God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 400 - Three British battles Domam

Chapter 400 – Three British battles Domam!

“Gu Yi!!!”

Dommam roared and directly released various dark elements involuntarily, and attacked the three Carl.

Since Domam only knew Gu Yi, he didn’t even know who Karl and Danvers were.

So he subconsciously thought that Karl and Danvers were just followers or disciples of Gu Yi, and didn’t take them both in his eyes.

So Domam’s attack was only a tentative attack, and did not use his full strength.

But this way, it gave Danvers a chance to perform.

I saw Danfoss, bursting out powerful energy instantly, and began to attack Domam in front of him.

Her energy became stronger after being boosted by the soul gem.

Facing Domam’s attack, it was completely worthwhile!

Accompanied by a burst of gorgeous fireworks.

The dark element of Domam was directly defeated by Danvers’ cosmic energy.

And this force rushed towards Domam unabated.

Obviously, in order to show his strength, Danvers had already used all his strength.

Seeing this scene, Domam’s expression did not change.

He let this attack hit his big face, and then produced a violent explosion, forming a cloud of energy.

Seeing this scene, Danvers’ mouth raised slightly, obviously thinking that his attack had hit Domam!

“Is this Domam? It doesn’t seem like that, I thought he was so capable!”

Danvers swelled a little, Gu Yi and Carl glanced at her at the same time, and did not speak.

Because they know that Danvers has always been like this, very proud.

So Carl and Gu Yi didn’t bother to correct her either.

Anyway, when she has suffered, she will know what it means to be cautious.

“Leave me the next thing and watch me perform well!”

Because Danvers hit once, he expanded slightly and immediately began to release his own cosmic energy, wanting to continuously bombard Domam in front of him.

Although she is arrogant and proud, she also knows very well that Domam is not an object that can be destroyed by just one blow.

So she continuously releases energy and wants to win by quantity.

And every energy ray of her is enough to explode one, any battleship in the accuser’s fleet.

Even Ronan’s dark star, could not possibly withstand such energy rays.

If the number of such rays is sufficient, they can even penetrate the surface of the earth and reach the core.

Finally detonate the entire planet!

This kind of power can be released by Danvers at his fingertips, so don’t blame her for being proud, because she has the proud capital!

However, this kind of capital is of no use to Karl and Gu.

Even in Domam’s eyes, Danvers was just a trickier bug.

Because Danvers released thousands of energy rays in one minute, which did not cause Domam at all, even a tiny bit of Shanghai!

Danvers, who was aware of this scene, also understood.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

The enemy in front of her is far more than any enemy she has encountered before!

“A trivial ant, dare to be so arrogant in front of me!”

“Give me to die!!!”


Domam roared again.

I saw him use dark energy to form a huge palm and shoot towards the planet where Karl was standing.

The size of this palm is very exaggerated, and it is endless when seen with the naked eye.

And the most important thing is that this palm is enough to squeeze the planet under their feet!

Enough to see Dommam’s casual blow, how powerful it is!

This is the power of the strong at the multiverse level.

Stars can be burst with just one click!

“Oh, how can I solve this thing?”

Danvers encountered this situation for the first time, and she found that her previous experience seemed a little insufficient.

After all, it was the first time she faced a multiverse-level enemy, so she didn’t even know how to fight Domam.

But before Gu Yi could do it, Karl had already jumped out first, and then adjusted his energy and physical state to the best condition.

In an instant.

The world has changed!

Carl waved Hades unhurriedly.

A seemingly unremarkable blow, but it directly tore the space!

not only that.

Carl continuously released slashes, directly tearing the space in front of tens of thousands of meters!

Dommam’s released arm had no way to descend when the space collapsed.

With the occurrence of the space storm, the entire arm was torn to pieces.

Even the dark elements that make up the arms were sucked into the space at this time, preventing them from being recycled by Domam.

Seeing this scene, Danvers was completely stunned.

She didn’t expect that Carl would be able to continuously release this kind of space-splitting slash.

Originally, she thought that this was just Karl’s big move.

But now it seems that this is not a big move at all, but a flat A!

at the same time.

Karl was in mid-air and looked at each other with Domam.

Then Carl felt a powerful mental force trying to bombard his mind, which made Carl feel dizzy, but he quickly recovered.

A+ level of mental power is not just talking about it, plus the protection of spiritual gems.

It is basically impossible for Domam to invade Karl’s spirit.

Unless he enters Carl’s body, with this kind of mental power invasion alone, Domam can’t control Carl at all!

Domam at this time also showed a look of surprise.

He didn’t expect that his mental power would be ineffective against the human beings in front of him.

This made him understand that the spiritual power of this human being is equal to his own.

“Human! You are really shocking. It seems that you and the woman below are not Gu Yi’s disciples.

To be honest, who are you guys and why come to my dark dimension! ”

“Is there a reason for this? You want to invade the earth, of course I can’t agree!

Therefore, the three of us are here to fight against you! Domam, it’s your time to die! ”

Before Karl could answer Domam’s question, Danvers below spoke first.

Gu Yi didn’t speak, she just kept her formation silently, ready to fight at any time.

“It turns out that it’s such a thing. It seems that there are strong people no less than the ancient one in the earth. I underestimated you.”

Dommam nodded clearly, his eyes sharpened a lot.

But Carl shrugged and said, “I don’t have such a big goal as theirs. My reason is simple. If the reward is sufficient, I will naturally help against you.”

“Oh? In other words, you are similar to the existence of a cosmic mercenary?”

When Dommam heard Carl’s words, his eyes lit up, and Carl nodded.

Afterwards, Dommam seemed to have thought of something, and said several words.

“In that case, I will pay you more, are you willing to belong to me?”

‘God selection has been triggered! ’

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