God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 610 - Dai Mubai VS Yu Tianheng

Chapter 610 – Dai Mubai VS Yu Tianheng!

“Please confirm the spirit and spirit ring of both parties!”

With the referee’s voice falling.

Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng showed their spirits and spirit rings at the same time.

The spirit ring configuration of the two of them is exactly the same, they are both yellow and purple, without any difference.

However, the spirit power between the two of them still fluctuates slightly.

Yu Tianheng was a thirty-third level soul veteran, and Dai Mubai was a thirty-fifth level soul veteran.

There is a difference of two levels between the two of them, but if they really fight, the difference is very small.

After all, this is not a battle of higher ranks, it is just a simple battle of higher ranks, not so exaggerated.

In this world, people at level 31 are likely to kill people at level 39.

People of the same rank, the difference in strength is not as big as imagined.

Only the first-class people can make some qualitative leaps with the people below.

After all, one more spirit ring means one more skill, which can be used better.


Except for the Super Douluo above level ninety-five.

There is not much difference between other spirit masters of the same level.

This is the case for Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng.

“Dai Mubai? The prince of the Star Luo Empire has actually fallen to the point where he wants to join a Pheasant Academy, which is really embarrassing!

I don’t know what you have experienced, but since you have left the Star Luo Empire, why not join the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy?

Even if you don’t want to cause political conflict, you can also join other colleges, such as the Blue Bull Academy, which is not too bad.

But you chose, such a pheasant academy that you have never heard of is really disappointing.

To be honest, if Karl hadn’t joined here, I didn’t know there was such an academy.

And he didn’t know what he thought, it was clearly a titled Douluo, leaving the royal guest clerk not to do it, but going to be a teacher.

I feel a little funny when I think about this. ”

Yu Tianheng’s tone was full of pride and complacency.

He was very conceited as a whole, as you could tell from his look.

However, Dai Mubai just listened to him silently and did not refute it.

For him, all kinds of rebuttals are useless now.

Only with practical actions can you let the other party know why you want to join Shrek Academy!

So without saying anything, Dai Mubai directly released the Wuhun Baihu, charging himself with added strength and speed!

“You are so arrogant that you rushed forward on the initiative!”

It is rare for Yu Tianheng, an arrogant person, to say that others are arrogant.

However, when he saw Dai Mubai rushing up, he also rushed up unwillingly to show weakness, intending to bump into Dai Mubai!


The two fists collided, causing a violent explosion!

The collision of the two spirit powers even caused a lot of smoke and dust, making the surroundings become hazy.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

But this is not over yet!

Dai Mubai immediately flashed and charged, and at the same time the first spirit ring on his body lit up!

“The first spirit ability! Thunder Dragon Claw!”

The two collided again.

But this time, it was not just a fist clash, but a collision between martial souls.

I saw a shock wave that was stronger than before, and instantly thought about spreading on both sides.

The attack from the two of them was so great that the other students couldn’t help but squint their eyes.

“As expected of the captain, really strong!”

The students from the Huangdou team began to promote Yu Tianheng’s strength.

In their opinion, Yu Tianheng has already won.

After all, he is a member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, with a heritage martial spirit, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus.

And this is one of the strongest spirits among the power attack type beast spirits, standing at the top of the food chain!

Although the White Tiger Martial Spirit is a divine beast, due to the bloodline, this Martial Spirit still has some difficulty in trying to exert its full power.

Just like Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Martial Spirit.

Although the spirits of the sacred beasts are all top-notch, they can’t exert their full power. In fact, they can only be called first-class spirits.

The ceiling martial spirit of this world has to be a variant of Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus.

of course.

If the spirit of the sacred beast possesses blood formation, the ceiling must be made by the spirit of the sacred beast.

After all, the lower limit of the beast is low, but the upper limit is also very high!

In contrast, the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex is a martial spirit.

Their lower limit is very high, but the upper limit is very low, and they are basically restricted to a certain area.

Therefore, their plasticity has also become less.

It is precisely because of this.

Dai Mubai didn’t fear the opponent at all at this time, and even smiled.

Even if his muscles are already trembling, he is not afraid at all!

Because the current rhythm is all in his hands!

“The third spirit ability! The White Tiger King Kong Transformation!”

Accompanied by Dai Mubai’s roar.

The purple third spirit ring chilled.

Dai Mubai’s body swelled in an instant!

At the same time, his strength has become stronger than before, and even the hardness of his body is much harder than before!

See this scene.

Yu Tianheng felt a little bad.

He immediately activated the second spirit ring and wanted to attack Dai Mubai.

But before he could release his spirit ability, Dai Mubai’s fist had already fallen on his face!

“Let you have a taste, I will grow up after joining Shrek Academy!

I used to have no such power, but after joining Shrek Academy, I have only realized what is powerful!

So, now I also let you experience what the so-called monster feels like! ”

Accompanied by Dai Mubai’s roar.

He is like a real monster, constantly fighting in close quarters, not giving Yu Tianheng any chance!

His attack was very sharp, and his fists were so cruel that he looked a bit cruel.

Even except for the third spirit ring that lights up, none of the other spirit rings are used!

In other words, Dai Mubai is now purely relying on physical skills and his own soul power, crazily suppressing Yu Tianheng!

See this scene.

Team Huangdou, as well as people from other academies, took a breath!

They knew that the people in Shrek Academy were all called little monsters.

But they had only seen Ma Hongjun fight before, knowing that this person was relatively cheap and could restrain the fire spirit master.

But today, they saw Dai Mubai’s fight that was close to madness and fist to the flesh, and they were immediately shocked!

Such strength, if you change someone, you may not be able to sustain it!

After all, Yu Tianheng’s martial soul is also the top beast martial soul, so his physique is much stronger than ordinary soul masters!

Now he was beaten by the fat for nearly ten minutes, except for some bruises on his body, and the corners of his mouth and nose began to bleed. There were not many other injuries!

And he is worthy of being the arrogant of the Emperor Fighting Team!

Yu Tianheng found an extremely small opportunity to release his third spirit ability!

“The third spirit ability! Thunder Fury!”

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