Chapter 373 – System Mall

Early the next morning.

Steve Rogers left the villa, ready to go to Tony Stark to repair his gambling cards.

Luo is still conducting experiments, striving to complete the research and development of this biopharmaceutical within one month.

Intil was humming and wandering around the villa.

Loki is still in the basement, contacting his magic, wanting to become stronger.

His talent is already very strong, if it weren’t for his wrong path, and always wanted to stab people in the waist with a dagger, it wouldn’t be so bad.

This oh Metropolis Rocky is self-inflicted and can’t blame others.

During this period of time, Carl also has nothing to do, so he began to study the latest system mall.

Because Luo and Intil both have devil fruits.

Even if the devil fruit exchanged from the system mall has no side effects, the devil fruit in the two of them is not a product of the system.

Although Carl was not sure, giving them a Devil Fruit would threaten their lives.

But to be cautious, Carl decided not to do this.

However, in the store, apart from the magnetic fruit, he didn’t have anything he wanted to exchange.

And this thing was also prepared for Magneto after completing the mission, and Karl himself didn’t need it at all.

But Carl spent some trading points and bought all the cheap things in it.

It’s just that these things are of no use to Carl.

He was just doing an experiment.

Like the cheap items, or some consumables, after Carl buys them, they will not disappear.

Carl can still continue to buy in the system store.

But something unique, such as magnetic fruit.

After Carl bought it, this item was not only taken off the shelves, even if the search interface that came with Carl Yong Mall, the fruit could not be found.

It can be said that this fruit disappeared directly in the mall.

This is enough to show that this thing is unique, it will disappear as long as it is bought, and there will be no second one.

However, this mall has not been updated yet, and it seems to be in the closed beta stage now.

There are many things in it, and there is no way to buy it now.

There are a few abilities, such as Shining Fruit and Loud Thunder Fruit, which are all Carl wants.

And there is another ability, which Carl wants very much.

Although this ability has no combat bonus, it is equivalent to one more life!

This is the fruit of Huangquan, which can be resurrected after death, and no one can be sure whether this fruit can be resurrected once or permanently!(Read more @

In other words, unless the bug is stuck like Brook, the person with the ability of Huangquan Fruit can only die of old age and cannot be killed by anyone at all.

However, these three fruits are not on the shelves, and the price is too high.

The three add up to 100,000 trading points, of which Huangquan Fruit alone occupies 70,000 trading points.

The average of the glittering fruit and the thundering fruit is only fifteen thousand.

This is the gap.

After all, Huangquan Fruit can control its own life and death.

This kind of ability is a very exaggerated power no matter what world it is in, and the price is understandable.

It’s just that none of these three fruits will be on the shelves, and Karl doesn’t know when they will be on the shelves.

If you use skill points and attribute points to exchange, it is really a loss, after all, one can only exchange one hundred points.

But he still has more than 20,000 points left, so he can accumulate slowly. Anyway, there will be many opportunities in the future to meet choices.

When Carl thought this way, the sound of the system appeared in his mind very well.

‘God selection has been triggered! ’

‘Choice 1: Kill the upcoming X-Men, get the ability of a random mutant, and get trade points: 5000. ’

‘Option 2: Give up resistance, be arrested by the X-Men, get the favor of X-Men and Professor X, get three freely assignable attribute points, and get transaction points: 3000. ’

‘Choice 3: Defeat X Academy, get freely assignable skill points: 3, freely assignable attribute points: 3, get transaction points: 10000! ’

The selection appears.

And this time, after each choice, there is an extra reward for trading points.

No matter what you choose, you will get trading points.

But the transaction points obtained are different.

Carl estimated that this should be based on difficulty.

The first option is to kill the offending X-Men. Although it’s a bit hard to beat, it’s not a problem for Karl, but the reward is not very good.

Needless to say the second thing, Carl gave up directly.

Carl then put the goal on the third one. This reward is very generous, but this requires challenging the entire X Academy.

But Carl thought about it, and finally chose three.

Although it is a bit difficult, Carl needs to move his muscles and bones recently.

And Professor X, although he is a relatively great mutant, sometimes he is too idealistic and has a personality that is too double standard, which makes Carl really unable to like it.

Such a person is not an exaggeration to say that he is a saint.

But what Carl hates most is the saint.

He is not a saint himself, and he will not ask himself to be a saint. After all, saints use the most stringent standards to demand himself and the people around him.

Carl thinks he can’t do this, but he doesn’t prevent others from doing this.

To be honest, Karl actually admired this kind of self-disciplined saint.

It’s just that if this kind of person stretches his hand to his body, Karl will do it without hesitation and break his hand!

So when the X-Men came to look for things, Karl knew that he had been paid attention to by Professor X, the saint.

Not surprisingly, he must have wanted to talk to himself.

But he can’t use his psychic powers to talk to Karl from a distance, and with his character, he doesn’t control others to talk to Karl at all.

So he can only send someone over and catch him back.

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, and he walked outside the door.

He was domineering in seeing and hearing, and he had already seen that huge stealth plane.

In his experience, this kind of black technology aircraft is high-end, but it can’t hide.

“Luo, you and Intil are staying here and are not allowed to go anywhere. I will go out and come back in the evening.”

With that, Karl left here and rushed straight towards the fighter plane in the sky.

Luo and Intil also noticed the same thing over there, and then looked at each other, and continued to do what they were doing.

Loki glanced around, then continued to practice his magic, striving for the illusion magic that Karl gave him as soon as possible.

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