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“Kill?” Song Fei angrily rushed to Heaven and Earth and looked at the landing clouds, coldly, “Big Brother Lu, I didn’t spend much time for this hatred, how could I easily kill them?”

Song Fei was a little surprised, forcing himself to calm down.

Because of his relationship with Lu Yun in Normally, the other party would never give up this opinion, and Song Fei suddenly found an unusual taste.

Lu Yundao: “I heard that brother Ye, you left a knot in the state of mind for both of them, did it affect the cultivation, did you not kill them, but fortunately go further on the cultivation base?”

“Hahaha!” Song Fei broke out into laughter caused by anger, “Big Brother Lu, as if you forgot, I am a believer of God now, and I practice divine force, how can I care about what I have cultivated before, and how can I give up? What about such a good sacrifice? As long as I remember to cut them with a knife and torture them, I can make the anger in my heart disappear. “

Tang Xiaoyue shivered even more when he heard Song Fei’s suffocating words.

“But?” Lu Yun wanted to say something, but Song Fei’s reason was reasonable, but he couldn’t refute it normally.

Suddenly, Wang Shishi in the cage screamed, “It’s you, it really is you, hahaha, didn’t expect you can be found here. My relative died in the past and forced my sister to hide in Tibet. If it weren’t for you, we would not fall into the hands of Evil Sect, and I curse you not to die, and never to live. “

Wang Shishi’s words are full of resentment and anger. It is moving. Song Fei ’s hymns are quick to respond. Although these words seem to have a lot of content, if they are carefully tasted, they are not substantive. Sexual content. If Lu Yun was careful, he would cross-examine Wang Shishi carefully, and soon he would find the flaws. Of course, at the moment, he turned it into Song Fei’s hands, and naturally he would not give Lu Yun a chance to question him.

With regard to the hatred of 2 people, after such a remark by Wang Shishi, Lu Yun believed more.

Just because he accepted Sun’s order, Lu Yun didn’t get valuable information. When he went back a little unwillingly, he continued to tentatively say, “Master Ye, it is better to sacrifice something for now, so that you can export the bad air.”

Song Fei spit out this breath, and then seemed to calm down, saying: “Thank God for the gift, as soon as you are here, you can find your enemies. This must be the guidance of God. I swear in the name of God, I must let My enemy is better off dead. “

Lu Yundao: “What is the enemy of Lord Ye?”

Knowing that Lu Yun had doubts, Song Fei said loudly: “I swear in the name of Evil God, the two women in front of must not die, or they will be abandoned by Evil God.”

They all swear in the name of God. Lord Yun secretly thought that Lord Su Nuo really made a trivial question and even suspected that there was something wrong with the Evil God believer. As a believer in God, how could he doubt the power of God? No one can believe in Evil God and betray him.

Lu Yundao: “Isn’t Lord Ye sacrifice now?”

Worship your sister. Song Fei secretly said in one’s heart, I am not an evil believer, if it is sacrificed, it will be leaked?

Song Fei sighed: “I’m in anger now, I’m afraid I’ll hit my god, wait for 3 days to calm down before I start to worship.”

“Oh, that’s the case, then we’re leaving.” Lu Yun left and looked at the silhouette where he was gone. Song Fei’s eyes flashed an angry look.

“Do you doubt me so soon? It seems that the people at Evil Sect are not stupid, just save Shishi and Xiaoyue, and they should leave.” Song Fei lightly said with a smile, “I heard that the evil city is very It ’s hard to leave, I just do n’t believe in this evil. But before that, there is still a lot of work to do. Is Suno? The pain you inflicted on Shi Shi and Xiao Yue, I will definitely find it 100 times and 1000 times. . “

“Just after I found Shishi and Xiaoyue, the real crisis has just begun. I seem to see the blood light in the sky. Rest assured, I will try my best to bring you back to Qing Celestial Immortal.”

. . . .

At Sunuo Mansion, Lu Yun recounted the details in Song Fei’s Mansion today to Sunuo. After listening, Sunuo frowned.

Lu Yundao: “Master, judging from the reaction of the sacrifice slaves, they must have known each other before, and they still have deep hatred. Her words are very fierce, which should not be fake. And Ye Xuan vowed to me in front of Evil God Would make those two offerings worse than life. “

Suno nodded and said: “It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, maybe I am more concerned, but after 3 days, you must go and see how he treats the 2 women.”

“Isn’t that relieved?”

“Don’t worry, my instinct has saved me many times, this time seems normal, but I still faintly feel uneasy, as if there is a major event to happen.” Sunuo said.

Lu Yun’s face was also dignified: “The Human Immortal cultivation base is unfathomable, and it may be a lot beyond the adults on the divide force, but in the cultivation of the fairy law, the whole evil city can’t be found beyond the adults. Although the number of first-hand hands cannot reach the level of fingertips, but the realm is to your level, this kind of direct will not come inexplicably. Adults can rest assured that their subordinates will stare at Ye Xuan. “

Sunuo waved his hand: “that’s all, maybe there are problems elsewhere, you just stare. If you see Ye Xuan’s stripped offerings after 3 days, you do n’t have to doubt anymore, I Evil God believers, there should have been no suspicion. “

“It is exactly what the adult said, and his subordinates must keep it in mind.”

. . . . . .

Wang Shishi and Tang Xiaoyue have been placed in Kunpeng Palace by Song Fei. The iron cage that held them was long twisted by Song Fei. At this moment, the two women are lying on a soft mat and enjoying the nourishment of Immortal Qi.

Both people were fed medicine pill by Song Fei, especially Wang Shishi, a Celestial Immortal-level medicine pill, which made her eyes and limbs grow mad, and the numbness made Wang Shishi feel very comfortable.

Tang Xiaoyue’s injury has been completely recovered, but he is still mentally frightened, just sitting beside Wang Shishi, showing fear.

Wang Shishi’s eyes were injured, but Divine Consciousness was intact, and Tang Xiaoyue’s expression was completely captured in her mind, lightly said with a smile: “Xiaoyue, you are scared.”

“Wu wu wu, sister Shishi, have we fallen into the hands of some big enemy, seeing his expression just now scared, we will be even worse in the future, but sister Shishi you rest assured, I will listen to you If so, work hard to survive. “

Wang Shishi relaxed and jokingly said rarely: “I was afraid of that person.”

“Yeah, although I do n’t know who he is, Sister Shishi said just now, it must be a big enemy, and he will definitely make us die. When I think of such a day without a head, I will, I will really I don’t want to continue to live. Wu wu wu, I miss Sect Leader, I want to uncle and Brother sisters of Heavenly Sword Sect. “

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