"Who is he?" Zhao Yunxiang looked at the people, and the eyes were light.

This person seems to be ordinary, it is intricate, it is a master!

At least, stronger than Wang pomegranate!

This person took a dark long sword in his hand, there was a little white hair, a pair of eyes awkward, panned.

This person is very powerful, and the white cloth is free, the hair is also true.

"Finally, I saw you, Wang Pomegranate!" White swordsman said, his voice is a bit hoarse, and it is tightly staring at Wang pomegranate.

At this moment, Wang Quan is digging nostrils, saying unhappy, "Which?"? "

"The Controller of Norton!" White Swordsman said, his tone is very flat.


When the white sword passengers came out, the people suddenly became awkward!

This Nima is turned into the control of Norton!

Zhao Yunxiang has always don't know how much it is resistant to the control, and the guy of Wang Pomegranate has been controlled by a hundred years. Now the strength is that.

However, men in front of me, strength is super!

It can be seen from his eyes.

"This person ... is not simple!" Han Qi fell to a long time, then said.

After you hear it, he exposed a part of the agreement, from the Piece of Joy, she felt that the surrounding breath became condensed.

All this is from the man who suddenly appeared!

"Why do you say this?" Xiao Yu stared at the white man for a long time, and asked in secluded.

"This person is very strong!" The Han Qian fell in the words of the words, "It can be seen from his eyes, this person is very strong!"

"God?" Xiao Yu saw a long time, then asked, "Is it because of his eyes?"

"..." Zhao Yunxiang.

"..." Han Millennium.

"..." Meng Meng.

White swordsman seems to hear Xiao Yu's words, reach out of the right hand, wipe the eyelid of the eye with sleeves.

Sure enough, I found a probably grain size of the sizes above the sleeves, and then a squat was convulsive. "Sorry, I didn't see it."

"Bummary, what are you doing?" Wang Ziyan went on his eyes, I feel that this sword can be teased!

"I am coming to you!" White swordsman said some gratified, "I didn't expect you to remember my name!"

"Hey ..." Wang Qi ganger is not understanding, I will remember your name?

Who are you?

When do I remember your name? ?

Do I have you called you?

Have it?

"Hey, Sam, Do you know the name of the guy?" Zhang Dehu also didn't understand, the king is the name of the people? "

"If you haven't guess wrong, the name of the person should be called a tease!" Sam thought.

"Dou Match?" "Meng Meng is very shocked," he is the controller of Norton, and the sinus !!! "

"Lying in the trough, this name ..." Zhao Yunxiang has a kind of impulse, he is very suspicious, the mother who controls the palm is thinking.

Do you have such a name for your child, don't you consider the feelings of picking up your child?

Ask the psychological shadow of sinus ...

"How?" Meng Meng is very unconnected, "" Is Dou Mun for this name? "

Doujun, this name is full of full!

I want to know that the sinus can be a sword.

And, so far, the most young sword!

Meng Meng and self-knowledge, not the opponent of sinus, even difficult to exceed him!

"You are the sinus ??" Wang Pomehen heard a few people talking about a few people, and suddenly she thought of a very person.

I remember that it was a snow, and the cold is frozen. The earth is full of frozen cracks, and a teenager who did not wear shoes was walking in the ice.

The teenager seems to be stubborn, but it is helpless, because he has no place, there is no cold shoes.

Just when you are about to despair, Wang Pomeg is taken away, please eat grilled fish, soak the hot springs, the teenager realized the warmth and satiety.

He once swearing, guarding the turtle of the green skin!

However, when the teenager thrived, the turtle has subverted the water fortune!

The huge fortunge of the whole hundreds of thousands of people, in an instant paradise, everyone is swallowed by monsters!

"Why?" After the sinus, I asked coldly, "Why do you do this?"

He used him as a god!

He used to be an idol!

He once wanted to deliver everything to the green guy!


This guy did not know yourself at all, and even when you got.

He was abandoned again!

Abandoned the ruins full of monsters! ! !

"I was forced ..." Wang Shi Garnant sighed, and his mouth raised a bitter smile.

"Is it forced?" Dou Hua is picking up, "Who is forced to you?"

"My mom is forced!" Wang Shi durian stressed, "All everything is my mother!"

"Your mother is forced?" "Dou said," Is it your mother? "

"Yes, it is me paralyzed!" Wang Shi Nods confirmed, "So, I have a bitter!"

"Lying ..." Zhao Yunxiang blunt, "The two people's dialogue is really interesting, I can't hear it!"

"I am also ..." Han Qian fell to the king pomegranate on the side, and then look at the sinus, and then asked, "Don't we use it to help Wang Pomegranate?"

"Help an egg!"

Zhao Yunxiang said, "Don't help, let's so stroll."

Zhao Yunxiang went out with Han Qianlu. They wanted to go to the slum a very fun place to visit.

There is a very shabby big car!

This big car has been sitting over, it has been deeply rooted, and the surrounding moss is basically solidified.

However, after the two arrived, in dozens of minutes, the big cars had a little slit and the ground, and there was a regular vibration.

Within a thousand meters around, no one dares to be close!

Because there is a fierce, the guy is coming with the big sword!

On the outside of the big car, a huge magic sword, the magic of the magical sword is, but it is still a step, and even look at this side, let alone approach.


After a few hours, Zhao Yunxiang took the Korean thousands, which was basically holding Han Qian.

When I arrived at the hotel, I saw Meng Meng in the second floor.

Meng Meng is very glorious to look at Zhao Yunxiang, "Dead metamorphosis, what happened to you?"

"What is the relationship with you?" Zhao Yunxiang looked up and looked at the tiger's teeth located on the second floor. "As a liability, you are still so hard? When do you eat it?

"I ..." Meng Meng suddenly rolled forward, lingering, "Don't say this, you see this, the controller gave a quota, explore the water transport fortress, do you want to see?"

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