God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 434 - Six-member theater

Chapter 434 – Six-member theater

“It’s a fierce battle. In such a battle, don’t we really want to join in the fun?”

My nano battle suit has just been developed recently, so these enemies can do an experiment for me to see how effective it is. ”

Tony Stark looked at Erlang’s legs, and on his chest there was a triangular energy reactor exactly like the original one.

And in this reactor, hundreds of millions of nano robots are hidden.

Don’t ask him how you did it.

The question is Tony Stark’s exclusive black technology.

Because of this, even Karl didn’t understand it. Only Tony Stark himself could master such a technique.

If it weren’t for Karl to know, Tony Stark is not a magician, he almost thought that Tony Stark used space to fold magic.

So Carl can only express his admiration for Tony Stark’s various black technologies.

Because it is really strong.

Similarly, his nano suit is also very good.

This material is not completely steel, but a material similar to the hardness of steel, and compared to iron products, it is more flexible and flexible.

It’s just that this suit has only appeared in front of Carl once, because it requires Carl to help him collect the data of the suit.

That’s why Tony Stark is so eager to fight. If he participates in the fight, he can better collect the data of his suit.

In this way, it can be improved and turned into a stronger suit.

“Hmph! What’s so fun about fighting? It’s better to watch them have a good time here.

And when the death god Hela invaded here, no S.H.I.E.L.D. people came to help.

So what are our obligations to help them?

In my opinion, there is no need at all! ”

Intil still held such a grudge.

Because S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t come to help before, she was a little unhappy.

Luo Ze said nothing.

He just sat in the back, silently watching Ronan swinging his hammer and constantly using Infinite Gems.

Obviously, Luo is a little yearning for this power, but he himself does not have such conditions.

I can only say that it is a bit regretful.

“The Guardians of the Galaxy, Ronan the Accuser and his fleet of accusers are here.

But according to the current situation, it should be our side that has the upper hand.

Mr. Carl, if you let me join the battlefield, I promise to kill Ronan smoothly.

After all, he is our enemy. Is it really okay to let him go like this? ”

Sol asked.

Obviously, he also wants to help.

But before Karl could speak, Loki on the side spoke first.

“Sol, don’t you understand it, we will help when they fight to the white-hot stage.”

In this way, we can not only gain their respect, but even the power gems can be obtained. Isn’t this multi-tasking? ”

Loki is indeed the god of tricks.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

His idea is really good, and no one else except Karl thought of it on this level.

Even Tony Stark was just thinking about it. He wanted to experiment with his nano suit and didn’t pay too much attention to the battle.

But Carl shook his head and said casually.

“We will not participate in the battle this time, just watch the show with peace of mind.

And in less than an hour, Ronan will be defeated.

He relies too much on power gems, although he has a container that can offset part of the side effects of infinite gems.

But anyway, the infinite gem is still an infinite gem, and the hammer in his hand is not an infinite glove.

He who relies on Infinite Gems so much will eventually be swallowed by Infinite Gems.

At that time, it will be his death date, and we don’t need to take action at all.

As for the power gem, S.H.I.E.L.D. is willing to take it away. Anyway, I have no interest in this thing. ”

Carl was telling the truth, and he really didn’t want to do it.

The reason is simple, as Intier said, why should I help?

Carl is also a man of grudges!

So this time, he said nothing.

After all, Ronan did not harm his own interests, and coupled with the time shuttle, he was already on the agenda.

According to Tony Stark, as long as the simulation test is successful, he only needs one year to build the space-time shuttle!

At that time Karl can leave here, and he doesn’t need to be helping the people of SHIELD.

It’s just that it is difficult for the simulation experiment to succeed. Tony Stark has no choice but to wait patiently.

Anyway, it will succeed sooner or later.

that’s all.

The six-member theater group continued to watch the theater here, and did not intend to do it.

About three hours.

Ronan was finally killed by Danvers and others.

But this time is more than twice as late as Carl calculated.

He underestimated the power of the power gem, but also overestimated the damage to the body caused by backlash.

When the power gem swallowed Ronan, it completely occupied his body.

At the same time, the power gem also exerted the greatest energy, sinking the entire island in an instant!

In the end, it was Danvers and others who lured Ronan to the center of the accuser’s fleet, using the damage of dozens of battleships to kill him completely.

As for the power gem, this thing is temporarily kept by Danvers.

Among the people present, except for Danvers, only the Silver Shadow Man can hold the Power Gem with his bare hands.

However, in order to avoid suspicion, the Silver Shadow did not take the initiative to remove the power gem, so he could only hand it over to Danvers.

that’s all.

The people of S.H.I.E.L.D. ended hastily, leaving behind a mess.

That area has almost completely turned into a dead zone.

In the next year, it will be difficult to get back to the original state.

But there is no way, this is the price they have to pay.

And this kind of thing will never happen only once!

“Okay, it’s all over, this farce has ended.

But then again, where did Strange go.

He didn’t come here when the battle happened. Now that the battle is over, he is still missing, which is really weird. ”

Such a big event happened today, but Strange was not seen at all, which made Carl feel a little strange.

Then he came to Kama Taj, wanting to see what Strange was doing.

When he asked the king, he learned that Strange went to the universe and said there was something important to do.

Carl didn’t know what he was going to do, so he didn’t bother to take care of it.

But when Karl returned to the villa again, Tony Stark did not leave.

Loki and Thor did not leave either.

This makes him a little puzzled.

“What’s your situation? Are you still planning to have a meal with me?”

Hearing Karl’s question, Tony Stark smiled, and then pulled the virtual screen away, revealing a set of data.

“The experiment was successful! Now only a few materials are needed to make a space-time shuttle!”

After Tony Stark’s voice fell, Sol also gritted his teeth and knelt on the ground.

“As long as Karl, you help me destroy Surtel, restore Asgard’s original appearance, and save my father!

I am willing to bring all the people of Asgard to join your commander! ”

“Swear allegiance to death!”

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