadow is almost covered by the Wanli Sea. .

For a time, the soul on the island panic!

"Amazing!" Coming! "Gao Fei Yang Heiji," Lost civilization, I don't know how to development. "

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