Chapter 402 – Stalemate

“Is this the power of Domam? It’s a bit exaggerated, but the power of reality gems is also shocking.

A single infinite gem possesses such power. If six infinite gems are collected, wouldn’t it be invincible in the world? ”

Danvers sighed, then flew to Carl’s side and entered a fighting state, ready to attack Domam at any time.

at the same time.

Gu Yi, who had been paddling from just now to the present, also flew into the air at this time, releasing countless magical formations, and began to bombard Domam in the sky indiscriminately.

After seeing this scene, Danvers was slightly surprised.

She had never expected that Gu Yi, who had drew with her before, would now burst out, far beyond her own power!

Black magic and white magic are superimposed on each other, and their power is far greater than the burden of casting.

This is the standard one plus one is not equal to one.

White magic and black magic were originally one family, but later they separated due to conceptual issues.

Only when the two kinds of magic are used in superposition, is the real magical power.

If the person fighting Danvers is Gu Yi in his current state, Danvers feels that he will be defeated by the opponent without a few moves.

“I really underestimated you…”

Danvers realized at this time that whether it was Karl or Gu Yi in front of him, their true strength had to far surpass him.

Gu Yi did not release such a powerful force because he needed to pay attention to his image in the earth.

Carl is because the earth’s environment cannot allow him to cut through space without limit.

Carl is also to avoid the collapse of space, leading to the destruction of the earth.

So when he was on Earth, the power he could release was limited, and he couldn’t really use his big move as a flat A.

But here, he has no such restrictions.

Every time Carl tried his best, it was enough to tear the space apart.

And with such moves, he can release many at least one second

Thirteen dollars a second!

This is Carl fighting while experimenting with his limits.

It turned out that his fastest speed was thirteen dollars a second.

And these thirteen knives can tear the space and maximize their own attack power!

If the power is slightly smaller and the big move is not used as a flat A, Carl can at least cut a hundred knives in one second!

But in this way, the power is much smaller, and for Domam, there is no lethality.

But this has an advantage, that is, the scope of the space collapse can be maximized.

This was also Karl’s previous move to block the giant hand of Domam.

But if this were to change the earth, Carl wouldn’t dare to really play it.

Because the space of the earth can’t withstand such a toss, it is here that Karl can exert his strongest strength.

So Carl and Gu Yi and two cooperated with each other, attacking by one person from a distance, using themselves as a long-range turret.(Read more @

The other person fought cautiously and was responsible for splitting the space around Domam.

This is Carl and Gu Yi, a plan agreed upon from the beginning.

After all, when they first started, they just made a two-person combat plan, because at that time, Danvers hadn’t come yet.

Although Danvers came later, they were obviously too slow to make a new plan.

So the task Carl gave Danvers is very simple, that is, free play, what kind of attack is the most powerful, then use what kind of attack.

Therefore, Danvers at this time also used himself as a fort.

But her speed of accumulating energy is not fast, which also causes her attack frequency to be very low.

Danvers attacked once, although he could directly penetrate Domam’s big face, he could even disperse his dark elements.

But she released an energy attack, enough for Carl to cut hundreds of knives. She had no way to join the rhythm of the battle between Gu Yi and Carl.

So after Danvers tried several times, he began to cover Karl and Gu one or two people nearby.

As long as Domam releases the dark element to attack, she will immediately release her own energy to disperse Domam’s attack.

In this way, Domam’s attack can be invalidated.

If Danforth’s energy is fully charged, it is enough to explode a planet and use it to resist Domam’s attack. It is not a problem.

that’s all.

The three of them cooperated tacitly, constantly letting Domam collapse.

At this time, Domam, on his huge cheeks, was full of angry expressions.

He can’t wait to kill Karl and Gu Yi in front of him directly.

But he couldn’t, because no matter what kind of attack she released, even if he dragged an asteroid over.

It would also be directly blown by Danvers.

After all, the dark dimension is just a parallel world.

Although this world has a universe, it is completely different from the matter in the main universe. Even the mass of these asteroids cannot be compared with the asteroids in the main universe.

In this way, Danvers can just help Gu Yi and Karl against Domam.

Only with the passage of time.

The three of them attacked more and more fiercely, and their cooperation became more and more tacit.

Domam was also miserable and furious.

But after fighting for so long, the three of them didn’t even know whether Domam was injured.

Although the three of them can continue to fight like this.

It’s just that if you can’t see the end, it will be a heavy blow to the morale of the three.

However, the current situation is not suitable for terminal battles, discussing how to find Domam’s body.

If the fighting were to be suspended now, it would give Domam a chance to breathe. By then, they might not have the suppression ability they have now.

After all, Domam is also a multiverse existence, the master of the dark dimension.

As long as he wants, he can mobilize the power of the entire dark dimension at any time to attack the three of them.

Therefore, maintaining the current suppression is the best choice for the three of them.

Only in this way can Domam be overwhelmed.

Slowly, time passed again.

Carl and others didn’t know how long he had been fighting here now.

However, the expressions of the three of them have changed from being cautious when they first came here to plain.

Even Domam’s expression at this time was not as angry as it was at the beginning.

But the killing intent in his eyes did not dissipate.

Obviously, he has only one goal now, and that is to kill the three Carl!

This is the only thing Domam wants to do now.

As for the invasion of the earth, he has completely forgotten it, at least temporarily can’t remember it.

It was just that Carl felt that he had evolved from thirteen dollars a second to the power of 27 dollars a vaccine, and he couldn’t help frowning.

It’s not just that his progress is obvious.

Even Danvers’s energy release was obviously accelerated by a few seconds.

But even so, it would take at least twelve or three seconds for her to release the connected light.

Compared with Karl’s progress, Danvers’ progress can be completely ignored.

Because even she herself hadn’t noticed that she had improved.

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