God-level Evolution Starts from the Pirate

Chapter 465: Carl's plan

"Now we can have a good chat, Mr. Carl!"

Inside the hall of Einzbermberg.

Alice Phil made a few cups of tea and put them on the table for Carl, Kirito Eumiya, and Sabe.


She didn't make tea for herself, but sat aside, ready to listen to the exchange between Carl and Kiritugu Eomiya.

Jiuu Mai is upstairs, monitoring the surrounding environment to prevent anyone from coming over and attacking.

"Eimiya Kiritugu, didn't you think about it from the beginning, the so-called universal wishing machine, is it really the same as you imagined, omnipotent?

And sabe

So are you, you are the king of Great Britain, how can you still have that kind of unfocused spring and autumn dream? "

Hearing Carl’s call, Keiji Uemiya hasn’t said anything yet, Sabe

I'm a bit unhappy at first.

"What do you know, what do you know!

My dream is true for my people and for my kingdom! "

"Yeah, that's why it seems so absurd."

Carl curled his lips, his disdain was shown on his face, he didn't care about Sabe at all.

What kind of mood.

Sabe at this time

I can't wait to take up my weapon again and attack Karl.

But Alice Phil on the side, very keenly observed Sabe

He hugged her from behind.


Don't be impulsive, we are not the enemy yet. "

"I know……"


Taking a deep breath, forcibly relaxing, then took a sip of tea.

Sabe now

I haven't experienced it yet. Naturally, the leak of black mud is simpler.

If it’s the Fifth Holy Grail War, Sabe

It certainly won't be so frizzy.

But Carl saw Alice Phil posted on Sabe

When I was on my body, I also looked twice more.

Lilies of the hometown.

Open again...

Why should I say it again?

Carl shook his head, throwing out the distracting thoughts in his heart, and then started discussing with Kirito Eomiya about the Holy Grail.

that's all.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Soon it came to the early morning.

The sun flooded the courtyard, illuminating the mess here.

However, Carl and others did not clean up, because it was completely unnecessary for them.

Kuu Mai was still watching at this time, but she was already a little tired, so Eimiya Kirishu asked her to go to rest first.


Go to the kitchen with Alice Phil and prepare some breakfast.

Carl and Kirisu Eomiya have been discussing things about the Holy Grail.

And Carl has already said one, there is a high probability that he can successfully take out the little holy grail.

Only with this method, at least two heroes need to be solved, and then Alice Phil can be placed at the altar of the spirit veins before Carl can act.

However, the success rate of this method is not very high.

So Carl can't guarantee success, but he can guarantee that he will do his best!

In this regard, although Kirishu Eomiya was a little reluctant, if he could save Alice Phil's life, he would also give it a try!

What's more, Eimiya Kirishu didn't know how to solve something like black mud.

At present, only Karl's can solve this kind of thing.

Then they talked and ate breakfast without stopping.

When it was time for breakfast, Carl and Kiritugu Weimiya were about to discuss it.

The next thing they have to do is to put this plan into action!

Carl is responsible for finding Assassi

, Kill it!

At the same time Sabe

Responsible to contain Ride

And A


, But it was a bit embarrassing for her to contain these two people alone.

But Karl will resolve Assassi as soon as possible

To liberate her.

At that time, just Ride

Or A


When one of them dies, you can start Carl's plan to take out the little holy grail in Alice Phil.

"Mr. Carl, I always have a question that I want to ask you about the Matsumoto family.

Ma Tong family is also one of the three imperial families in Fuyuki City.

But I rarely saw them come forward, even in this Holy Grail War, they did not appear.

This matter, you should be regarded as an insider, after all, I have heard that you have a lot of relationship with the Jia Tong family! "

Hearing Eimiya Kiritugu's question, Karl took a sip of tea and nodded.

"I am indeed an insider, and I can tell you, whether it's Ma Tong Shinji or Ma Tong dirty inkstone.

All the members of the Jian Tong family, except Jian Tongying and Jian Tong Yanye, were all killed by me, and none of them were left!

This kind of people who use insects to do magic is really disgusting to me, and their hearts are violent to a little girl.

This kind of family, what is left for him to do, let's die early and live longer! "

Carl lightly said something that made Eimiya Kiritugu feel a little frightened.

However, he didn't delve into Karl's motives, instead he was a little curious about what Karl called ‘violent’.

After hesitating a little bit ~www.readwn.com~ Eimiya Kirishu couldn't help but ask.

Carl glanced at the other person, and didn't say anything, but calmly explained the matter about Ma Tongying.

When Eimiya Kiritugu learned of this, his whole body trembled with anger.

Even Sabe next to him

Both and Alice Phil felt very unwell.

"I really didn't expect that the Ma Tong family, as one of the three imperial families of the Magic Family in Fuyuki City, would actually do such a thing, it is really disgusting!"


With a sense of justice, it is natural that you can't stand this kind of thing.

So when she learned that Carl had solved the opponent, now she had eliminated a lot of hostility towards Carl.

However, Alice Phil looked at Keiji Eomiya thoughtfully, and then asked.

"Before the Magic Association, it seems that something similar to the Matsuya family has been said, but the final result should be nothing, right?"

"Yes, I did talk about insect magic, but because of their strong family strength, Jian Tong dirty ink has a very wide network, so the incident was overwhelmed hastily.

But now that they have been sanctioned, it is really pleasing to the people, but after all, they are so cruel to abuse their daughter, it is really shameful! "

Eimiya Kirishi wanted to pull the opponent out and whip the corpse again.

"By the way, about the heroic spirit summoned by the Jiatong family, that is, Be



This matter, they actually called.

But for some reason, I jumped in the queue halfway, and then the person they called out was me. "

Carl took a sip of water while talking.

But his remarks caused an uproar, and Wei Gong Qisi and others were all dumbfounded!


PS: I feel uncomfortable for the past two days, so I will have two more for the time being.

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