God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 611 - Defeat Yu Tianheng

Chapter 611 – Defeat Yu Tianheng!

Accompanied by Yu Tianheng’s roar,

His body also swelled up, and at the same time it gradually turned white.

Around his body, a layer of blue lightning was entwined, and the expression on his entire face became hideous!

This is Yu Tianheng’s third spirit ability!

Its effect and distance are not much different from Dai Mubai’s third spirit ability, and they are both amplifying one’s own body and coming to Butterfly’s more powerful power.

At the same time, their physique will increase as a result.

Whether it is power or speed, it will be a very strong increase compared to the previous butterfly!

However, if the spirit abilities of the two of them collided at this time, it would appear to be a bit half-hearted.

Compared with Yu Tianheng, Dai Mubai’s spirit ability increase was slightly worse.

But Yu Tianheng’s soul skills would make him lose his mind.

However, in this way, his increase was stronger than Dai Mubai’s.

One side is sensible, and the other side has no reason.

From this perspective, in any case, it is Dai Mubai’s advantage.

Although he was suppressed by the opponent in terms of strength.

But he used Carl’s teaching of his physical skills, as well as his own reason, to avoid the opponent’s instinctive attack.

In this way, Yu Tianheng has no chance of winning at all!

But even so, Dai Mubai suffered a lot of injuries in the battle between the two of them.

Although Yu Tianheng had lost his reason, his strength and speed were still better than Dai Mubai’s.

That’s what caused Dai Mubai to be injured now.

But looking at the other party, he is not very comfortable either.

Although Yu Tianheng’s trick was very powerful, its side effects were quite obvious.

Once he loses his mind, his fighting style is basically chaotic, without any routines.

It was precisely because of this that gave Dai Mubai a chance to defeat the opponent!

“It’s now!”

The two shivered for dozens of minutes.

Dai Mubai finally found the opportunity and hit the opponent’s chin with a punch, knocking him away several meters away.

At the same time, the second spirit ring on his body gleamed.

“Second spirit ability! Baihulie Guangbo!”

Accompanied by Dai Mubai’s roar.

With a large amount of spirit power, Ning recorded Dai Mubai’s mouth and thought in an instant, forming a very powerful shock wave!

This blow, unreasonable, quickly hit the opponent!

Out of respect for his opponent, Dai Mubai did not leave any hands, and went all out!

Yu Tianheng’s eyes were restored at this time, and his third spirit ring dimmed, obviously regaining his sanity.

He understands that if this continues, he can only lose!

But in this situation, he can no longer tolerate him to dodge, so he can only choose to resist!

Next second.

Dai Mubai’s powerful spirit ability directly hit Yu Tianheng’s body.

Accompanied by the disappearance of the light.

Yu Tianheng still stands in place.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

But his body, as if burned by fire, his skin turned completely black.

At the same time, his clothes became a bit tattered.

The hair is also very messy.

This was matched by his handsome face, which seemed to have the smell of a down-and-out young man.

But this is not the most important thing.

Now Yu Tianheng couldn’t feel any spirit power fluctuations in Yu Tianheng’s body!

He lost!

After ten minutes of fierce battle, Dai Mubai finally found the opportunity to kill with a single blow!

Such a situation shocked the people of Team Huangdou!

“The first round of the second round of the junior group, the first small round, Shrek Academy, Dai Mubai won!

Now ask the personnel of the Royal Fighting team to carry your students away, and give you two minutes to adjust the next player on the field! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, the members of the Huangdou team immediately rushed up and directly carried away Yu Tianheng, who was standing here but had lost consciousness.

When they took Yu Tianheng away, the eyes they looked at Dai Mubai and Shrek Academy were full of hatred and hostility!

Pass this battle.

They basically offended members of the Tiandou team.

These people, after all, are some elder brothers, where have they suffered such humiliation?

Even if he was defeated, he would not look like this embarrassed.

It can be said that Dai Mubai’s first battle has completely lost their face!

This is something they cannot bear!

“Let me play next!”

Just at this time.

A man came up.

“Please confirm the spirit of both parties!”

The referee’s voice fell.

The two of them showed their spirit and spirit ring at the same time.

The other party’s martial arts soul didn’t know what its name was, but it was a claw attached to both hands, which looked a little scary.

And this person is also the configuration of double yellow and purple!

He is the second Soul Venerable above the 30th level of the Emperor Fighting Team!

“Is your opponent next? If that’s the case, don’t talk any more nonsense, go ahead!”

Without any hesitation.

Dai Mubai directly chose to do it.

The other party did not speak either, and directly used a faster speed than Dai Mubai, and came to his side in a flash!

“I’m a spirit master of the agile attack system, you, a strong attack system that consumes a lot of soul power, can’t be my opponent!”

With the voice falling.

His paw lit up.

At the same time, his first two spirit rings also released light!

See this scene.

Dai Mubai’s face changed slightly, and he directly activated his first spirit ability!

“The first spirit ability! The white tiger protects the body barrier!”

The voice did not fall.

A transparent protective shield appeared in front of Dai Mubai’s eyes.

But the other party sneered, and his two spirit rings shone, even more dazzling light!


Dai Mubai’s white tiger body barrier was actually ignored by the opponent!

His claws pierced into the protective cover and at the same time scratched Dai Mubai’s body!

Had it not been for Dai Mubai’s rapid reaction, this blow would have caused him to be seriously injured.

But even so, Dai Mubai still felt very surprised!

Because this is the first time, someone can completely ignore his first spirit ability and attack.

This is really outrageous!

“Is it a spirit ability that ignores defensive ability? It’s really difficult!”

Dai Mubai muttered to herself, while also avoiding the opponent’s attack.

This man, constantly attacking Dai Mubai, didn’t give him a chance to breathe at all!

“You defeated the captain and proved that you are very strong. I am not your opponent!

But your soul power now consumes most of it! I must take this opportunity to make a quick decision, and I won’t give you any breathing opportunities!

Although this is very immoral, in order to win, I must do it! ”

The man seemed to be making excuses for himself, and then the attack became more and more fierce!

Dai Mubai had already had a lot of wounds on his body, but they were all harmless.

No matter how many of these small wounds, they can’t affect the battle between them.

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