God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 477 - Return to Marvel and cross again

Chapter 477 – Return to Marvel and cross again!

“Finally back to Marvel’s world.”

Carl reappeared from the space wormhole and returned to the place where he fought the planet Devourer before.

Here, Carl can even see some of the remains of the Planet Devourer.

Although there is only a small part, Carl can still feel it.

Then he could feel that the Infinite Gems could be reused.

And this confirms even more that the world Carl is in now is the Marvel world.

Because the infinite gem has no effect at all in other worlds, only in the Marvel world will it exert its original power.

“I have been in Xingyue World for about 20 days, but I don’t know how long the Marvel World has spent now, I hope it won’t be too long.”

Carl shook his head, followed the coordinates, returned to the earth, and returned to his villa.

When he came back, he found that the whole earth had undergone earth-shaking changes.

In this world, not only black technology is flying all over the sky, there are even floating cars and scenes that are only found in various science fiction movies.

However, the villa on Carl’s side has not changed at all.

“Master Karl, you are finally back!”

“Brother Carl, I want to kill you!”

Luo and Intil, after discovering that Carl had returned for the first time, went up for a hug.

“It’s been a long time, but now this world always feels a bit different from when I left. What’s the matter?”

Carl and the two hugged each other for a while, and then began to inquire about the current situation.

Carl was a little surprised by the answers he got from Luo and Intil.

Because more than a year has passed since the time I left now!

The reason why the earth is like this is also because of those scientists, with the help of some aliens, that it has become what it is now.

This surprised Carl a little, but he had no interest in it.

However, Intier and Luo also told Karl that Tony Stark had successfully marinated the space-time shuttle.

But this thing can only be activated once, so they have been here waiting for Karl to return, and then they are going through.

After Karl learned the news, he was also a little excited. After all, there is nothing worth remembering in the Marvel World.

Shuttle through the world is Carl’s only purpose!

But before that, Karl still followed Intier and Luo to understand a little bit about this brand new Marvel world.

at the same time.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and other forces knew of Karl’s return, but they did not disturb him.

Although they didn’t know where Carl had been before.

But they are clear that without Carl’s help, the earth would probably not usher in its current prosperity.

So they are very tolerant of Karl, as long as he doesn’t do anything illegal, they don’t bother to look for him.

After all, Carl doesn’t like being found.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

that’s all.

Carl, Intier, and Luo, after simply playing for a month in this new Marvel world, they found Tony Stark to start a journey through time and space.

However, it takes a certain amount of time for this thing to start, and Karl also remembered that the Infinite Gems have not been returned to those people.

He now needs to return these gems first.

After all, this kind of thing, Carl carried on his body, it was useless at all.

Out of the Marvel Universe, this is just a bunch of beautiful gems.

So Carl will go back and talk about it.

He first came to Asgard, exchanged simple greetings with Thor and Loki, and then bid farewell to Odin, who was about to fall into Odin’s permanent sleep.

By the way, Karl also left the reality gems and space gems here, as did the Infinite Gloves, and left them to Thor and Loki to take care of them.

Afterwards, Karl came to Kama Taj and gave the gems of soul and time to Strange for his protection.

Strange at this time, the strength even surpassed the old one, fully qualified to guard the two infinite gems.

At last.

Carl followed the coordinates and found the Marvel Captain Danvers who had joined the Guardians of the Galaxy in the deepest part of the universe.

Carl handed the power gem to her, then gave the soul gem to Kamora for protection, and then left here.

Everyone he assigns has his own unique ability to master these infinite gems.

Although the side effects are unavoidable, they are better than those who can’t control and then abuse their power.

But before returning, I first opened my own property panel and sorted it out a bit.

‘Properties Panel:

Name: Carl

Strength: S+

Agility: A+

Spirit: S

Physical strength: A+

Title: Benevolence is the best

Abilities: Military Fist (B), Piaopiao Fruit (Awakened), Armed Color Domineering (Perfect), Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering (Over Limit), Domineering Color Domineering (Perfect), Double Sword Flow (A), Wind Element Mastery ( C), Strange Power (S), Shaking Fruit (Awakened), Give me a face (D), Zanpaku Knife Swastika: Hades (S), Speeding Regeneration (S), Void Walking (S), Thunder Immunity, illusion (B), breath of hell (S), demon fruit phantom beast species·phoenix (not awakened)

Props: Dimensional Space Bag

Remaining assignable skill points: 0

Remaining assignable attribute points: 1

Transaction point: 2611

Unawakened Ability: Huangquan Fruit

Number of discounts in the mall: 1’

After observing his abilities, Carl returned to Earth contentedly.

“Mr. Carl, are you ready for the journey?

To be honest, if it weren’t for this thing and could only be used once, I would like to go with it.

So I decided, after you leave, I must create a more powerful space-time shuttle device.

One day in the future, we might meet again in another world. ”

Hearing Tony Stark’s words, Carl nodded, his mouth raised slightly.

“I look forward to that day, but before that, you should organize your nanobots.

There is a lot of room for improvement in this thing, and you should know this better than I am, so don’t give up research just because of peace. ”

“Hahahaha, of course.”

Tony Stark laughed, and then began to debug the device.

Carl took Intier’s hand and walked to the device, Luo followed closely behind.

Their things are basically in Karl’s dimensional space bag.

There is no need to organize other things.

As for the villa, Carl has returned it to Tony Stark, including some of the treasures in it, as well as research materials.

It is now the private property of Tony Stark.

This is also a gift Carl left Tony Stark, after all, he has been helping all these years.

Naturally, he should not be treated badly.

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