Chapter 384 – Refuse!

“Lucifer, although your suggestion is good, I still choose to reject it.”

After Carl hesitated for a while, he chose the third option.

Although this option is extremely dangerous, Carl thought for a moment, how could he improve his strength if he didn’t win a hand.

And after completing this task, you will become the lord of hell and master the hell of the Marvel world!

Although this hell is useless after leaving the Marvel world.

But since the power of hell breath has been shown separately, it means that it is an ability that can be used all the time.

And the opening is directly the highest level of S level!

Although Carl is still unclear about the role of hell breath, at present, the most obvious function of hell breath is to create a clone equivalent to one-tenth of his own strength.

This is the information that Carl learned when he fought Mephisto before.

Although Mephisto hates Karl very much, it does not mean that there will be no communication between them.

Such insignificant information can still be used by Karl during the battle.

And the most important thing is that when Carl fought Mephisto at that time, he only used his own abilities instead of using infinite gems.

In other words, if he helps Gu Yi and solves Domam later, he will have four infinite gems in his hand.

At that time, in addition to the power gem and soul gem, they are still hidden somewhere they don’t know.

In Carl’s hands, he has mastered the power of four infinite gems!

And Karl can also practice how to use the power of infinite gems when fighting against Domam.

In this way, against the entire hell, there is a very high degree of certainty!

That’s why he made such a choice.

As for the 50,000 bonus points, it is not what Carl values.

“Unexpectedly, you still rejected me, very good, very good!

When the hell devil comes, I want to see you, how to stop Mephisto! ”

“Hahahahahaha, I’m watching you humans in hell, completely overwhelmed by Mephisto’s army of demons!

Then you will know what a wrong choice not to join hands with me! ”

The corners of Lucifer’s angry mouth had begun to twitch, and he even laughed anxiously.

Then he turned into a black mist and disappeared in front of Karl, apparently returning to hell.

After seeing him leave, Carl raised the corners of his mouth and rubbed Intil’s head.

“Notify the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. to prepare them to deal with hell at any time.

When I finish solving the apocalypse, I will tell them the coordinates of all the gates of hell, and let him send someone to guard it at that time.

By the way, let me know about the Ghost Rider and the group of X Academy.

This time of catastrophe, if they were not willing to help, I would not care. After all, this matter has nothing to do with their own planet, and it has nothing to do with us. ”

“Brother Carl, shall I just say the same thing?”

Intil blinked and asked softly.(Read more @

Carl nodded, then looked up to the sky.

“Just say it directly, but don’t be too strong, try to relax.

I will not force them to participate in the battle. It doesn’t matter if they don’t want to, you just say it once and leave directly. ”

“Hmm, I know!”

Intil nodded, then trot all the way into the house, apparently preparing to contact them.

Both the Ghost Rider and the X Academy have contact information.

Although it may not get through, he can leave a message anyway.

As for whether they will participate in this war, to be honest, Carl doesn’t care.

After all, Karl is not from the Marvel world, and his sense of belonging in this world is not even as strong as the Pirate World.

“Since the storm is coming, make some preparations in advance.

However, the time for Magneto to find the Apocalypse was really a coincidence, and it happened to be stuck at this point in time.

It’s really a headache…”

Carl shook his head helplessly, and then flashed all the way to the office of his pharmaceutical company.

Magneto had been waiting here for a long time, and Loki was also nearby, chatting with Magneto.

It’s just that Magneto looked a little embarrassed at this time.

The red cloak on his body is gone, and the battle armor is also tattered. At first glance, he knows that he has experienced a very fierce battle.

But there was nothing wrong with his helmet.

I have to say that the material of this helmet is indeed very hard and very special.

“Master Karl, you are finally here.”

Loki was also relieved when he saw Carl’s figure at this time.

Although Loki’s strength is good, he still has some pressure when facing Magneto.

“Loki, you go to inform Odin, that in addition to Domam going to invade the earth, Mephisto will also attack the human world.

This information is true. If Odin is still willing to keep this back garden, let him send troops to guard it. ”

Carl said smoothly.

He couldn’t take the initiative to contact Odin now, so he could only use Loki to contact the other party.

But when Loki heard that Mephisto was about to join forces with Domam, his face suddenly changed.

These two people were taken out separately, each of which was a very powerful existence.

But they joined forces.

This really made him unable to imagine how chaotic the scene would be when Domam descended on the earth!

“I see, I’m going to inform my father now!”

Loki wiped the sweat from his forehead, immediately put on his armor, and then contacted Heimdall in his own unique way.

Magneto on the side is a bit deceptive.

Because he didn’t even know who Domam was, but he at least knew Mephisto.

“Mephisto is about to invade the earth? What the hell is going on?”

Magneto asked. Obviously, he was a little nervous after hearing Carl’s words.

Carl shook his head, sat on the sofa casually, then used his ability to get a bottle of wine and a glass, and poured himself a glass of wine.

“Don’t worry about this matter. After I find Apocalypse, I will tell you what happened.

It is best if you are willing to help, but I will not force you to fight.

So, let’s talk about the power of Apocalypse first. ”

Seeing that Karl was not in a hurry, Magneto also calmed down and told all the information he knew.

He really fought with Apocalypse.

As a result, Magneto was completely defeated.

The power of Apocalypse completely crushed him.

Even if Magneto controlled the magnetic field, it failed to defeat the apocalypse.

In the end, if it weren’t for the help of the Black Queen, the White Queen, and other mutants such as the Red Tank, he would have died there.

But where did Tianqi go, he didn’t know.

Although Loki notified Tony Stark and asked him to help find it.

But Tony Stark is not omnipotent, even if he is looking for apocalypse, it will take a while.

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