God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 401 - Domam the Horror

Chapter 401 – Domam the Horror

‘Option 1: Agree to Domam’s solicitation, become Domam’s subordinates, obtain Domam’s newcomer, and the physique of Dark Life, and get a deal point: 1000. ’

‘Option 2: Refusing to solicit, gain Domam’s hostility, freely assignable attribute points: 1, freely assignable skill points: 1, trading points: 1000’

‘Choice 3: Reject Domam, and raise its ashes within three days, get freely assignable attribute points: 10, freely assignable skill points: 10, get transaction points: 100,000. ’

The selection appears.

Carl took a look, almost blinding his eyes.

The first and the second are nothing to say, but the third is too exaggerated.

Although the choice will not give him appearance, the task that cannot be completed.

But the third one is too difficult.

And there is a time limit.

Carl believes that the system should default all the infinite gems to its own.

That’s why this option is given.

But even if these infinite gems were all Carl’s own, he couldn’t kill Domam within three days, and by the way raise his ashes.

But Carl had a flash of inspiration and thought of the gem of time.

If you use time gems, you can keep reincarnation of time, maybe it’s really possible.

And in this way, it can also improve Karl’s own strength and his mastery of infinite gems!

This is the only way to choose three.

But Karl thought for a while, and finally gave up.

Because Gu Yi would definitely not agree, Carl couldn’t get the Time Gem either.

In the end, after analyzing one pass, Karl still honestly chose two.

‘The selection is complete. Congratulations to the host for obtaining freely assignable attribute points: 1, freely assignable skill points: 1, and gaining transaction points: 1000. ’

“Domam, if you want to say, become my subordinate, so that I can reluctantly promise you.

If you want, let me be your subordinate, I can send you three words, impossible! ”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, and he refused Domam’s invitation.

His answer made Gu Yi and Danvers breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

Because the two of them knew very well that Karl didn’t come here to fight Domam with the purpose of saving the earth.

They were really worried that Carl would defect to each other.

So when Karl said this, the two of them were completely relieved.

Carl’s words directly blocked all the possibilities of joining Domam’s camp by himself.

Looking at Domam’s cold eyes now, Carl already understood.

Now the other party can’t wait to kill himself directly!

“Very good! Human!”

“You are not the first to provoke me, but you are definitely the one who died the worst!”

“No one who dares to speak such big talks in front of me can survive! You are no exception!”

Accompanied by a roar from Domam.

The dark elements around were frantically surging.

Carlton felt like he was wrapped in a quagmire, unable to move at all.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

After a simple struggle, Carl discovered that as long as the struggle becomes stronger, the things that surround him will be more tightly wrapped.

It even squeezed Carl’s skin.

Then Carl released a domineering look, and wanted to try if he could dissipate this energy.

But it’s a pity that although the overlord’s color is very strong, it is not a level at all compared to Da Mamu.

However, the domineering look of the overlord also made this restraining force lighter.

Domineering and domineering, there is still a little effect, but it can’t let Carl get rid of his current state.

But he is not worried, because Karl has other ways to escape.

Just before going out, he wanted to see what Domam planned to do next.

“Human! Feel the fear!”

Dommam let out a low growl.

Once again, two dark hands were created, trying to crush Karl directly.

His attacks are very direct, using pure dark energy to attack each time.

After all, Domam is the Lord of the Dark Dimension, and his energy here is endless, so there is no need to worry about consumption.

Therefore, the attacks he releases are naturally dominated by various energy elements.

Carl looked at the two big hands on both sides and smiled contemptuously.

Just at this time.

A portal suddenly went from top to bottom, passing through Carl’s body in an instant.

Next second.

Karl appeared beside Gu Yi.

At the same time, a burst of brilliant black sparks broke out above the three!

This is the powerful energy bursting out of two huge palms, directly triggering the shock of the entire dark dimension.

Carl looked at this scene and couldn’t help but shook his head, then looked at Gu Yi next to him.

“To be honest, you don’t need to help me, I can leave by myself.”

“Hehe, don’t do it at this time.”

Gu Yi didn’t speak, but Danvers spoke.

Carl did not defend himself, but looked at the densely packed giant hands in the sky.

“Gu Yi, there are two other humans!”

“Success to death!!!”

Accompanied by a roar from Domam.

Hundreds of giant hands fell instantly!

Seeing this scene, Gu Yi and Danvers were ready at the same time.

But Carl took a step forward and took out the ether particles directly from the space bag to release energy!

Accompanied by the emergence of invisible fluctuations.

Suddenly, dense grass and many flower fields appeared on the originally bare planet.


Dozens of giant hands in the sky also turned into countless petals at this time, falling from the sky without causing any harm to them.

But at this time, Carl felt a little sore in his left arm.

He just held the reality gem, unleashing the power of the reality gem, causing his arm to be corroded.

But Carl’s own resilience is struggling with this eroding force.

That’s why Carl felt the tingling, because this was the effect of the two forces competing.

But this feeling quickly disappeared.

In the end, Carl’s left arm left no trace.

The backlash of the real gem is over, and Carl’s self-healing ability can completely resist the backlash of a single gem.

Even if it is a double gem, as long as it is not used frequently, it should be able to hold it.

In other words, in Carl’s current physique, he can use Infinite Gems without the help of any container at all.

This scene, even Carl himself, did not expect it.

Because he used containers to control infinite gems before, and he had never released infinite gems directly in his hands.

If it is not time critical this time, it will take time to respond to the release of the container.

Carl will not directly use the ability of Time Gems with his bare hands to resolve this crisis.

But from this time, Carl and Danvers also thoroughly understood the horror of Domam.

With a single blow, you can summon dozens of giant hands capable of destroying the planet!

This kind of power made Carl and Danvers understand that they can’t solve their opponents with their own words!

In the end, if you want to kill Domam, you still have to rely on the ancient method and infinite gems.

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