God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 399 - adequate preparation

Chapter 399 – adequate preparation

“You all be careful, in the dark dimension, in addition to these dark particles, there are other dark energies that can invade your body.

The way to isolate these dark energies is to wrap yourself up with your own energy, which can effectively prevent invasion.

But doing so will only treat the symptoms and not the root cause. If you want to defend against the invasion of dark energy, you must have a small world that is enough to purify the dark energy.

Either it is to be blessed by the true god and ignore this intrusive energy, or it is to use the strength beyond Domam to erode the dark energy in turn.

So be careful, if anyone of you feels irritable, please tell me the first time.

I will use time gems to adjust your physical condition to when you first entered.

Because now our only way is to use time gems, time reincarnation, to resist this erosion, even I am no exception. ”

This is what Gu Yi said, but then she directly let go of her body’s defenses and let the dark energy invade her body.

Then she turned on the gem of time and kept the core of her mind and the only light deep in her heart at the original moment forever.

At this time, Gu Yi had become the appearance of a Domam believer in appearance.

Her eyeshadow is very thick, her face darkened a lot, even her cheeks have become a little thin.

And most importantly, black lines appeared on her hands and neck.

Carl opened the perspective and took a look, and then he found this black pattern all over Gu Yi’s body.

These black lines, starting from the heart, spread all over the body.

Except for his head, all parts of Gu Yi’s body had such black lines.

“Gu Yi, what do you mean?”

When Danvers saw Gu Yi, he voluntarily inhaled dark energy and turned himself into a dark creature, he was shocked and he was ready to fight.

However, she restrained it and didn’t do it directly.

It’s just that Gu Yi’s move was so scary, she was completely intimidated.

In addition, Gu Yi started this mode without discussing it in advance, even Carl was caught off guard.

Fortunately, he knew that Gu Yi could use black magic and white magic at the same time.

In fact, the combination of white magic and black magic, and the power to control the dark dimension, is the true strength of Gu Yi!

And this is also the point that Dommam is most afraid of.

Because Gu Yi relies on the gem of time, he is fully capable of competing with Domam for control of the dark dimension!

“Don’t worry, I can maintain this state for a long time, even if we stay here for half a year, it doesn’t matter.

But I think we won’t be able to solve Domam in such a long time. ”

Gu Yi said softly.

Her voice became a little hoarse, but her tone was still so indifferent.

Obviously, after using the dark energy, her body has undergone some subtle changes.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

“It seems that you can already use this ability proficiently, but I think you should be more cautious.

You hold the gem of the soul, this kind of thing is of no use to me.

But with this thing in your hands, I feel that if Domam wants to control you, the difficulty will increase a lot, after all, what he has to face is the power of two infinite gems. ”

With that, Gu Yi temporarily gave the soul gem to Gu Yi for safekeeping.

Carl’s purpose in doing this is to prevent Gu Yi from overusing dark energy, and then lead himself to be controlled by Domam.

Although she has time gems, this control can be lifted.

But even if she wants to get rid of it, she still needs a certain amount of time.

So Carl did it for the convenience of fighting, after all, Gu Yi was the person most familiar with Domam.

Without her, if you want to fight Domam, the difficulty will be doubled.

“I know.”

Gu nodded a little and took out another treasure necklace.

Carl felt the breath of this necklace and knew that it was also a special magic vessel.

But Karl didn’t know this thing, but when Gu Yi put the soul gem into it.

The energy of the jewel of the soul immediately dissipated automatically, enveloping the three of them.

“That’s it. The energy of the soul gem can help us all against the invasion of dark energy.”

Hearing Gu Yi’s words, Danvers nodded, curiously released his ability, and then said with joy.

“The energy of the soul gem can actually enhance my ability!”

“If you use this gem, it should be able to increase your strength, but I can’t trust you, so I don’t plan to give it to you.”

Carl pointed to the space gem in his hand, and then threw it into his space bag.

Danvers curled his lips and said nothing.

After all, she has never used Infinity Gems. If she uses the wrong method, it may be counterproductive.

So there is nothing wrong with Carl’s words, it just sounds arrogant to Danvers.

But she has no right to say that others are arrogant.

After all, she is the one who is arrogant from head to toe.

“Something is coming again, is that thing Domam?”

Suddenly, Carl was domineering, he sensed something, and he was approaching quickly.

Carl’s current domineering coverage is very wide.

He can’t count the specific distance, but at least it must exceed the largest country on the earth!

That’s why he was able to find something coming in the first time.

After a while, Gu Yi and Danvers, feeling the existence of that thing at the same time, became vigilant.

“Attention, Domam has come!”

Gu Yi recognized this familiar aura, and saw that her left hand released white magic, and her right hand released a cloud of dark magic, ready to fight!

Obviously, she had planned to release the black and white magic double.

Because this is her full strength.

If it is not on the earth, one must pay attention to the impact of his image and identity.

She will not only show the strength of her own white magic.

After all, from the beginning, magic was not divided into families, until some magic that killed people by brutal means appeared later, this separated the two factions of white magic and black magic.

Then Carl and Danvers were also ready to fight.

Especially Hades in Carl’s hands has been excited to the extreme.

Carl could feel it, and Hades was too eager for this battle.

Just after they are ready.

A huge black fog appeared from a distance, and then Bian Carl and the others saw a huge face appearing in front of everyone!

“Gu Yi!!!”

“You came to die again!!!”

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