Chapter 398 – Dark dimension!

at night.

Inside the city center.

Carl and the others looked at the flooded weather, their faces were very solemn.

Both Carl and Danvers felt the tremendous pressure at this time, and were approaching the earth quickly from the universe!

The source of this pressure is nothing but Domam!

“Are you all ready? Now Domam is blocked from the earth by my enchantment and cannot enter temporarily.

But it didn’t take long before he could break through the barrier and enter the earth.

Once he comes in, everything will be over, so we have to take the initiative to be a beginner! ”

Gu Yi looked at Carl and Danvers and explained to them.

The two of them knew about this from the beginning, and Gu Yi was just reminding it.

Carl nodded and flew out first.

Domam put him under tremendous pressure, and this feeling was even more exaggerated than when he faced Eim at that time!

After all, Eim at the time was on par with Carl’s strength.

In the end, Karl relied on Pluto to successfully defeat the opponent.

And now Carl’s strength is much stronger than himself at the time.

If Yim is resurrected, Carl believes that with his current strength, he can definitely kill Yim directly.

It just takes a little longer.

But the entanglement in front of him brought endless pressure to Karl.

This made Karl Ming understand that if he singled out Domam and didn’t borrow the power of Infinite Gems, he would definitely die!

This is what Carl sees and sees in the future.

His future vision can now be peeped, five or six seconds in the future.

In addition, even the future can be deduced.

However, this deduction is not accurate, and can only be deduced around Karl himself.

But regardless of the inaccuracy of future preparations for this deduction, the result of Carl’s heads-up against Domam will undoubtedly fail.

The only victory was because of Carl himself, which caused turbulence in the space and caused Domam to be sucked in.

This is the result of Future Vision’s deduction.

However, Future Vision cannot deduce Infinite Gems, so Carl can’t see whether he can single out Domam if he uses Infinite Gems.

However, according to the current pressure on Domam, Karl feels that he is tied at most and should not be able to win.

“I only heard of Domam before and never met him.

Now that I think about it, it’s really a bit exciting to meet such a big guy from the multiverse! ”

Danvers flew to Karl’s side, obviously a little excited.

She is not worried about whether she is Domam’s opponent or not. Her only idea now is to fight her desperately!

As for life or death, she didn’t care at all.(Read more @

This is the idea of ​​a superhero.

Carl can’t learn in this life, and he doesn’t need to learn.

Because Karl is not a superhero, he will not sacrifice himself and save the world.

For Carl, if the world can be saved, then he can save it easily. If he can’t save it, unless there is a lot of revenge, he won’t bother to take care of it.

So this time, if it weren’t for Gu Yi to use Time Gem as an inducement, Karl would not agree to be an enemy of Domam.

So when he heard Danvers talking to himself, he didn’t say anything, just continued to fly into the sky.

After a while.

Both Carl and Danvers appeared in the universe.

Since there is no gravity in the universe, there is no way to move normally.

So Danvers, directly bursting out energy, stopped himself firmly in the universe.

At the same time, she can also rely on this cosmic energy to allow herself to survive in the universe without inhaling oxygen.

Although Karl is not the first time to come to the universe, but every time he comes, he needs to adapt to a few. Within a few seconds, you can control your body through the ability of the Piaopiao Fruit.

In addition, Carl had acquired the physique that can survive without oxygen, and the strengthening of survival in the universe.

So Carl doesn’t have to worry at all, he will die here because of the various radiations of the universe.

“The black mist over there is the dark dimension of Domam.”

Just at this time.

Gu Yi’s voice appeared in the minds of Karl and Danvers.

She used simple psychic abilities to transfer words to the minds of Carl and Danvers.

Afterwards, Gu Yi’s figure appeared in the universe through the portal.

Seeing that she didn’t take a step, something similar to the formation would appear under her feet.

She was standing on top of this formation, very stable, without any influence from the universe.

“Next, you two follow me closely. We are going to enter the dark dimension and look for Domam’s body!”

Gu Yi once again passed her thoughts into the minds of Karl and Danvers, and then she opened up a magical passage in the middle of the black mist.

Gu Yi walked in front, and Carl and Danvers followed.

The three of them traveled through this passage unhurriedly.

The scene here is very strange.

The surroundings looked like various galaxies, and there were even other planets.

This feeling is as strange as traveling through the universe.

This is the dark dimension space.

As they get deeper and deeper, the space around them is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon the three of them came to a planet.

Then they saw that it turned out to be a universe, surrounded by various planets!

“It turns out that there is also a strange universe in the dark dimension!

It’s the first time I know this kind of thing, it’s really long-sighted! ”

Danvers sighed with emotion.

Hearing her voice, Carl was a little surprised.

“I can talk here? Could it be that there is oxygen here?”

Hearing Carl’s words, Danvers realized that he had spoken just now.

Then the two of them put their gazes on Gu Yi, who is most familiar with the dark dimension.

“There is no oxygen here, but your voice can shake the dark particles of the dark dimension.

These particles are invisible and colorless, and can melt into your body, allowing you to slowly change into dark creatures.

And this thing is also a medium for transmitting sound, and you can naturally make a sound when you speak. ”

“Dark particles? Could it be said that this kind of thing can turn us into dark creatures?”

Danvers asked cautiously.

When they had a meeting to discuss before, Gu Yi did not explain the situation, which made Danvers a little uncomfortable.

Carl didn’t mind.

He has actually ‘seen’ these dark particles through seeing, hearing and domineering.

However, after these dark particles enter his body, they will be quickly dissolved, and eventually disappear.

Obviously, Carl’s physical fitness is no longer something that can be invaded.

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