Chapter 368 – Erik Lensherr!

Thousands of miles away from the location of Villa Carl.

The fighter plane with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo landed on the ground.

Steve Rogers, Natasha, Button and Bruce Banner appeared in front of the White Queen and the Black Queen.

Each of the four of them has two small chips attached to the temples of their heads. This shape looks a little peculiar.

But this small chip is used to place mind control.

S.H.I.E.L.D. often deals with mutants, and naturally knows how abnormal the ability of mind control is.

Compared with those more aggressive abilities, mind control is the most powerful ability.

That’s why S.H.I.E.L.D. has developed this kind of chip to defend against mind control.

However, the effect of this chip is limited, and the defense time will not exceed one day.

And facing a person with mental abilities of this level of Professor X, it is completely ineffective.

After all, Professor X is the ceiling of mind control. At present, apart from the special material helmet of Magneto, there is nothing else that can defend his mind control.

But if you give Tony Stark some time, maybe he can make it.

But Tony Stark did not join S.H.I.E.L.D., so there is no reason to build something for them.

The current S.H.I.E.L.D. has formed the Avengers, but it has only four members.

Neither Sol nor Tony Stark joined.

So there are only four of them here.

“S.H.I.E.L.D. is really lingering. You have to come to trouble with our mutants every time. I have had enough!

If you really want to maintain world peace, can you just solve that person?

A group of bastards who are bullying and afraid of hardship! Villain! waste! Rubbish! ”

The Black Queen was in Carl’s place, feeling angry, she was worried that there was no place to spread it.

So she screamed at the members of S.H.I.E.L.D. without even waiting for Steve Rogers to speak.

“Wait, you seem to have misunderstood something. We are not here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., we are here on behalf of the Avengers!

And we didn’t want to arrest you, but…”

“It’s all nonsense! Don’t you just want to put us in jail, and then study to your heart’s content?

They have already played this kind of tricks. If you want to come, just have some fresh ones! ”

“Go to hell! S.H.I.E.L.D. waste!”

The Black Queen was not a violent temper.

But because I was wronged by Carl today, I was even beaten by Carl.

If only this is the case, then forget it.

But her heart was dug out alive.

This situation made her unacceptable.

The Black Queen has lived for hundreds of years and has never been as angry as it is today!(Read more @

So he didn’t listen to what Steve Rogers and others said at all, but directly did it!

“Captain! Be careful!”

Bruce Banner saw the Black Queen take action and immediately transformed into Hulk, allowing a series of shadow attacks to stop.

The black queen used black magic to create a shadow that couldn’t be the Hulk’s skin at all, and even part of it was bounced back by him.

Seeing this scene, the black queen’s face changed slightly.

She knew that Hulk was indestructible, but she didn’t expect Hulk’s skin to be harder than she thought.

This reminded her of the fellow Red Tank.

But even so, the Black Queen is not incapable of dealing with the Hulk in front of her.

“Big guy with strength, go to death for me!!!”

The Black Queen roared, and the black magic exploded with all strength, instantly converging into a ray, rushing towards Hulk’s head!

But Hulk was not afraid, but patted his chest and planned to resist.

But at this moment, Steve Rogers leaped forward and jumped onto Hulk’s body, holding the shield high in his hands, blocking the black ray abruptly.

But Steve Rogers himself was also knocked out, but it didn’t matter.

“Is this Edman alloy or vibrato?”

Seeing Steve Rogers unscathed and the shield in his hand, the Black Queen felt a little weird.

Because so far, there are no more than ten people who have been able to resist her move.

More than half of them either have the ability to heal themselves or their bodies are extremely hard.

And the weapons made of Edman alloy and vibrating gold can also withstand this blow from her.

So she was a little curious about the material of that shield.

“To be honest, why should I tell you, the material of my shield?”

Steve Rogers rubbed his neck, then stood up and put the shield on his chest.

The blow just now made Steve Rogers understand that the person in front of him was not an ordinary mutant.

Her strength far surpasses those in the SHIELD data!

“I said, can you all stop for a while? It was really annoying today. As a result, you S.H.I.E.L.D. even came here to be annoying. It’s really speechless!”

The White Queen stood up and wanted to end this meaningless battle.

Button and Natasha, one took out a bow and arrow, the other took out a gun, and aimed at the White Queen to prevent her from suddenly attacking.

But the White Queen didn’t mean to fight.

“I am very tired today, why can’t we have a good chat, and then let me and the black queen leave?

To be honest, I don’t want to get involved with you S.H.I.E.L.D., otherwise, Professor X will come to trouble us again. ”

Hearing what the White Queen said, the Black Queen frowned and then released the black magic.

The White Queen is right.

Although Professor X is disabled, he can only sit in a wheelchair.

But his mind control, even the Black Queen can’t avoid it, so she also annoys Professor X.

Steve Rogers and others were relieved when they saw that they were not planning to fight.

But at this moment.

The fighters behind the four of them flew into the air without any warning, and then were ravaged like a ball of paper, and finally produced a violent explosion!

Fortunately, there is no other person on this fighter, otherwise the death of that person will definitely be very miserable.

Because of this fighter, the wreckage produced after the explosion is all kinds of broken steel bars and steel plates. It is completely invisible. This will be a fighter!

After seeing this scene, Steve Rogers and the others were shocked, and then they made preparations for battle.

But the Black Queen and White Queen were also a little surprised.

Because the scene just now was not done by the two of them, but by someone else!

And the only thing that can do this is Magneto, who is also the ceiling of mutants and uses the electromagnetic ability to the extreme!

“S.H.I.E.L.D. actually sent someone to die, which is really funny!”

Before the Magneto King came, the voice had already arrived in this area.

A shadow appeared in the sky along with it.

Five or six huge tower cranes appeared in front of everyone!

Magneto is standing above the largest tower crane, watching everything below with his arms around his chest.

His body, like a god, is breathtaking!

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