Chapter 367 – Grievances baba

Loki asked carefully, then wiped his face, and also used magic to conjure a mirror, trying to see if there was anything on his face.

But he watched for a long time and didn’t see anything else on his face.

On the contrary, his reaction made Intier amused again, and even Karl couldn’t help smiling.

It was his face with a paralyzed face, which could be slightly stretched, but the twitching corners of his mouth seemed to reveal his current mood.

“Rocky, don’t play any tricks, I mean let you see how to deal with them.

Are you not the second prince of Asgard? You should be very proficient in this kind of thing, so leave it to you to handle it.

It’s just that these two hearts need to stay here to prevent the two of them from returning to make trouble after they get the heart back. ”

Carl picked up the heart and squeezed it twice.

The beautiful bodies of the White Queen and the Black Queen trembled at the same time, snorted in sync, and gasped for a while.

This voice is extremely charming, if there are ordinary people here, I am afraid they will be directly hooked by the two of them.

But fortunately, Carl and others, including Loki, are not ordinary people.

The voices they both made deliberately did not have any effect.

“Is this really good?”

Loki still hesitated, and Karl pinched the hearts of the two of them again, which once again caused the black and white queens to gasp.

“If you let you go, just go, what are you doing with so much nonsense?”

Carl gave Loki a white look, then pinched it again.

The White Queen and the Black Queen snorted again, and their bodies trembled.

But this time, the two of them were really annoyed.

It’s fine to be pinched the first two times, but now it’s again for no reason. Don’t both of them want face?

“Well, in that case, I will try.”

Loki cleared his throat, then got on the armor of the corner of his eye and came in front of the two of them.

“You two kneel down for me now! Standing in front of you is Loki, the god of tricks from Asgard!

I declare as a god, you two…”

Before he finished speaking, Loki felt two chilling killing intents, rushing straight into his spine.

The Black Queen exuded a burst of shadows, and the White Queen’s thought power was also ready to go.

If Rocky dared to say anything out of the ordinary, the two of them would probably do it the first time!

Both of them are stronger than Loki now.

So if Loki continued to die, he might be beaten up by the two of them.

But if you are beaten, you won’t die here.

The physique of the Asgardians is placed here, and they will not die easily.

It’s just that Loki was also afraid of being beaten, so he didn’t say the second half of the sentence, and was abruptly held back by him.

“Ahem…”(Read more @

“In the name of a god, I order you to leave this villa and never set foot here.

And whenever you see Lord Carl, you must come forward and salute!

As for your heart, Lord Carl said, we will not return it to you.

If you want to take it, be prepared to die! ”

As Loki was talking, his confidence was getting stronger and stronger.

After all, he is backed by Karl, and what is more important is that he is the second prince of Asgard, and his father is the king of God Odin!

With these two golden thighs, he doesn’t need to be afraid at all.

So Loki was a little skeptical of life just now, because he didn’t know why he was afraid.

“Rocky, right? Very good, I remember you!”

The Black Queen gave a cold snort, then turned around to leave.

But at this moment, the Black Queen suddenly stopped, Jiao Chu was constantly investing, and a painful voice appeared from her throat.

She had to squat down to relieve the trembling of her body and the sharp pain in her chest.

At this time, the black queen was flushed, and endured the pain of being pinched by others.

When the White Queen saw this scene, her face turned pale with fright.

“I know, I will leave now, and I will never come to trouble you again!

And I also promise the Black Queen that I won’t bother you! ”

As soon as the White Queen’s voice fell, she felt a little itchy in her heart.

This feeling made her a little uncomfortable, and her face became ruddy involuntarily.

Even his legs began to tremble.

But this feeling quickly disappeared, and the White Queen suddenly felt a little bit unfinished.

In her mind, a thought suddenly flashed, that is, what will happen if you continue to feel like just now?

But soon the White Queen shook her head, putting this dangerous idea behind her.

At the same time, the Black Queen also survived at this time.

Her heart is no longer in severe pain, but after being pinched for so long, she can’t get up a bit.

“Give you a chance, if you behave well, I can return my heart to you.

As for this standard of good performance, I have the final say, and now you can roll. ”

Karl casually threw the two hearts into his dimensional space, so that they couldn’t find it when they wanted to find them.

After seeing this scene, the White Queen didn’t react, but the Black Queen showed embarrassment.

“How much do you know about the power of space?”

“I know more than you think.”

Hearing the question from the Black Queen, Carl raised his mouth slightly, revealing a very charming smile.

Seeing her smile, the Black Queen and White Queen felt their hearts tremble at the same time.

This time, no one pinched their hearts. This was their natural physiological reaction after seeing the handsome guy’s smile.

But their hearts are not on their own.

This made them both feel very uncomfortable.

They even touched their chests, and they couldn’t feel their heart beating at all in their palms.

But in their hearts, they can feel the trembling of their hearts.

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

Especially when they have a physiological reaction.

Now the expressions of the two of them are extremely aggrieved, and those who don’t know think that Carl has done the same to the two of them.

Then with Carl’s permission, the Black Queen and the White Queen left here with each other’s arms.

After a while, Loki breathed a sigh of relief, and then returned to the table.

Carl turned on the domineering, monitoring whether the two of them had left.

But soon, Carl’s face changed slightly.

“It’s really interesting, they just got out of the wolf’s den and entered the tiger’s den again.

But compared to those people, they are two tigers. Forget it, let me go and take a look. ”

Carl said, then got up to leave.

“You guys eat slowly, I have something to do when I go out, and I’ll be back in a while.”

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