God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 385 - Looking for apocalypse

Chapter 385 – Looking for apocalypse

“Stark, what’s the situation on your side, did you find the whereabouts of Apocalypse?”

Inside the Stark Industrial Building, Karl is here waiting for Tony Stark to find the location of the apocalypse.

But he had been here for more than half an hour, and he still couldn’t find the other party.

“Carl, don’t be so anxious. Although I am a genius, my speed of finding people is not very fast.

And more importantly, that guy is not a normal human, and the area he lives in is also very backward.

Even if I use global satellites to find his location, it cannot be so fast. ”

Tony Stark complained about Karl while continuing to control Jarvis, looking for the location of the apocalypse.

Carl could see that he had been searching very hard.

“You keep looking, I’ll take a look at it, saying that your armor here is good, worthy of the title of your Iron Man.”

Carl said, and then began to appreciate the steel suit made by Tony Stark.

These armors of Tony Stark were updated very quickly, and Karl didn’t know which generation he was upgrading to at this time.

But what Carl knows is that Tony Stark didn’t make nano armor.

After all, he doesn’t have this kind of technology now, but he has worked hard on portability and defensive power.

Because only in this way can we face the increasingly powerful enemies.

“Carl, there is one thing I want to ask you about, does Mephisto, the lord of hell you talk about, really exist?

Hell or something, shouldn’t it be something that only exists in myths and legends? How can it really exist? ”

Tony Stark asked while looking for the apocalypse.

Tony Stark also knows a thing or two about Mephisto, the imminent invasion of the earth.

Because when Carl explained to Magneto before, he happened to make a call and heard part of it.

Then Magneto left Carl’s company, and Loki returned to Asgard to report Odin.

Carl took advantage of the opportunity to come to the Stark Industrial Building.

But Tony Stark, who has been busy since just now, has not had time to ask this question.

Now he suddenly remembered, and then he said something smoothly.

Carl didn’t talk nonsense, he just explained it briefly, and it was enough for Tony Stark to understand the seriousness of the matter.

As for other aspects, Karl did not say much, and even Mephisto’s strength, Karl did not tell Tony Stark.

But even if you don’t say it, with his IQ, he should be able to guess that the Lord of Hell is definitely better than himself.

“It turns out it’s such a thing. If this is the case, I really can’t stand idly by.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

But does S.H.I.E.L.D. know about it? If they know this situation, I am afraid they will explode, right? ”

Tony Stark smiled, mocking him mercilessly.

“S.H.I.E.L.D. has also established an alliance of Avengers, which is really naive.

What is the use of this alliance? Encountered this kind of thing, didn’t they fight separately in the end? ”

Tony Stark did not say that the formation of the Avengers was bad, he just thought that Nick Fury’s idea was rather naive.

After all, Tony Stark is also a superhero and the well-known Iron Man.

So he knows very well that every superhero fights on its own, and rarely cooperates.

After all, each of them has full arrogance, unless they are people who have been living together or are used to team fighting.

There is a high probability that other people will not fight together.

Hulk after Bruce Banner’s transformation is the best example.

“You don’t have to say that. After all, not everyone is as strong as mine.”

Seeing Carl’s narcissism, Tony Stark couldn’t help but curl his lips, but he couldn’t refute it.

Because Carl is really strong.

He has a deep understanding of this.

Then Tony Stark continued to find the position of Apocalypse for Carl.

But at this moment.

Natasha, Barton, and Steve Rogers came to the Stark Industrial Building.

The three of them were not surprised to see that Carl was here, but they had long been stunned that he would be here.

“Carl, Intiel told us that Mephisto, Lord of Hell, is going to join forces with Domam. She also said that you will provide the location of the Gate of Hell, right?”

Steve Rogers is straight to the point, without any polite remarks.

After all, he and Carl have lived together for more than a year, and they are very familiar with each other, and there is no need for those polite words at all.

“Yes, that’s what I told her. You are here at the right time. I just save some time to find you.”

Carl smiled, and immediately clicked on the world map from the virtual screen next to him, and then marked all those points.

“These coordinates are all the gates of hell, you remember, if you miss any of them, you can’t blame me.”

After seeing Karl display the coordinates, Patton immediately took out his tablet and started recording.

But at this moment, Tony Stark on the side suddenly exclaimed, shocking Steve Rogers and others.

“Haha, I found it! The location of Apocalypse, I found it! He is here!”

With that said, Tony Stark, first give Karl the coordinates of the screen on his side.

Then he used the satellite celestial eye to locate the opponent’s location!

Although the picture is a little fuzzy, Carl can still see that this man wearing a gray cloak walking in a wasteland is the apocalypse!

“Thanks for your hard work.”

Carl nodded, and then left here immediately.

Tony Stark and others, after seeing Karl leave, then looked at each other and started discussing Mephisto and Hell.

They already knew all about Domam and Mephisto, preparing to invade the earth.

Although it is uncertain when this war will start, it is always necessary to prevent it in advance.

Fortunately, Mephisto, after being bored by Karl, didn’t bother to spy on the earth.

If not, he had already discovered that the fact that he had teamed up with Domam to invade the earth had leaked completely.

Thanks to Lucifer for this, if he weren’t there, unless Gu Yi used the gem of time.

Otherwise, no one would guess that Mephisto would join forces with Domam.

at the same time.

Nick Fury, who was in S.H.I.E.L.D., couldn’t help but shook his head when he looked at the age-like pager in his hand.

“It’s almost time to come back and see Danvers, no, you should be called Captain Marvel now.”

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