God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 817 - Archer at a loss

Chapter 817 – Archer at a loss

In the afternoon of the next day.

Carl and others were still watching the changes, and did not take the initiative to attack.

But that feeling of anxiety is constantly spreading in the hearts of Eimiya Kirisu and others.

They always feel that something big is about to happen.

However, from the current situation, Fuyuki City is fairly stable.

“Carl, how about we go to Liudong Temple and have a look?”

Jian Tong Yan asked in the evening.

But Kirishu Eomiya walked out and directly refused his request.

“Absolutely not. Even if you don’t think about your own safety, you have to think about Sakura.

Although you are not the master, you are the current master of the Ma Tong family, and the other masters threaten Sakura with you. What should you do? Could it be that Sakura is going to save you? ”

After Eimiya Kirishu’s resuscitation, his whole person became a little different.

In the past, he was the type of person who could make sacrifices for absolute controversy.

As long as more people can be rescued, he doesn’t care about sacrificing a small number of people’s lives.

And he is also happy to let others step on the pit for him.

But now it’s different.

Weimiya Kiritugu had long since abandoned that thought, and at the same time became a complete human being.

It is precisely because of this that he would not let Jian Tongyan go to Liudong Temple at night.

“Forget it, since you choose to stay here for observation, don’t move around. This is the best solution for now.”

Alice Phil also said from the side.

Jian Tong Yanye sighed helplessly.

His character is a bit prone to impulsiveness, but after so many years of precipitation, he can now calm himself down.

Even if he sits here all the time and can’t do anything, it still makes him a little anxious.

Carl sat beside him without saying a word.

The other heroes looked at each other.

In the current situation, they don’t know what to say.

Especially Red A, that is, Rin Tosaka’s Archer, now his face is filled with confusion.

Carl saw his expression and immediately understood that this guy had no memory here.

In other words, this red A is the original Archer, not the hero of the world, Shiro Weimiya.

So it is impossible for him to have the memory of this world at all.

Because he comes from the original, but this world was changed by Karl Demon.

After all, there are so many things in this world that are beyond the scope of his cognition.

This can be seen from his dazed look yesterday.

Even today, he looked a little too slow.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Seeing this scene, Carl thought a little bit, and took the initiative to step forward and pat the opponent on the shoulder.

“Archer, come with me, I have something to tell you.”

“Is there something you can’t tell me here?”

Archer frowned when he heard Carl’s words, and then questioned Carl.

The other people also heard the voice here, but they just glanced at it and didn’t care.

After all, in their eyes, Carl’s strength is so strong and his character is guaranteed, so they are not worried about what Carl will do that will harm their interests.

But Rin Tosaka was still very curious and kept staring here.

She also wanted to know what Carl and her Archer had to say.

“Archer, if you don’t want others to know who you are, you should come with me.

I know you have a lot of doubts, and I am also a little curious about you, and I want to ask you a question.

If you don’t mind your identity and expose it here, then I don’t mind just saying it here. ”

Hearing what Carl said, Archer felt a little uncomfortable.

Through his own ability, he can perceive that Karl is not lying.

Some of the heroic spirits have the ability to perceive whether others are lying.

Archer happens to have this ability, so he is panicking now.

Because he didn’t know, why did Carl know his identity!

It stands to reason that as a hero from the future, no one will know his identity in this era!

But Karl’s appearance made him feel a little creepy.

And more importantly, there is no Karl in his original world!

This man, he has never seen it!

“Why, don’t you believe me, Wei Gong…”

“Stop talking, what do you want to do, I will follow you now!

But this secret, you have to help me keep it, I don’t want to let them know! ”

Archer said softly.

His heart has never been so flustered.

Carl just said those two words softly just now, which made his heart miss a beat!

This made Archer understand that Karl really knew himself!

And his identity, in the eyes of the other party, may not be a secret!

“In that case, I will take you to a place where there is no one, and only the two of us know about this.”

Carl said as he put his hand on Archer’s shoulder.

The other party did not resist either, but let Karl’s hand come up.

“Mr. Carl, and Archer, you two pay attention to your safety and come back as soon as possible.

If you are in trouble, just use your mobile phone! ”

Altria said.

She is not worried about what problems will arise when these two people go out.

After all, she still believed Carl very much.

If not, Altria will not continue to live in this world now.

“Don’t worry, we will go back as soon as we go, and it will only be delayed for an hour and a half at most.”

With that said, Carl stayed with Archer and left here.

Rin Tosaka didn’t dare to speak from the side.

Because of Carl’s aura, it is too strong.

In addition, when she was young, she was scared by Carl once, so she even knew that Carl was a good person, and she was still a gentle and good person.

But she still didn’t dare to approach Carl rashly, even in front of Carl, she didn’t dare to speak much.

It wasn’t until Karl left that she looked around nervously.

In the end, she put her gaze on Alice Phil.

“My Archer was taken away, will he be okay?”

Hearing Rin Tosaka’s question, Alice Phil rubbed her hair and comforted softly.

“Don’t worry, Karl will never embarrass Archer. He must have something important to take him away.

You can rest assured that as long as the two of them don’t have trouble with going outside, they will return soon. ”

At the same time, Ma Tong Ying walked up, hugged Rin Tosaka, and said softly.

“Brother Carl is a good guy, so he won’t covet your Archer, so don’t worry, sister!”

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