God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 370 - Magneto under pressure

Chapter 370 – Magneto under pressure

“Are you the one they call it?”

When Magneto saw the bodies of the White Queen and the Black Queen trembling at the same time, he was aware that the person in front of him was very difficult.

Especially when Karl appeared here without warning, Magneto confirmed that the man in front of him was very powerful!

Without any hesitation, Magneto directly controlled the magnetic force and wanted to use the metal objects on Carl to attack him.

But Magneto felt strange that none of the metal objects on Karl could be controlled by him.

This surprised him very much.

But soon Magneto noticed the Sabre on Karl’s waist.

He immediately tried his best to control Karl’s Sabre.

Carl felt the movement of Hades, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and immediately gave up control of Hades and let him fly into the opponent’s hands.

Magneto didn’t expect that this time controlling Hades would be so smooth.

It was just that when he was about to hold the knife, the face of the black queen on the side changed drastically, and immediately used black magic to knock Hades into the air!

“You are crazy! If you take this knife, you will definitely die!

This knife recognizes its owner and is a demon knife that is nurtured by human blood.

Controlling it with your flesh and blood body will only be washed clean by him, and even the bone marrow may be sucked up! ”

The Black Queen is good at using black magic, so she is very sensitive to the demon sword.

It is precisely because of this that she was able to discover Hades’s abnormality in advance and prevent Magneto from holding the demon knife.

Although the relationship between the Black Queen and Magneto is not very good, they are all mutants anyway.

Although they will fight in their own nests, when the enemy is someone else, they will unite to the outside world.

This is the unity of mutants.

“Demon Blade? What the hell is this?”

Magneto didn’t know much about the Black Magic series, let alone what the Demon Sword was.

But he understands the words of the Black Queen, knowing that Karl’s knife, he can’t touch it.

So he also gave up the idea of ​​touching Hades, controlled it, and stab at Carl.

But Carl did nothing, just standing here, Hades flew back to the scabbard by himself.

Seeing this scene, Magneto was shocked again.

Because he had no idea what was going on.

And at this moment, the Hulk on the ground roared again and lifted a rock that was bigger than before.

After seeing this stone, the Black Queen wanted to crush it.

But suddenly, a gust of wind appeared, and a huge stone with a diameter of more than five meters was immediately shattered, and the wind whizzed past.

Seeing this situation, the Magneto trio were dumbfounded.

They didn’t expect that Carl had such power.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Even the Black Queen who was killed by Carl in seconds did not expect Carl’s strength to be more amazing than he thought!

“Hulk, be honest, otherwise, I don’t mind letting you feel it again, what is pain!”

Carl said lightly.

The Magneto trio watched Karl’s performance and didn’t know what he was going to do.

But then, Hulk’s next move suddenly shocked the three of them.

I saw Hulk bowed like a puppy, with a pleasing smile on his face, and then changed back to Bruce Banner’s appearance.

Magneto didn’t know that he was shocked several times in this short few minutes.

He only felt that he came with a scene when he came.

But when he wanted to go, Magneto didn’t know if he could go.

After all, there is Karl here, even if they want to leave, they have to ask Karl whether they agree.

“Don’t fly in the air either. There is dust all around and it’s not too dirty.

Let’s go down and talk about it. Magneto and I have something to say.

Originally, I came here to prevent the Black Queen and White Queen from killing S.H.I.E.L.D. people.

After all, these people and I know each other, and they cannot die for the time being.

It’s just that I didn’t expect Magneto to come back. This just saved me the effort to find you. ”

“What can you do with me?”

Magneto slowly lowered the height.

If you can’t leave, then have a good chat, even if you really want to do it, Magneto is not afraid.

After all, he can reverse the time of the earth, the big deal will be all at the same time.

When Steve Rogers and others saw Carl fall to the ground, they also came over, wanting to see what they were doing here.

But Carl only glanced at the four of them lightly, and then they stopped, not daring to move on.

There is no way.

Carl’s strength is currently the most understood by S.H.I.E.L.D., and the four of them are members of the Avengers, and of course they also know Carl’s strength.

After all, they also fought side by side once.

It was also that battle that made them understand how exaggerated Karl’s strength was.

So Carl’s deterrence is still there, and they dare not offend Carl at all.

“The four of you go to my house to find Luo and let him take you home.

But this time, the four of you owe me a great favor. ”

Hearing Karl’s words, the faces of Steve Rogers and others were a little ugly.

But they can only obey Karl and leave here.

After seeing the four of them leave, Carl then put his gaze on Magneto.

But then he also glanced at the White Queen and the Black Queen.

After the two of them looked at each other with Carl, the body’s reflexes were normal, and there was an inexplicable reaction.

This shows that Carl is also stunned for a while, he has no idea what kind of psychological shadow he has left these two people.

Even if Carl returns the heart to the two of them now, I am afraid that after seeing Carl, the two of them will subconsciously have adverse reactions.

This is a psychological shadow, as long as Carl is still alive, I am afraid they can only live under Carl’s shadow.

But Carl didn’t bother to care about the two of them. Instead, he walked two steps forward and came to Magneto.

“Magnetic King, I need your help with one thing, and only you can help me with this thing!”

“You actually need my help? What are you going to do?”

Hearing what Carl said, Magneto was a little surprised. He couldn’t guess what Carl was going to do.

“This thing is very simple. If you can do it, I can help you improve your strength. I will do what I say.”

“Can you really help me improve my strength?”

Hearing Karl’s words, Magneto was shocked.

His strength has stayed at this stage, and it has been more than ten years.

Although he is currently the ceiling of mutants, his strength has not improved, even Magneto feels a little guilty.

After all there are so many mutants, the ghost knows that one day, he will be surpassed by other mutants.

What’s more, in addition to mutants, there are various other monsters appearing in this world.

This makes Magneto King Alexander!

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