"You don't force me !!" Gao Fei was tied in five flowers at the moment, it was extremely violent, "the village head of the fish god Village must kill you, you will kill you!"

"Well, okay, take us, let him kill us!" Zhao Yunxiang said.

"That ..." Zhang Chenglei came over, "Can I insert a mouth?"

"Yes, light!" Zhao Yunxiang immediately let the open position, "Do you need to help you hold him?"

"If you can, pull his teeth, I am afraid that he bite ..." Zhang Chenglei said in a secluded.

"Zhang Chenglei, you are too much, isn't it just taking you !! I am not using it!" Gao Fei was drumming.

"What?" Zhang Cheng Lei squatted down, using a wooden stick into a high flying nose, lifting his head.

"The village gave to the district of fish!" Gao Fei stretched out the thumbs, "I have to know that the villagers of the fish Village can be very powerful, it is not the king of the escape. Comparison of."

"The village is very strong?" Zhang Chenglei asked.

"Of course!" After Gao Fei mentioned the village head, the whole person was excited, and he felt very proudly like the blood.

"That, I am inserted!" Zhao Yunxiang came over.

"I rely on ... You are the row of the team!" Meng Meng, this two goods are a bit down! "

"Do you want to do it with your teeth?" Zhang Chenglei smiled and asked.

"No ..." Zhao Yunxiang swayed, usually I am really real!

"I ..." Gao Fei speechless, this two goods will be like this!

"Just now, do you say that your village is very strong?" Zhao Yunxiang asked.

"Yes!" When the village is long, Gao Fei has become hard, and it is also powerful, not humble, "said that you may not believe that our village is very powerful, Wang Pomegranate is more than him!"

"I am very confused from just now ..." Zhao Yunxiang said, "Your village is the village, the euphon is, what is your relationship with you?"

"This ... naturally there is no relationship .." Gao Fei carefully thought that Zhao Yunxiang said, someone else is the matter, what is it?


Why didn't I mention my own understanding of the village head, I feel proudly?

"I hate the kind of that I said my friend's special cattle, and I still have fun." Zhang Chenglei said.

"You are not a strict sentence to tell how I got in the village of my fish?" Gao Fei was embarrassed. After thinking about it, I feel that the conversation seems to have problems.

"If you take the way directly, maybe we can save a serious punishment!" Zhao Yunxiang didn't care shrug and said.

"No! No!" Meng Meng immediately stood up, reach out and shook it, "How can I save a strict sentence torture?"

Tiger's teeth have already thought of a prison sentence, and he said, "whip, wax, I am ready, how can you like the hobby of Tianzhen little girl!"

"Lying ..." Zhang Chenglei suddenly came to urine, "Who is a little girl who is going out, it will bring this kind of war!"

"The leather whip is normal ..." Zhao Yunxiang's mouth pulled, "it is not too strong!"

"I don't care, I can't easily catch a purple fishman. I have to try it!" Meng Meng thought about it. "I still think of some, such as feeding him to eat big spider, big scorpion what! "

"..." Zhao Yunxiang smiled bitter.

And the high flesh face on the side is frightened!

"Green is green ..." Zhang Chenglei said, "Gao Fei is green !!"

"Meng Meng ... don't make trouble!" Han Qianru looked at the sky, "Now it is not too early, we have to go back as soon as possible."

"Well!" Zhao Yunxiang also looked up at the sky, muttered, "I don't know if there is a monkey where there is a monkey."

"Do you say that the monkey is only a wretched monkey?" Gao Fei suddenly inserted.

"Yes!" Zhao Yunxiang nodded again, "Do you know its drops?"

"It came to our fish god village, and also traveled with the village." Gao Fei gnown, "At that time, the swamp was boiled!"

"Where is it now?" Zhao Yunxiang asked with excitement of the high flight.

"I don't know ..." He farenly looked at Zhao Yunxiang, this freight of this goods are terrible, like you have to eat yourself!

"Bring the way! Go to the fish village!"

Zhao Yunxiang wants to find his own friends.

"What about us?" Li Qi Ba said with a guard and said, "How do we go back?"

"Love is the world!" Zhao Yunxiang did not pay attention to these people, they were not together, there is no need to waste their own time for these tunkers.

"Don't ..." Li Qi Ba's low praying, "I took me one."


Zhang Chenglei made a large raft with a shabby bamboo raft. Here is open here, you can go directly to the fish village!

As for Li Qi Ba and others ...

They have been more than 70 people. Now there are only 30 people left, this encirclement and exploration, it is really a loss.

Now, Li Qi Ba does not know how to return to the owner.

How to tell him?

That is said that Wang Pomegranate with a Alchemist War?

It seems ... I can only do this!

"Li Ye ..." A guard said, "How do we go back?"

A few people's footprint is just a small piece of land, and there is only weeds around this, and there is no trees and reeds.

It is difficult to do a raft.

"I want to think ... I want to go back!" Li Qi Ba was very angry, why did you encounter this kind of thing.

Now I can only find ways, how can I float on the water?

Just when Li Qi Bi had no choice but to think, he suddenly had a guardment!

"There is a crocodile!"

"There is a crocodile in the water !!"

"Crocodile?" Li Qi Ba looked at the crocodile in the water, and the giant crocodile of 10 meters longer was swallowing people.

There are a few crocodiles. These guys smell the bloody smell in the water, come with this, just for a full meal.

"Crocodile ..." Li Qi Ba looked at the crocodile in the distance, thinking again, then the look became firm, "I have a way back!"

"What method?" Asked the guard.

"Killing crocodile, peeling can be floated!" Li Qi Ba said, "I want to attract the crocodile, we have more people, together!"


Gao Fei's neck was smashed with a rope. He flexibly swayed in the water, and there was a huge bamboo raft.

After a long time ...

An emergence of land!

There is a village in it, there is a red giant tree in the center of the village, can't see what variety.

The village of the fish looks very magnificent, especially the bronze building behind.

Seeing the huge architecture of bronze, Meng Meng is surprised to grow up mouth.

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