At this moment, the state is not very good. He is full of confocation, and some places have bleeds again, and the flesh and frying is very huge.

He is proud of the turtle shell has been completely broken, even disabled, and there is ambient.

He is fiercely staring at Zhao Yunxiang. This guy can never let go!

Either kill!

Either take it back to receive it! !

"How could it be!" "Meng Meng was shocked, cautiously looked at the king pomegranate on the water.

"I have a doubt!" Zhao Yunxiang squinted, fell into a meditation moment, and then put forward his own questions.

"You want to know why I am not dead?" Wang Shi's smile smiled.

"No ..." Zhao Yunxiang shook his head.

"That ..." Wang Shi Dagua is a simple thinking, and then looks at Zhao Yunxiang, "I want to know, why is I stubborn?"

"I just want to know, how do you do it on the water, and you still have such a natural, there is no harmony." Zhao Yunxiang is very strong, I want to know how this is what this is what is done. .

"Hahahaha ..." Wang pomegranate did not worry, but a lot of laughter, then he screamed. "I know that I will be so many advantages, you will definitely !"

Hahahaha ...

I am so good, and I'm shameless, you can only look up at me here!

Worship me!

Hey, let me!

"Don't you want to answer?" Zhao Yunxiang stressed, "Don't answer it!"

"Since you ask you sincerely, then I will tell you the compassion!" "Wang pomegranate is high," that is because ... "

"Because ..." Meng Meng did not wait for the king of pomegranate, "he is a king eight, will not swimming in the variety!"

"..." Wang Pomegranate I want to say something, but I will only be a big mouth to try to refute anything, but I can only silence.

Not a king pomegranate does not want to refute, but because ...

She is right!

"Alchemist, I think your card can be used!" Wang pomegranate is not very good, but he still wants to retain Zhao Yunxiang.

Zhao Yunxiang's attack is strong. Its aunt also has broken, and the defense is greatly reduced, but don't fight, who knows that can win?

"First, even if you don't have the card, I can win you!" Zhao Yunxiang is stable and calm analysis. "You are now strong, the defense is estimated to be a few tricks, and the speed and attack power is also a big discount. So, even if I don't have to alder the drug, I can win you! "

"Oh ..." Wang Shi, whispered, although nothing, but the slight shake legs have been sold.

The current Wang pomegranate is in the dead, then the biggest bombing of the top, he can live a lucky.

" ..."

"Calling ..."

Zhang Chenglei drilled out from the underground, breathing fresh air, more and more survivors are also greedy.

Can breathe fresh air, it is too good!

After seeing Wang Pomegranate, everyone is very surprised, more still afraid.

Then the dramatic big bombing did not kill this guy!

It is really ... terrible!

Li Qi Ba is relatively traged, and this guy is still in the water in the water, because it will not swim, causing Li Qi for a long time to go into the water.

Just when he was desperate, I saw a boat. Li Qi eight two words did not say that the boat turned over, hiding it under the boat.

This thought this can resist the big explosion, however, when the explosion is coming, he flew to the sky.

There is a lot of water flowers with him to the sky, and the creatures in the water!

Of course, there will be stuff in the air, and the morning and evening will land, Li Qi Ba is forated, so the face is hit by the water, and the water is hit. century

This is still unlucky, Li Qi Bi is in order to breathe, fight for the virtual scream, I thought that what kind of floating wood, etc. After he saw it, this is silly.

He can feel the breath of the king pomegranate at the moment, there is only 2 cm from the king of pomegranate.

"Help !!!" Li Qi Ba took a loud life, but he was lost by Wang's pomegranate.

Li Qi Ba flew over Zhao Yunxiang, Zhao Yunxiang is a jumping, stepping on the face of Li Qi Ba, a boost, taking force, and shooting in Wang Pomegranate.

"!!!" Wang pomegranate looked at Zhao Yunxiang, bitter smile, and then got up.

" !!"

Zhao Yunxiang collided with Wang Shi, and the two were splashing a lot of water.

The weapon of Wang Pomegranate is an elbow shield of a tortoise. This is a lot of shields in his top, which can be used to make simple defense.

"Amazing !!" The state of the king pomegranate is not more than just now, he is being defeated by Zhao Yunxiang at the moment.

Because it is a king, Wang pomegranate can stand on the water, Zhao Yunxiang places the bubble shield on his own feet, because the focus is unstable, the pace of Lao Zhao is extremely strange.

"Weak water !!" Wang pomegranate once again showed weak water, but this time is not bright green.

"This trick is useless to me!" Zhao Yunxiang's hand can easily crack.

The hand of the soul is similar to the way to him.

"Yes!" Wang Xiaoba laughed, "It is useless to you, but !!"

Then, Wang Shi, the rumor, lifting the hand, and looked up!

"If, I have boiled water?"

"Ox !!" Zhao Yunxiang didn't like to fight in the water, especially the water of 10 meters deep, because it is too inconvenient!

"Weak water, Long Long Roaring!"

Wang Pome is active with the entire swamp, making the water in a region active.

Tens of thousands of fine water dragons are tumbling in the water, the whole swamp is like boiling water!

"Hand of the soul !!" Zhao Yunxiang squatted on the water, pressed in the water, and the active dragon lost activity.

The water surface recovered with temporary calm, Zhao Yunxiang came to Wang Pomeranian three steps.

"How could it be !!!" Wang Shi Dan is innocent, can only look at Zhao Yunxiang release a series of skills.

"Blood, Cross!"





"... ..."

Wang Quan lost some of the protection of some turtles, almost cut the body, there have been many wounds, wounds and deep, and can see the bones.

"You ..." Wang pomegranate struggled for a moment, decided to use water.

"Water escape!!"

"I want to run ??" Zhao Yunxiang asked.

"Useless, you can't catch up with me, hahahaha ... cough ... cough and cough."

"I actually let it run!" Zhao Yunxiang roared.

"I can't run, believe me!" Meng Meng said.

"Why?" Zhao Yunxiang asked.

"Hey, you see!" Meng Meng Nuji said in a place.

Zhao Yunxiang looked at it, and then grinked.

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