God-level Evolution Starts from the Pirate

Chapter 464: 1 If you don't agree, do it

"Mr. Carl, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand what you are saying?"

Kirishu Eomiya pretended to be dumb, thinking that Karl didn't know anything.

But he didn't know, he didn't know anything, just himself.

Compared with Kirito Eomiya, Karl, as a god, knows far more information than all those who participated in the Holy Grail War.

But Karl is not obliged to tell them all the information.

Karl will only choose the side that is beneficial to him and can get the benefits to cooperate.

The previous Matsumoto family was like this.

The same is true for the Einzbern family now.

"Eimiya Kiritugu, you don't have to pretend, I know more than you know.

Two heroic spirits are now dead, yes, you heard it right, two heroic spirits are dead.

Except for La who was just killed by me


Besides, Caste who has been missing

Also killed by me.

But about Caste

You should have heard the news of the booby-trapping of children?

Yes, I solved him easily, but Ride was with me at the time

. "

"Unexpectedly, it was you who solved him. I said how Alice Phil's body suddenly..."

At this point, Kirisu Eomiya paused suddenly, then looked to the side.

at the same time.

Carl also looked aside.

"Come out, don't hide, I've found you a long time ago."

As soon as Carl's voice fell, three women walked out of the grass.

Alice Phil and Hisami Maiya are cuddling each other, Sabe

Standing beside them, holding the holy sword, stood ready!

Looking at the current situation of Alice Phil and Hisou Maiya, it was obvious that they had been attacked.

But being able to come back alive means that the other party did not directly kill, or Sabe

The support is fast enough.

If it weren't, it would be impossible for Jiuu Maiya to survive.

Because in the original work, Jiuu Maiya has been killed by Yanfeng Kirei in the forest!

"Carl, what is your purpose!"


Stepped forward to fingerprint Carl, but Carl shook his head and pointed to Alice Phil behind her.

"I said, I just want to win the Holy Grail War and the little Holy Grail in her body."

"That's it!"

Hear what Carl said, Sabe

Looking at Alice Phil with a face full of doubt, she didn't know that there would be a little holy grail in her body.

Regarding this, Alice Phil did not explain, but just turned her gaze to Eimiya Kiritugu who was not far away.

As sabe

The real master, he is the head of the family, even Alice Phil must obey his command.

"We'll talk about this later, and now I just want to ask you Karl, why do you think we will negotiate terms with you?

You had a chance to kill me before, but now Sabe

It's here, you missed the best opportunity!

Do you still think you have the power to kill us now? "

Keiji Eomiya just finished speaking, Sabe

He has already charged up and launched a charge against Carl!

Facing Sabe

Carl calmly blocked her attack, and while fighting with her, he explained his intentions.

"I said, I just came to negotiate terms, and didn't think about you.

What if I want to kill you guys?

If such a cute little girl becomes an orphan directly, she might become a tool completely.

Could it be that you are completely ignoring your children, but intending to go your way to death? "

Carl is here to speak, but his hand doesn't stop at all.


The various abilities of the heroes are relatively balanced and relatively strong ranks among all the heroic spirits.

But she does not have that attribute, which is the most prominent.

But even so, Sabe

His strength should not be underestimated, not to mention that the current Winterwood City is not the previous Winterwood City.

Under the blessing of ten times the magic power, the strength of these heroic spirits has also been multiplied.

It is precisely because of this that they have the ability to compete with Karl.

But even so, if you want to defeat Karl, it is impossible to do it unless the group mouth.

"It's really not a trace, even if you say Illya, you don't have any reaction, is it really so cold-blooded?"

Carl and Sabe

After fighting for a while, it was discovered that they were not responding, which made Carl feel a little speechless.

But Carl's ability to speak can be more than this.

Then Carl also talked about the black mud and some other abilities about the Holy Grail.

And it is particularly emphasized that whether it is to promote the Holy Grail or to make a wish to the Holy Grail, it will cause all the evils in this world to come out.

After hearing this, Kiritugu Eomiya and Alice Phil finally got touched!


,stop! "


? "

Hearing what Eimiya Kiritugu said ~www.readwn.com~ Although he was a little unwilling, he stopped the offensive.

Carl took a sword flower in his hand, and then took Hades back into the scabbard.

"Now that I know why, am I taking the little holy grail?

If all the evils of this world are allowed to come out, Alice Phil will undoubtedly die, and even the soul will not belong to her.

And more importantly, once all the evils of this world emerge, the entire Fuyuki City and even the entire earth will suffer.

I am not exaggerating now, you can feel the concentration of magical power in Fuyuki City.

I can say without exaggeration that the destruction of the world is really possible! "

As a righteous partner, Eimiya Kirisu will naturally not allow such things as annihilation to happen.

Even if you sacrifice yourself, you don't hesitate to sacrifice the people around you.

This is his philosophy.

Although a bit paranoid, I have to say that he is a hero who can save the world.

But he is not a man who can save people around him!

This is what Carl thinks of him.

It is precisely because of this that when Karl said Ilia, he was only moved in his heart, but he was not convinced by Karl.

It wasn't until Carl revealed the secrets in the Holy Grail that he planned to have a good talk with Carl.

"Mr. Carl, let's go in and talk.

Regarding this matter, I think we should have a good chat! "

As he said, Kirisu Eomiya made a please gesture, inviting Karl to enter the castle.

Alice Phil also took the arm of Kirishu Eomiya and blinked at Karl.

She is very curious about Carl now.

Because at present, besides herself, only Eimiya Kirishu and Hisou Maiya knew that Alice Phil had a little holy grail in her body.

This matter, even Sabe

Not sure!

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