Chapter 371 – Agreement

“As long as you can complete the task I give you, I can help you improve your strength, and I will never miss an appointment.

If I don’t even have this credit, I don’t need to be confused in this world. ”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, and he said something that made Magneto a little moving.

However, to help Magneto increase its strength, Karl can’t do it, but he can ask Luo to make some body strengthening potions, and Karl can also help Magneto to develop his own abilities in depth.

In this way, it can be considered to have improved his strength.

But if Carl can get the magnetic fruit, this thing would be easier to handle.

But this world, after all, is not the world of One Piece, and the system also has a certain degree of randomness. Of course, he can’t directly get the magnetic fruit.

But just when Magneto was thinking.

Carl heard the voice of the system.

‘The host’s thoughts are detected and the system store is opened. ’

‘Warning: This mall system is in the testing stage, the items are not complete, and some items cannot be purchased. ’

‘System reminder: There are no side effects on the products purchased from the mall! ’

Hearing the system prompt, Carlton was shocked, and then immediately opened the system store.

But when he opened it, he felt a little disappointed.

In it, Carl saw Zanpaku Knife and a series of Devil Fruits.

However, although some Devil Fruits failed on the shelves, they could not be purchased, indicating that they were insufficient in stock.

Whenever Karl clicks on these products that are not in stock, the above will be the first. This product is temporarily unique, and the second one cannot appear.

And immediately, there is a second explanation, that is, the uniqueness problem can be solved perfectly after the mall is officially opened.

But Carl is still lacking in interest in this mall now, but he also sees the fruits of magnetism.

This fruit is not used by anyone, but it is quite good, just right for Magneto to use.

But when Karl clicked on it and wanted to buy it, he found out.

This fruit requires a special currency, which is a trading point.

And there are as many as two thousand trading points required for a magnetic fruit!

Then Carl also saw some other devil fruits.

The prices of these Devil Fruits are very high, especially the Dark Fruit, which sells for as much as 10,000 trading points.

The cheapest is the fruit and human form of everyone, and the price is ten trading points…

In addition, Carl also saw one thing that left him speechless the most.

That is the standard saber of the New Navy. Ten of these can be purchased in wholesale at one trading point.

This thing was developed by Carl Jean Bergapunk, a new type of saber that can combine swords and swords into one, which is very convenient for fighting, and there is no need to switch weapons.(Read more @

But this thing will be in the system mall, Carl didn’t expect it.

And the most important thing is that this thing is so cheap that there can be ten at one transaction point, which is a bit exaggerated.

As for bullets, it is also a transaction point of 100 bullets, which is very cheap.

But Carl didn’t intend to use this thing, it was of no use to him.

Then Carl glanced again and found that there were even potions for changing aptitude here.

This is sensible, order one bottle per transaction, and can only be used by one person at a time.

And the introduction of this thing can be obtained by people to learn the domineering, six-style qualification of the navy.

This made Carl a little surprised. He didn’t expect that even this thing was available in the mall.

It’s not that Carl has not tried before, letting people in the Marvel world learn six formulas.

But unfortunately, even S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and others have no way to learn.

This is the difference in physique caused by the difference in world rules.

If this small bottle of potion can change a person’s potential and physique, one transaction point is really too cheap.

It’s a pity that Carl didn’t have any trading points at all, and he could only stare at the mall dryly, and couldn’t do anything.

This made him a little speechless.

‘System prompt: Transaction points can be obtained by completing selection, or exchange for skill points and attribute points. ’

‘Remarks: One skill point or one attribute point can be exchanged for one hundred transaction points. ’

‘Remarks: All the selections made before the statistics are being counted. The exchange system is currently unavailable. Please wait for the statistics to be completed! ’

A bunch of prompts popped up from the system, making Carl dazzled.

He also did not expect that the system would upgrade with his own thoughts, which was his most unexpected point.

But even so, he didn’t care.

Although he is not sure how long it will take for the system to count the points, the task he wants to hand over to Magneto will not be completed in a short while.

“Magnetic King, have you thought about it? Two minutes have passed. I will give you the last minute.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, go back, and I won’t embarrass you, but the next time we meet, we will be enemies and non-friends! ”

Hearing Karl’s words, the Black Queen and White Queen shuddered, and their bodies reacted involuntarily once again.

The White Queen even stepped forward to ask himself what Carl wanted Magneto to do.

“You can’t, the Black Queen is better. After all, she has lived for so long, so she should know that this talent is right.”

“A person I know?”

The Black Queen is a bit dumb, she doesn’t know who Carl is talking about.

At this time, Magneto finally made a decision.

Since the strength can be improved, then this risk must be taken.

And the most important thing is that Magneto doesn’t want to be an enemy of Karl, otherwise he really doesn’t know how to fight Karl.

After all, the Black Queen was seconded by him, and Magneto knew that he could not be Karl’s opponent at all.

“I agree to your request, but I also want to be sure, can you really help me improve?”

Magneto was still a little worried, but Carl curled his lips, then pointed to the ground.

“I’m not Mephisto’s untrustworthy old bastard. There is no need to lie to you.

And even if your strength has been improved, you are not my opponent, and I don’t have to be afraid of you.

But since you have already thought about it, then you help me to find the first mutant in this world, Apocalypse!

You help me find it, and then wake it up, because I need his body to do research. ”

Hearing Karl’s request, Magneto was a little confused, because he didn’t even know who the Apocalypse was.

The White Queen was also a little confused. The two of them were only 50 or 60 years old, and naturally they didn’t know the existence of Apocalypse.

But the Black Queen, who has lived for hundreds of years, knows exactly who the Apocalypse is!

So she opened her mouth wide at this moment, and she couldn’t believe that Carl actually planned to let Magneto to wake up the sleeping Apocalypse.

“Are you crazy! That’s apocalypse!”

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