Chapter 433 – Evenly matched


“You kid, do you want us to die here!”

“What kind of broken driving skills are you, it’s better to let Lao Tzu come!”

The spacecraft finally landed steadily, but it gave the people inside the next one.

Especially the Rocket Raccoon, he had already grabbed Peter Quill, that is, the collar of the Star Jue, and was about to punch someone.

However, Kamora, who was enchanting, stepped forward to stop Rocket Raccoon’s atrocities.

“Okay, he is not to blame for this matter, just because this planet is a bit weird.

In addition to the protection of the atmosphere, there is even a magic circle for protection.

If we hadn’t touched that magic circle, it would have landed normally. ”

Kamora opened his mouth to explain for Xingjue, and then got a manual thumbs-up from her boyfriend.

“I am Groot!”

Groot also stretched out the branch and hugged the Rocket Raccoon in his arms.

“Don’t hold me like that, it’s disgusting!”

Although Rocket Raccoon said so, he still enjoyed it very much.

The Destroyer Drax on the other side first opened the hatch and went outside, and then saw Danvers and others.

“Hahahaha, there are people here, we met someone!

Wait, Ronan is over there! You bastard, go to hell! ”

After seeing Ronan, Drax completely lost his mind and rushed straight up.

But when Ronan saw Drax, he lost his mouth in disdain, and then slammed him into the air.

With this blow, Ronan used the power of the gem of strength, but it was a pity that Drax wasn’t very good at it.

But his physical fitness is not weaker than the Hulk at all!

So he was just knocked out, and he was not seriously injured.

at the same time.

Xing Jue and the others also reacted and immediately got off the spaceship.

“Raccoon, you and Groot dealt with Ronan’s accuser fleet on the spaceship.

I, Kamora and Drax are below, dealing with the enemy in front of us, and inquiring about the intelligence by the way. ”

“Hahahaha, there is no problem, just look at it!”

Rocket Raccoon nodded when he heard Xing Jue’s words, and then piloted the spacecraft and flew again.

Xingjue and Kamora took their little hands and jumped off the spaceship together.

The action of the two of them appearing here immediately attracted the attention of the rest of the people.

“Who are you and why are you here!”

Steve Rogers was the first to step forward to ask Star Lord, and at the same time he was ready to fight.

Xing Jue shrugged, then put on his mask, took out his dual element gun, and aimed it at Ronan not far away.

“This gentleman, it is not convenient to tell you the purpose of my coming here.(Read more @

But what I can tell you is that I am also a human being on earth, and Ronan is also my enemy.

Why don’t we solve him together, and then talk about the others?

Oh, yes, there is one more thing, that is, the treasure in his hand, called the Power Gem, is…”

“There is no need to explain the infinite gems. There are four infinite gems on the earth. We have seen them a long time ago and even used them.

So you can say directly and clearly, whether you are our teammate or not, so that we can make judgments more easily. ”

Before Xingjue finished speaking, Danvers interrupted him directly, which made Xingjue speechless.

At the same time, Kamora showed a surprised expression.

She did not expect that the people of the earth would know so much, and there are even the other four infinite gems here!

“You didn’t lie to us? There are many infinite gems besides the power gems?”

Kamora obviously didn’t know this information, otherwise it wouldn’t be such an expression.

At the same time, Xingjue also reacted, obviously not believing Danvers’s words.

“You believe it or not, after all, infinite gems are not in our hands.

But this matter will be discussed later, the most important thing at present is to deal with the enemy in front of you! ”

Steve Rogers turned his attention back to Ronan’s people.

And at this time.

Drax rushed and rushed towards Ronan again.


“go to hell!”

“My Destroyer Drax, I will never let you go!”

Along with Drax’s charge, Xingjue, Steve Rogers and others unanimously launched an attack on Ronan.

Although they only met for the first time, after some exchanges just now, they have basically confirmed that the person in front of them is their own!

So they can rest assured to fight Ronan.

But Ronan is not a vegetarian either.

Facing the strong attack of so many people, he did not hesitate to release the gem of power, wanting to kill all the people in front of him!

But the power he can exert is limited, so all he can do is to repel Danvers and others.

If it is one-to-one, Ronan wins.

But the current situation is seven to one!

This is the siege of justice.

Ronan could hardly support it alone, so he could only use the power of the gem of strength to barely equalize their combat effectiveness.

at the same time.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have already arrived on the flat steel belt on the ocean, and launched a charge against the accuser fleet in front of them!

Although they did this, it looked a little stupid, and even seemed to be dying.

However, relying on the abilities of Kuaiyin and Wanda, the members of the accuser’s fleet could not harm the members of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents at all.

At the same time, the shock wave girl can also rely on her own ability to resonate with the opponent’s battleship and destroy the opponent from the inside!

It’s just that it takes a certain amount of time to do so, so other people must help her buy time.

But Wanda can also destroy warships, she has this ability.

It’s just that she needs to disassemble one iron sheet from the outside, which will take more time than the operation of the shock wave female Daisy.

So she simply helped Daisy cover, and let her slowly destroy these warships alone.

In addition to these people, the Rocket Raccoon, driving the spacecraft, also launched an attack on the accuser fleet.

Groot even used his hand captain’s advantage to attack the members of the accuser’s fleet unscrupulously.

If it weren’t for him, there were no large-scale weapons of destruction, these Kerry people would have been done for a long time, and they would not last for such a long time.

that’s all.

The war slowly fell into a stalemate.

The battle between Danvers, Xingjue and Ronan and Ronan is currently evenly matched.

Seven of them beat one person, so it seems that they are all superior teams.

However, the situation before him did show that the seven of them were unable to cause fatal damage to Ronan.

This is the power of the power gem!

Ronan only played a small part of the power of the power gem and gained such a strong ability!

If he could obtain the full power of the power gem, he would have taken off long ago, and he would not be in a stalemate with Danvers and others here.

So Ronan has a bold idea, that is, holding the gem of power and destroying all enemies!

And this is the side effect of the power gem, affecting sanity!

Obviously, Ronan’s sanity has been affected a bit, but it doesn’t matter, he is not completely demented.

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