God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 435 - Finally got the hang of

Chapter 435 – Finally got the hang of

“Sol, you finally got the hang of it!”

Seeing Sol, who was kneeling in front of him on one knee, and Loki, who was kneeling panic next to him, the corners of Karl’s mouth raised slightly, and a smile appeared.

He knew very well why Thor suddenly changed so much.

This is all because of what Tony Stark said just now.

If Tony Stark did not say that the experiment was successful and the Space-Time Shuttle could be developed immediately, Saul would not be able to open his mouth immediately.

Because at the time Tony Stark said that as long as the virtual experiment can be successful, the physical device of the time-space shuttle, including the experiment and the collection of materials, only takes about a year.

No more than two years.

Two years is not too long for ordinary people, and it is easy to pass as soon as you open and close your eyes.

Not to mention, the Asgardians who have averaged over five thousand years.

In their eyes, two years is at best, that is, three or four months for the people of the earth.

This period of time was very short for Sol, and it was too late for Sol to continue thinking.

But he also kept a mind.

After all, Asgard was almost destroyed by Surtel, and he was beaten up by his sister Hela.

Naturally there will be growth.

He didn’t directly announce to join Carl’s subordinates, but waited until Carl had done all this before joining, which was considered a brainstorm.

After all, he was worried that Karl had accepted allegiance, but he would not help.

After all, the relationship between him and Karl can only be called acquaintance, not very familiar.

“Sol, this is a contract, as long as you sign this contract, neither of us can go back.

After all, this is the power of the rules of the universe, and neither of us can resist, and there is a contract, which is beneficial to both of us.

This is more trustworthy than a verbal agreement, don’t you think? ”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, revealing the old fox’s smile.

Sol also nodded, then took the contract and wanted to sign directly.

But Loki on the side frowned, grabbed the contract directly, and then checked it carefully.

He was relieved when he finished all the inspections.

“Rocky, don’t you trust me?”

Seeing Loki’s performance, Carl was not angry, but asked indifferently.

When Rocky heard Karl’s question, he began to sweat wildly behind his back, and some sweat appeared on his forehead.

Even his body trembles slightly.

Carl’s inquisitiveness scared the children, and they were almost dead.

“Master Karl, I don’t mean to fight, I just feel the breath of the devil, so…”

“Very good alertness. From now on you will assist Sol and be his good brother.

You are here with me, there is nothing to continue learning.

I’m not good at magic after all, I just know a little bit of fur.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

So from now on, you don’t have to continue to follow me, you will just be by Sol’s side.

With you, the arrogant god of deceit, Thor, the iron-hearted man, shouldn’t be abducted. ”

“I know Master Carl…”

Loki breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Carl’s words, and then returned the contract to Sol.

He was really taken aback just now, but he was also doing it for Saul’s good.

After all, Jimei’s true love is Sol, even if he has already surrendered to Carl, he still thinks about his brother.

This is their brother and sister…


It’s the feelings of the two brothers, which can’t be separated no matter what!

Even Loki will pay his life for it!

This point, in the opening scene of the original movie Avengers III, Rocky went to death in order to buy time for Thor to survive, which has already explained the problem.

That’s why he would make such a move.

Carl is not angry about this, but rather happy.

Because from here, he could also see what Rocky’s true feelings for Sol was like.

If Loki didn’t say a word next to him, Carl wouldn’t let him leave his side easily.

After all, Loki like that, the ghost knows what’s wrong.

But it’s fine now, Thor and Loki are getting together again, and their relationship is not breaking down.

This is enough.

“I signed the name, what do I do next?”

After Sol signed the name, Karl took the contract back and burned it on fire.

Although the contract is gone, the content of the contract has actually taken effect.

“Next, Loki, you go to inform all the residents of Asgard, let them prepare, and board the ship in three days.

The first thing I want to do now is to go to Odin, and then help eliminate Surter and restore Asgard. ”

With that, Carl turned his gaze to Saul.

“Sol, your Storm Axe, can you summon the Rainbow Bridge?”

“Yes, Storm Axe can indeed summon the Rainbow Bridge, but it takes a little time to recharge.”

“That’s enough, you take me to the place where Odin was sealed, and then I will help you lift Odin’s seal.

Then you were taking me to Asgard, the route is such a route, I hope you don’t lead the wrong way. ”

“I see, do you go now?”

Hearing Karl’s words, Thor took out the Storm Axe and Thor’s Hammer.

Due to the development of this world, it is completely different from the original Marvel world.

So his Thor’s Hammer was not damaged by Hela, and it was still intact.

The current Thor possesses two artifacts, and his strength is less powerful than when he played against Thanos in the original book.

But the villain has also been strengthened, so it is normal that he is not an opponent of Hela.

After all, the blackened person has to make a strong three-pointer.

No matter in that world, this is an unchanging truth.

“Don’t worry, eat dinner first, sleep, and we will leave early tomorrow morning.

Loki, so are you. You don’t need to notify them now, you just have a good night’s rest, by the way, think about it. ”

that’s all.

A few of them ate dinner happily.

Nothing happened at night, and the night was smooth.

Early the next morning.

Loki left the villa and returned to Asgard’s current gathering place.

Carl simply cleaned up, and then asked Thor to summon the Rainbow Bridge and take him to the sealed land of Odin.

at the same time.

Just the moment Carl left the earth.

Inside a huge spaceship in the universe, a man with dark purple skin and golden gloves picked up his double-headed machete and showed a wretched smile.

“Finally, we are approaching the earth, this time I will let them know what true fear is!

Ebony throat, get ready for war! Next, I will personally kill Karl to avenge the superstar! ”

“Yes! My lord!”

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