The monk was already captured! At this moment, the monk exposed a true face, he is a bad old man, but the muscles are indeed very strong.

"Dear, can you reward me for some eating?" The monk has always been in the life, usually will get it.

"I want to know how you know me?" Wang pomegranate sat on the chair, holding a huge bird leg in his hand, this is a prehistoric raptor.

However, the prehistoric raptor encountered Zhang De Bai and Sam, can only be a prey.

Two one standing on the ground, and another time, when the raptor is about to land, I opened three-shot.

In this way, a big raptor of a hundred pounds will be so food!

I have to say that the bird is delicious, and the taste is very fragrant, and it is a lean meat.

Especially this lean meat, that feels like the ridge, wonderful.

As for the taste of this meat, some are similar to bacon!

Meng Meng is a somewhat obsessive, after all, Xiao Nizi has never exposed to the barbecue made of fragrance and a variety of condiments.

Of course, there is walnut powder in this!

"Zhao Yunxiang, is your special powder is the crystallization of alchemy?" Meng Meng looked with a huge bird, that is the wings of the raptor, that is, the meat here is most delicious, and the movement is eaten.

This can not be gentle, and the seasonings in this world are not much, and there is only a crude salt in this world. Of course, there are fragrant leaves.

However, the soul of the barbecue is cumin!

Zhao Yunxiang found cumin, and used it, it made this barbecue!

"No ..." Han Qian fell to eat a large piece of bird meat, there is a panicle, "These are all plants of nature, but they are only very special, but they are used by us, finally This seasoning. "

Meng Meng seems to know how to know, then said, "That is to say, this is what Zhao Yunxiang is made?"

This is indeed Zhao Yunxiang made, on the island, all things are taken from nature.

Because there is no supermarket here, there is no pharmacy, there is no money, and there is no trading system.

So everything needs you to explore yourself.

Zhao Yunniang nodded, did not say anything, just watching the king pomegranate over there, the king seems to be a threat monk.

"Bull, don't you say it?" Wang Qiang got his head asked.

I saw it, what is the hands of Wang Pomegranate.

This thing seems to be terrible, even the black two brothers who are not afraid of the sky are not as good as!

I am afraid of this taste ...

Do not!

It is like an introduction to the eye.

"What is the king?" Meng Meng asked very curious, Xiao Nizi stretched his neck, I want to see what is.

Have to say, the tiger's neck is very beautiful, very slender, and fair!

From Zhao Yunxiang's perspective, there is not much pleats, such as white jade.


The neck of the tiger's teeth is so good!

This neck is suitable for strawberries!

"You a color embryo, look at your mother!" Meng Meng seems to feel the sight of Zhao Yunxiang, immediately glaring Zhao Yunxiang.

Generally speaking, the peeking girl is very normal, but most people will be avoided after being discovered by the girl, this is called a loss, not dare to look straight.

Of course, there are a few people who will look at the sister. Zhao Yunxiang is such a person!

"My mother's neck is not so white ..." Zhao Yunxiang said faintly. Three K

For your own parents, Zhao Yunxiang can't think about it!

They will have a child, and now there is a few months from the sea disaster. The rescue team also has a bad news.

I am afraid that my parents have accepted their own facts!

Zhao Yunxiang did not want to think that they had a head and cry, and they didn't want to think about what they would do in order to forget.

This is the case, in order to forget bad things, you will make many things that seem normally, fifty ruthless.

For example, all of the things that are originally Zhao Yunxiang are all throw away, you can't see these things, you won't think of your child.

This is equivalent to the fact that a person who has existed!

Of course, the most exquisite egg is not these, Zhao Yunxiang is afraid that there is no need to practice a small number!

After all, there are so many legacy!

Does not leave to bone, who is left? ?

"Zhao Yunxiang !!" Meng Meng and said, "Talk to you, you have a color embryo, actually peek, metamorphosis !!"

"You have a thousand, and successfully was given to him, I still have a bowl to squat in the pot, you are so popular !!"

"I ..." Han Qianru heard that he was said to be the younger, some shy, although very happy, he finally cultivated the husband with Zhao Yunxiang, but it was in Zhao Yunxiang, and he couldn't stand, she is tangled. What should I do tonight?

Do you want to ask for me to sleep with Meng Meng?

Thinking of this, Han Qian fell to Meng Meng's petite, this little guy seems to be thin, but the fat place is fat!


You can sleep with this little Nizi!

"I just ..." Zhao Yunxiang touched his nose. I feel that this little Nizi is very ferocious. It is completely unreasonable.

But if you haven't finished it, I've been interrupted!

"You just?" "Meng Meng, the more it comes, and simply insert the waist." You just taste the freshness? Do you think more benefit? "

"You said that it is too much!" Zhao Yunxiang relied, "I am very special!"

"Specially a sister!" Meng Meng again.

"I remember that someone still owe me tens of pounds of big manure, I don't know how to be redeemed?" Zhao Yunxiang did not move with Mengmeng Hu, simply took out the owed.

Of course, in fact, there is no owed strip of the root, just Zhao Yunxiang said with the mouth, but that is, this, Meng Meng is completely stupid.

Does Nima do?

I have owed dozens of pounds!

She is not the kind of person who speaks and not accomplish!

But dozens of pounds!

How can you still have?

"..." Meng Meng speechless, only poor Baba's blink of big eyes, at this moment, the tiger's teeth are harmless.

However, don't be lied by her!

This little Nizi is a chance of unclatter, as long as she caught the opportunity of Zhao Yunxiang, she will go to death!

"Okay, I don't care about you now. In short, you don't forget, you are dozens of pounds of big manure!" Zhao Yunxiang blinked, and it was very easy to say. "How do you feel? Very happy? "

"Happy, your grandfather!" Meng Meng angry.

Although the dialogue of the two is not big, it is really cut by the big goods.

Wang Quan suddenly said, "I decided, I am so good!"

"???" monk.

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