Chapter 478 – new world!

‘God selection has been triggered! ’

‘Option 1: Join Fairy Tail, get freely assignable skill points: 1, freely assignable attribute points: 1, get transaction points: 1000. ’

‘Option 2: Create your own magic guild, and get the recognition of the kingdom, get freely assignable skill points: 2, freely assignable attribute points: 2, get transaction points: 4000. ’

‘Choice three: Join the Albarez Empire and become one of the Twelve Shields of the Saints, get freely assignable attribute points: 3, freely assignable skill points: 3, get transaction points: 6000. ’

‘The system prompts that the language and culture of this world are being accepted. ’

Just arrived in this world for the first time.

Carl heard the voice of the system before he even opened his eyes.

Just like when they traveled to the Marvel world, Luo and Intier are also accepting the language and culture of this world.

Carl is no exception.

After a while.

Carl now understands what kind of world this is.

Here is a world full of magic, with all kinds of novel magic!

And more importantly, in this world, there are still various wizards.

These magicians rely on magic to survive.

And many magic guilds have also been established to accept other people’s entrusted tasks and make money.

This is the general background of this world.

“It turned out to be the world of Fairy Tail. I’ve heard of this anime before, but to be honest, I haven’t watched a single episode.

After all, the Dead Huo Sea was so hot at the time. Although the fairy tail was not bad, it was still a bit worse than the Dead Huo Sea, so I didn’t watch it. ”

Carl muttered to himself, and then chose one without hesitation.

Although it is said that choice two and choice three, for Carl, there is a higher reward and a broader space for development.

But this world, for Carl, is a very unfamiliar world, he does not have any foresight ability.

The only thing Carl knew was that the magic guild of Fairy Tail was the protagonist in this world.

It is precisely because of this that Karl chose option one to join Fairy Tail.

It’s not bad to set up his own magic guild, it’s just that Karl has a little knowledge of the world and doesn’t even understand the processes.

If you accidentally take a certain step wrong, this selection task may not be completed.

As for the third option, although the reward is relatively high, Carl has no idea what kind of lace country is in.

The twelve divine shields were completely unknown to Carl in the clouds.(Read more @

If you change to the world of death and ask Karl to join the 13th Gotei squad, Karl is very willing to do it.

After all, he still knows the world of death, and he naturally knows how to maximize the benefits.

In this world, Carl is here for the first time, so it’s better to stay on the sidelines now.

Although Carl is already very strong now.

But in the world of Fairy Tail, the fighting power is fluctuating.

According to Carl’s memory in the post bar, he at least knows that there are many existences in this world that are enough to destroy the world.

In addition, many magics in this world also carry the power of powerful rules, no less than the devil fruits in the Pirate World.

So be safe, not a bad thing.

“Have you two eased up?”

Carl turned his head and asked, Luo and Intier, and then slowly came to a sense of relief, and then nodded.

Because they came to different worlds, the two of them still have a little bit of circle.

But this is not the first time I have crossed, and I gradually get used to it.

But relative to Karl, this is already his first piercing.

And his first crossing was naturally to the world of One Piece.

“Next, we need to find a magic guild named Fairy Tail.

Knowledge and prophecies, just like the previous world, I have already transmitted it to your minds, so let’s start searching.

Also, I can’t guarantee the level of combat in this world, how strong it can be, so it’s better to be careful.

According to information that I don’t fully understand, there are at least dozens of powerhouses in our original world at the level of the Four Emperors in this world.

There are even a few strong men whose strength exceeds this level, so it doesn’t hurt to be careful. ”

Hearing Karl’s words, Luo and Intil nodded at the same time, expressing their understanding.

Then they took the black technology walkie-talkie made in the Marvel World, as long as there is a light source, it can automatically continue to charge, and ignore the distance, and then split up.

This walkie-talkie can be used without any signal, because it emits a special wavelength.

And this also relies on this wavelength to communicate.

This is also created by Tony Stark, in order to facilitate contact with his acquaintances.

As long as he still exists in this world, and not in other worlds or different planes, he can be connected.

Even if the other party is in the deepest part of the universe, as long as they are in the same world, they can communicate.

I have to say that Tony Stark has a very strong means of making black technology, which even Karl must admit.

Then Karl started wandering around in this unknown town, buying some special products by the way.

Although Karl doesn’t have the currency of this world, he has gold and he is not afraid of not being able to buy things.

It’s just that when Carl exposed the gold, some criminals still focused on him.

It’s a pity that these people are not even wizards, and Karl can make them unconscious with just one look, and he doesn’t even need to release the overlord look.

This kind of ordinary person, for Carl, there is no threat.

But what made Carl a little lost was that none of the people here knew where the Fairy Tail Magic Guild was.

On the contrary, he knew some magic guilds that Carl had never heard of.

In this regard, Carl didn’t bother to look for them, because Carl’s target was only Fairy Tail.

“Master Carl, I found something here. A huge monster appeared here, and I also found it here, a suspected member of Fairy Tail!”

Inside the walkie-talkie, Luo’s voice came, which made Karl frowned.

“Understood, I will go over.”

With that, Karl first found Intil, who was shopping everywhere, based on the positioning coordinates.

When Intil saw Carl suddenly appear, he immediately put his shopping bag behind with a guilty conscience, his entire face flushed.

“Brother Carl, I really can’t hold back…”

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