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“Master Ye, hahaha, Lord Ye.”

While Ye Xuan, who was transformed by Jintu Avatar, was sitting in his house, Lu Yun, a master of Celestial Immortal level 8, suddenly came to the door, red light across the whole face.

“Oh, Lord Yun.” Song Fei got up and responded accordingly.

In the past few days of getting along, Song Fei knew that this Lu Yun had a wide network and was very famous in the masters of the evil city. Seeing him hurry to come to the door, did Song Fei secretly thought get things done?

After making a cup of tea and chatting for a while, Lu Yun lowered his voice and said, “The 2 slave offerings you asked the fool to find have been found.”

Song Fei’s heart suddenly seemed to jump out of excitement, but her face was calm and calm, and even a flash of fierceness flashed. Then she put a return Dan into Lu Yun’s hands and said: “very good. It’s all good Thanks to Big Brother Lu. As long as this Sect is destroyed, the younger brother will have no heart. “

Lu Yun took the medicine pill with great satisfaction, lowering his voice and saying, “It’s just a little trouble to get them out in the house of Lord Suno’s 2 priests.”

“Master Suno?” Song Fei’s brows frowned. “It’s a bit of a hassle.”

Then Song Fei frowned tightly, as if thinking hard.

After a while, Lu Yun laughed slowly: “Brother Ye doesn’t need to pay too much attention, even though Lord Suno doesn’t care about some medicine pill, but they need to be replaced in secret, as long as they use some means.”

“Really?” Song Fei said fiercely evilly. “If I can let this breath out, I swear in the name of God that I must repay Big Brother Lu’s help to my brother ten times.”

Lu Yun said with a smile without saying a word: “It’s just a sacrifice to slaves, and it’s not an important thing. The official family of Lord Suno’s mansion just knows it. If it costs some money, it will probably be replaced.”

“Very good.” Song Fei said with a big smile, “Here are 3 revenge dans. Please also ask Big Brother Lu to help the brother exchange them out. When things are done, my brother will be grateful.”

“Hehe, it ’s good to say, it’s good to say that Yue brother’s shot is so concise, the fool brother will be able to exchange them and give it to you in person.” Lu Yun said with a smile.

After a brief greeting, Lu Yun left.

Song Fei’s brow slowly tightened, secretly said in one’s heart: “Although I said that letting local tyrant inquire about the whereabouts of Xiaoyue and Shi Shi was originally expected, the process was too smooth. It ’s smooth enough to make me a little uneasy. Will it be a bureau? But even if it is a bureau, I can only step in. I hope things are not as bad as I think. But even if it is a trap, who dares to design me, I’ll let you have given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it, but I’m afraid you won’t design or trade. “

That night, Sun Yun ’s mansion, Lu Yun knelt respectfully in front of Sun Nook, said solemnly: “Master, I have told that Ye Xuan according to your instructions. He used 3 medicine pill to let his subordinates help him. 2 women swap out. “

“Three medicine pills, all Celestial Immortal?” Suno frowned.

“Yeah, and the medicine pill that can supplement the trauma of the soul is more valuable than the ordinary Celestial Immortal grade medicine pill.” While speaking, Lu Yun held 3 reward Dans.

“It’s just 2 Little Missy. It takes him so much trouble.” Sunuo’s brows grew tighter. “How can I feel that there is something wrong?”

Lu Yundao: “Sir, that Ye Xuan attended the ritual ceremony half a month ago. This is what I saw with my own eyes. Although I have just entered Evil Sect, but after believing in Evil God, I will not be an adult. More thought. “

“I also hope to worry about it. After returning to the embrace of God, I swear in the name of God that I should not doubt it, but intuitively told me that things are not so simple.” Sunuo shook his head. Is it quiet? “

Lu Yundao: “No, after Yue Tianyu rescued a god traitor, he lived in the mansion of the prisoner every day. He never left a step. Why did the adult ask this and why did he suddenly think of Yue Tianyu?”

“Nothing, maybe I think too much.” Su Nuo said, “So, anyway, there are only two offering slaves, you take it to Ye Xuan, remember, you have to watch Yue Tianyu with his own eyes and hit the two women to the Soul flew away and scattered, if there is anything unusual, immediately reply to me. “

“Yes!” Lu Yun respectfully said, “This is three medicine pills, and I ask your adults to accept them.”

“Forget it, you hold it, remember that Yue Tianyu’s side, you must always pay attention to it. Can’t let go of any flaws,”


Song Fei was surprised by Lu Yun’s efficiency. On the 2nd day, Lu Yun found Song Fei with an iron cage.

In the iron cage, Wang Shishi, wearing a blue gown, lay on the ground, her face was quite calm, but she had a pair of beautiful eyes, but now there was a bloody hole, the limbs had disappeared, and the wounds around all had solidified. .

Tang Xiaoyue is quite complete, but Song Fei found that his eyes seemed to be a little different from before, and his limbs lacked a trace of spirituality. It seems that her eyes and her limbs have been stripped off, and now they are just growing up again. That’s it.

Unlike Wang Shishi’s calmness, Tang Xiaoyue’s face was full of frightened expressions. Without spirituality in the past, it was a bit more deadly. Since then, Tang Xiaoyue has suffered too much shock and torture. If he does not come to rescue him for a while, maybe Tang Xiaoyue will be completely numb like other slaves, and he will be rescued by that time.

Song Fei’s heart was bleeding, whether it was Tang Xiaoyue’s panic or Wang Shishi’s calmness, for Song Fei, it felt like a knife fiercely inserted into his heart, making him feel the pain in his heart.

At the beginning, the Heavenly Sword Sect 4 big Sword Immortal was full of spirits, and the fairy sword Wang Shishi was steady and moving, winning the world, and following her in the world of cultivation, stirred Heaven and Earth. Although Tang Xiaoyue has average strength, he has worked very hard to chase the steps of the geniuses. Normally has brought endless joy to everyone.

If there is no such accident, they will definitely follow themselves, and they will not miss the experience of Land of Primal Chaos. They will now be a core member of Heavenly Sword Sect. Although they will not be famous in Immortal World, they will certainly be popularized by all parties. The forces pay attention, and Yunyi generally become an influential figure of Immortal World.

It is a pity that the 2 women today are so distressed.

Suddenly, the suffocation in Song Fei’s body suddenly burst out, making Lu Yun a little surprised to step back 3 steps. Is secretly thought really such a big hatred?

“Ah!” Tang Xiaoyue looked even scared, curled up helplessly.

The anger on Song Fei ’s face simply does n’t have to pretend, and he said with a smile sternly: “hehe, good, very good, and finally found the two of you who were caught in the net. Today, I finally got my heart of revenge, hahaha, good . “

Lu Yun said with a smile: “So, Lord Ye, let them kill them now.”

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