a few minutes ago!

From the ancient city, Zhao Yunxiang took Han Qianlu and walked towards the waterfall, along with the stone bricks in the ancient city, and the broken city wall climbed with a vine plant similar to the mountain climbing tiger.

The ground here looks more fertile, the color of the soil is brown, and the moisture is very good, this is because of the waterfall.

Although the water flow is injected underground, water vapor can slowly penetrate the surface above the groundwater.

"I don't know what the waterfall happens!" Zhao Yunxiang worried, and I expect the waterfall not to happen.

"It should be no problem, I have already felt that the water in the air is relatively rich!" The monkey reached out gas, which is more water.

Although it may be slightly gap compared to the sea, it is not too much.

The area of ​​the sea is large, it is impossible to measure, it is naturally not a long-flowing waterfall.

Soon, a few people came to the waterfall, and this white waterfall is still full of traffic.

Moreover, the water is rushing!

There are many boulders and soil leaves below the waterfall, and these messy objects block the waterfall into the groundwater.

The original water flow was divided into the wall of the wall, formed two rivers, a flow into the ancient city, another DC, injected into the sea.

"I said that there is no water there, it turns out that the groundwater is blocked!" Zhao Yunxiang looked at the underground waters of blocking very strict, and then thinking not to drive open the groundwater area, or do a river? "

Digging the groundwater is obvious relatively simple, because the underground waters are intricate, but the water flow can go there through the corroded limestone river!

Just when Zhao Yunxiang is preparing to implement the implementation plan, the transition is a sudden change!

The sky suddenly appeared a huge thunder network, and the Lei Net completely shrouded in the island, then ...

A huge black shadow appeared in the sky, the black shadow covered the sky, and the silver line falling from somewhere can be determined, that seems to be a continent!

"What is that?" Zhao Yunxiang asked the maltose, but did not respond.

In the next second, the mainland of the sky fell, Zhao Yunxiang lost his eyesight!

After a few seconds ...

Zhao Yunxiang opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him changed!

"here is?"

The towering big tree covered the sky, the trunk has a vines, and the green grass has a body-like sheep on the chew grass of Mu.

"Lying, such a big sheep?"

This is definitely not a grass mud horse! !

Absolutely not! !

The ancient city is naturally a lot of times, although it is not coming for some time, but in front of the ancient city, even ... is not his familiar earth! !

[Testing the map on the host with the new continent, is being generated by the mainland map ...]

[The system will upgrade themselves, temporarily turn off all functions, please be careful ...]

"M S-Lu?" Zhao Yunxiang is surprised, and he immediately took out the map from the backpack from the backpack.

The map found from the golden stone. When Zhao Yunxiang, Zhao Yunxiang, I still think who may be the prank, now it seems ...

Everything about it seems to be some people deliberately arrange!

"Han Millennium ..." Zhao Yunxiang patrols, looking for Han March, but there is no trace from Korean.



"Lin Qingyu!"

"Lin Qingyin?"

"Little Fox?"

Zhao Yunxiang shouted with the name of the companion and did not respond to him ...

"This ... Where is it?" Zhao Yunxiang looked at it, then saw the huge wind and god dragon in the sky, and the wings show up to 1.5 meters of giant dragonfly.

Here ... is the prehistoric?

"How can the stone charcoal will appear together with the gods of the Cretaceous?"

Just when Zhao Yunxiang muttered himself, a smart quickly wiped around Zhao Yunxiang, there is still something like a monkey, it seems to be a monkey.

"That ... is it a monkey?" Zhao Yunxiang smashed his eyes, waiting for the god, there was no more.

"Grass Mud Horse!" Zhao Yunxiang wanted to cry without tears, worried about the intensive jungle, and the forest seems to move.

The big tree covering the sky and various fern vines are complicated, closely arranged, and form a horrible in dark jungle.

Sso ... "

What seems to be in galloping, with the unknown creatures, the impactful plants have a compact "Sso" sound.

The huge tree crown covers the sky, the vine small trees are cross-interlaced, which constitutes a dim light jungle, and the heart will be swallowed by deep and horrible jungle.

"I rely, what is it?"

Zhao Yunxiang is cold-sweating, always focuses on the dark zone of the forest, even during the day, still feel the scalp hair, the chicken skin is full of whole body.

at last……

The owner of the sound is showing!


Zhao Yunxiang was surprised to look at several "human beings" in the periphery of the muscles.

They are indeed a primate, dark skin and have a raffinate, and the harmful part wrapped in a built-in skirt with a vines.

These guys are high in about 2 meters, the weapons in the hands are stone lamons and rough stone axes.

"I rely on ... they seem to be very unsatisfactory." Zhao Yunxiang observed several people dressed in the opposite country and found that their eyes had strong mouth-watering and possession.

"Cunning interracial people !!"

A savior of the head opened, his voice is somewhat rough, and the ears of the eardrum is itchy.


Actually, you can communicate in the language!

Can communicate again!

"Wait a minute ..." Zhao Yunxiang immediately stopped, "big brother, there is definitely something wrong between this, I just come to soy sauce."

Is it a familiar desert island?

How to see is like a prehistoric world!

The savage is so rude!

Say ... These big pieces don't you eat?

Zhao Yunxiang panicked, but in order to live in a calm, the opposite field is not friendly, it can communicate with it.

I believe that as long as I communicate, there is nothing to solve.

"Soy sauce ??" is full of bronze bells, roaring, "Do you know that this is the hunting site of our Buwana tribe, actually dare to soy sauce in our tribe, hurry Take the soy sauce! "

A small man of the rough wilder, asked, "Captain ... Is it soy sauce?"

The head of the famous field is convulsive, "I know, I'm listening to the name should be eaten, let him take it out."

"I will take it out of the soy sauce you, otherwise you will catch your blood."

The rude man is once again urged that the lips of these fields are full of cracks, the whole is white, which seems to have never drinking water for a long time.

"Blooding ..." Zhao Yunxiang is speechless, "there is a salt in the blood, the more thirsty ..."

By communication with the wild, Zhao Yunxiang probably knows their current situation, and the field has not drinking water for a long time, and is very hungry.

"So, you bring me to your tribe, I will find a way to help you get the water and food!" Zhao Yunxiang has this confidence, this goods can be very talented! "

Want to get water in warm rainforest, very simple, and there are many ways. .

And there are many animals here, don't worry about eating.

"Help us get water with food?" The soldier headed by the head licked the dried lips, thinking it slightly, then nodded with us, "Then I will return to the tribe!"

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