God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 816 - Its really abnormal

Chapter 816 – It’s really abnormal!

“Dear Lancer, it’s not that I question you, but I know that Lancer is not you who participated in the Holy Grail.

But why did you appear here as Lancer, can you give me an explanation?

As a witness to this Holy Grail War, I have the right to know what purpose you came to Fuyuki City for! ”

Yanfeng Qili asked everyone’s questions.

Even Karl was curious about why Enki appeared here.

“In fact, this Holy Grail War is a bit different from the Holy Grail War you have experienced before.

I am not very clear about the specific situation, but the will of the world tells me that it must be cleaned up, this time the Holy Grail!

Otherwise, the entire earth, and even the entire world, will be plunged into darkness!

This is what the will of the world tells me, so I don’t know much.

But you can rest assured that I am definitely on your side, and this can’t go wrong. ”

Enkidu appeared as a helper, making everyone puzzled, but also worried about this Holy Grail war.

Because of his appearance, it foreshadows the extraordinary of this Holy Grail War.

They are very likely to face very powerful enemies!

And the strength of this enemy has a high probability of destroying the world!

Therefore, the people present are still a little vacant.

“If it is true as you said, I have to report this matter to the church and the clock tower.

At the same time, I am also in charge of the comrades, and the other Masters, so that they can make a choice as soon as possible.

Otherwise, things may develop into more troublesome places! ”

Yanfeng Qili’s thinking is very clear.

As soon as he got the answer from Enkidu, he thought of how to do it, and then immediately left here without any muddle.

People here, there is no need to say anything.

The most important thing now is to find the other three masters.

One of them, he knows where the other person is, because this person is Bazet, an insider of the church.

She and Yanfeng Qili are also old acquaintances.

So she lives in the church and can meet Yanfeng Qili at any time.

But the other two people.

Yanfeng Qili hasn’t seen it till now.

Don’t even know where they are.

But according to Gilgamesh, one of them is likely to be in Liudong Temple!

So he has to hurry and go there and notify the Master over there!

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!

Because of the arrival of the Holy Grail, there is a great probability that Liudong Temple will be!

At that time, this Master will be the first to be impacted.

Although Yanfeng Qili didn’t care about the life and death of the other party.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

But he also didn’t want the world to be completely destroyed, so one more person to help, also more power.

This is his truest thought.

at the same time.

Enkidu walked up to Karl and smiled at him.

“We have seen two sides before, although it was just a quick glance, but without you, I am afraid I would not let the main body descend into this world.

So thank you very much this time. If there is anything that can help you in the future, you can tell me and I will try my best to help you.

But only in this world, after all, after I return to the Heroic Seat, it will be impossible to see you again. ”

Hearing what Enkidu said, Karl shook his head and said casually.

“I don’t have anything to help, but I hope we don’t become enemies, otherwise, I won’t be merciful.”

“This is natural. My duty is to dispose of the Holy Grail. Of course I won’t be an enemy of you.”

Enkidu smiled slightly, then glanced around, and finally put his gaze on Gilgamesh.

“My king, it’s up to you to decide what to do next.”

“Hahahaha, no problem, anyway, there is still plenty of time, let this king show you the delicacies of this world!

Although the world is not very good, but in terms of food and entertainment, it is much more prosperous than our former empire! ”


The two of them left here talking and laughing.

After seeing them leave, Altria finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Other people are doing the same day.

Because Gilgamesh and Enkidu put too much pressure on them.

Even Ilia shivered in Alice Phil’s arms.

have to say.

After being protected, Illiya experienced a normal childhood and became no different from normal people.

“Next, let’s just watch the changes and see the subsequent changes!”

Carl said so.

The others also nodded and agreed.

Before you have a clear goal and a clear enemy, it is the best choice to watch the changes.

If you attack rashly, it is still very easy to be targeted by the enemy.

But at this moment.

The voice of the system rang in Carl’s mind!

‘God selection has been triggered! ’

‘Option 1: Help the Great Holy Grail condense and form, and finally get the Great Holy Grail, get 100,000 trading points, get freely assignable skill points: 10, get freely assignable attribute points: 10. ’

‘Option 2: Integrate with the Great Holy Grail, gain the power of the Great Holy Grail, accept the full power of the evil of this world, and make yourself the real evil of this world and the main body of the Great Holy Grail!

Obtain 200,000 transaction points, obtain freely assignable skill points: 20, and obtain freely assignable attribute points: 20. ’

‘Choice 3: Destroy the Great Holy Grail, destroy it together with the main body of the Great Holy Grail! Obtain 300,000 transaction points, obtain freely assignable skill points: 30, and obtain freely assignable attribute points: 30. ’

Seeing this choice, Carl did not hesitate to choose the third one!

This is not only the best reward, but also the choice that is most in line with Carl’s current goals.

But the emergence of this choice also means that the difficulty of destroying the Great Holy Grail is much higher than the previous two.

And the most important thing is that the destruction of the Great Holy Grail and the destruction of the main body of the Great Holy Grail are deliberately separated by the system!

According to Karl’s understanding of the system.

This separation means that he has to complete two tasks before he can get the task reward!

In other words, destroying the Great Holy Grail and destroying the main body of the Great Holy Grail are two tasks respectively!

At the same time, this also represents harmony, the Great Holy Grail and its body are not the same thing!

The discovery of this detail made Carl feel that something was not quite right.

Because he knew only one Great Holy Grail.

But this has appeared two.

This is very intriguing.

Then Carl pretended to inadvertently ask other people.

However, the answer was that there is only one Great Holy Grail, and there is no ontology!

In this way, this task seems a bit creepy!

This holy grail war!

It’s really abnormal!

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