Chapter 374 – X-Men!

“You didn’t come all the way to my place, what’s the important thing?

If you don’t give me a reason, I don’t mind, kill all of you. ”

In mid-air, Karl used his power to drag the fighter that was still flying with one hand.

At this time, the people sitting on the plane were taken aback.

They did not expect that Carl could stop the fighter with one hand, which was beyond their imagination.

“Ahem, please don’t get me wrong. We didn’t come here for trouble, but wanted to invite you to X Academy. The professor would like to tell you something.”

A woman with a sweet voice spoke with Carl.

But Carl didn’t care. Instead, he waved his hand and threw the fighter heavily to the ground.

The members of the X-Men were shocked when they felt the strong shock, and then used various means to escape from the inside.

The plane was thrown by Carl in this way and it would explode in a short time. They had to escape from the plane with the door closed.

Through a simple little trick, Carl has basically seen who the members are.

The white-haired girl who can control storms and thunder and lightning is the Storm Girl.

But her voice is a bit thick, not the person who spoke to Carl just now.

On the other side, a red laser beam penetrated the steel plate.

A man wearing a tights and a pair of idiosyncratic eyes jumped out of the cabin of the plane.

There is no doubt that this person is a laser eye.

However, the person behind him did not use his abilities, but he was very young and should be a member of the new generation of X-Men.

Then Karl felt that two steel claws appeared before his eyes.

Carl really didn’t need to see his face to know that the other party would be Wolverine!

Afterwards, Karl also saw the Steel Lux, jumping out of the window that had been breached by Storm Girl before.

After they came out, they gathered together and looked at Karl with solemn expressions.

Finally, a woman wearing a red leather jacket flew out of the cabin slowly.

“Mr. Carl, you really have a bad temper. We didn’t do anything. You just did it. You can’t justify it, right?”

After the last woman came out, the fighter jet exploded directly.

However, the explosion did not hurt her, but was completely blocked by the red energy on his body.

And this person is the woman who communicated with Carl just now.

“Are you Jean Grey?”

“you know me?”

Jin was a little surprised when he heard that Carl had said his name correctly.

She didn’t expect that Carl would know about herself, because under normal circumstances, she would never have a mission at all.

After all, she is the holder of the power of the phoenix, and naturally it is impossible to leave X Academy casually.(Read more @

Although the power of the phoenix that Qin Grey now masters is only the fur in the fur.

But even so, her strength is among the top group of mutants.

If it weren’t for Karl’s sake, Professor X would never let her out at all.

“Jin Grey, the owner of the power of the phoenix, your name is also famous in S.H.I.E.L.D., how could I not know it.

But having said that, you have sent so many main forces here, whether it is Laser Eye, Storm Girl, Wolverine or Steelman, they are all famous mutants.

Except for that little Maotou I don’t know, other people are more or less, I have known some.

So are you here to talk to me, or are you arresting people? ”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, and the domineering look broke out!

Suddenly, the surrounding sky was violently windy and clouded.

Carl’s overlord color directly impacted their spiritual level, making everyone present as if they were being hammered and smashed into their brains.

Qin Grey’s face changed drastically, and the power of the phoenix on his body began to overflow uncontrollably.

This situation shocked her.

She had never seen the power of a phoenix, and she would start to run wild without warning!

“Run! The power of the Phoenix is ​​gone!”

Qin Grey roared, and the others present, staring at the pressure of the overlord’s domineering and the violent power of the Phoenix, began to flee quickly.

They never thought that they had just come here, instead of fighting Karl, they were forced to flee.

But at this moment, Carl directly drew Hades, brandished the demon sword, and slashed into the air ahead!

In an instant.

The monster aura like sword aura, showing a crescent shape, instantly penetrated Qin Grey’s body.

Carl’s blow was just a simple release of the evil spirit, and he didn’t really use the slash.

Otherwise, Qin Grey would have died long ago.

But even so, her current situation is also very uncomfortable.

Qin Grey felt as if he had been drained of blood and shattered all the nerves and bones.

The whole person is dry, except for the brain, nothing exists, nothing can be moved.

Even her phoenix power disappeared in an instant, without any trace.

“Just a little bit of Phoenix power, it seems that it still won’t work.”

Carl looked at the black lines on Hades, only increased by about a centimeter, shook his head helplessly, and then retracted Hades into the scabbard.

With that blow just now, Karl felt Hades’ emotions, so he released such a huge monster energy, swallowed the power of the Phoenix, and incidentally, absorbed some of Qin Grey’s blood energy.

However, Carl is still well-measured. The little blood that Jean Gray sacrificed does not affect her safety, but it will make her temporarily weak for a few days.

But what Carl didn’t expect was that Hades would have such a big reaction to the power of the Phoenix.

It seems that his idea of ​​resurrecting the Apocalypse at the beginning is exactly right.

After all, there was also a bit of phoenix power in Tianqi’s body.

“Asshole! What did you do!”

Seeing Qin Grey lying on the ground, unable to move.

Wolverine was so angry that he rushed up without hesitation.

But Karl simply waved his hand, and the surrounding space collapsed!

Wolverine’s pupils shrank suddenly, and then he was hit by Carl’s blow, and he quit the game on the spot.

At this time Wolverine, the entire upper body position of the chest cavity, all disappeared!

Except for his Edelman alloy bones, all other internal organs were gone.

Even the heart disappeared!

Except for his Edman alloy ribs and spine, the upper body is empty.

Wolverine fell.

He just fell straight on the sand without closing his eyes.

But he was not dead.

The internal organs in his body are healing fast.

He just couldn’t stand up temporarily until his internal organs were healed.

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