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Under the control of Tang Yunjing, the bursting hot flame is much more terrifying than the temperature of the core of the sun. The flame formed by the flames seems to burn the void and boil the universe into 5 Blazing Vermilion Birds. the sky flapping its wings.

On the other hand, Hu Meier released the fairy sword in her hands, but the black wind of the sword became fierce at the same time. The universe in the sky that had never existed in air suddenly burst into black wind, so it was not weaker than 5 Blazing Vermilion Bird’s power, moved towards the flames.

Two forces of terror are raging wildly in the void.

The black howling wind forms a tornado, and the flame is drawn into it. The front Blazing Vermilion Bird is first crushed into flames and incorporated into tornado. A flame tornado that connects the endless and endless universe of the universe is formed, moved towards Tang Yunjing’s direction. Advance.

Speaking of which is slow, tornado shatters Blazing Vermilion Bird but it is done in an instant. The master’s fight will not leave too much reaction time for the opponent. When Blazing Vermilion Bird is broken, tornado carries the power of raging the universe and suddenly On the body of Tang Yunjing, compared with the giant tornado, Tang Yunjing’s body is as small as dust.

“No!” Tang Yunjing’s eyes widened, red’s long beard was blown to the back by the wind, and his face was full of embarrassed expressions. Purple Gold’s crown slanted on his head. Red’s suit was broken and looked Extremely embarrassed.

However, at this moment, it was a life and death crisis for Tang Yunjing, and he could not tolerate the slightest neglect. All mana emerged in his palms. A black shield was blocked in front of Tang Yunjing, and mana was madly input into the black shield .

For a second, just persisted for a second, the tornado condensed by the black howling wind lifted the black shield.

A low-quality Gold Immortal device resisted Tang Yunjing for a second. In this second, Tang Yunjing spit a mouthful of blood and exhibited the secret technique of the Vermilion Bird One tribe. The whole person turned into a flare and disappeared. .

Under the threat of his life, Tang Yunjing also quickly made a choice, using this method of self-harm to avoid Hu Meier’s assassination. If hesitated a little bit, he might not be able to leave.

No Tang Ming, no 5 Gold Immortal of the Vermilion Bird One clan, Tang Yunjing couldn’t control it.

Tang Ming was stunned and looked at all this, until Tang Yunjing’s departure, finally realized what.

“How could this be, Elder Tang would be defeated, how could he be defeated.” A master of the Vermilion Bird One whispered, and immediately saw the blood-sharp nails like blades piercing through the arteries of his neck, another The fingers of his hand were inserted into his forehead, smashing his Primordial Spirit.

Song Fei was close to Tang Ming. Under the cooperation of Small Silver Dragon, Tang Ming simply did not have the slightest resistance. It was not long before Demon Sword cut off his head, and the huge Vermilion Bird corpse quietly appeared in the void. .

“Ao!” Small Silver Dragon yelled, and moved towards the corpse.

“Can’t eat.” Song Fei loudly said behind Small Silver Dragon.

“Oh!” Small Silver Dragon complied, gave Song Fei a grievance glance, Song Fei stepped forward, and stroked the head of Small Silver Dragon gently, and said, “Take it first, and give it to you in a few days.”

“En!” The Small Silver Dragon’s body quickly shrank and turned into a silver light into Song Fei’s arm. As Tang Ming was beheaded, the battle below ended smoothly, and Song Yi and other dry blood ants masters cooperated. Blood fierce, and easily killed the remaining three Gold Immortal first-tier masters.

A battle ended, and it quietly happened in the corner of the universe.

Song Fei only gave the blood a Vermilion Bird Two level of blood to drink for him, and the rest was left for his own use. The blood also contains pure energy. Heaven Devouring Demonic Art can also be absorbed. It is not necessary to give the blood first. Damn good.

Hu Meier said: “This battle is too volatile. It may alarm the masters of Immortal World, let’s go.” This level of war has too many masters on both sides. Even Gold Immortal Peak is likely to fall. Hu Meier’s worry It is not without reason.

Song Fei nodded, “Go!”

2 people turned into 2 stream of light, shot suddenly into the distance.

Song Fei 2 Soon after the men left, a white-white tiger jumped out of the the sky, and then turned into an indifferent white-haired young man in Tsing Yi with a long sword on his back. The young man looked in the direction of the Asura family and said softly: “strange life aura, is Shura World’s hidden reinforcements powerhouse? It’s your luck to escape so fast. “

The white-haired young man transformed by Bai Hu was silent for a while, and looked towards Asura with a bit of fear, and then turned back and disappeared quickly into the void.

Song Fei and Hu Meier were all on their way. When Asura’s army increased, they slowed down.

Song Fei is very satisfied with the results of this line. As for Tang Yunjing, Song Fei was originally not among the hunting targets of Song Fei. Such a powerhouse is easy to defeat him, but he wants to capture him, but it is extremely difficult. Vermilion Bird One Masters, if they do not have the ability to directly crush, they have too many means and magic weapons to escape.

The Divine Beast family is too rich.

And even if you have the strength and can really crush Tang Yunjing, Song Fei will not kill. The revenge of the Vermilion Bird One can be reported at any time, but if the strength is too powerful, although it can make the Asura family pay more attention, it will Let the other party jealous of themselves, instead of letting the other party feel that they can control it, besides, they have not killed Tang Yunjing.

In order to avoid trouble, Sun Qingrou came out and led the two of them to walk, and the way back was smooth. It didn’t take long to see the intersection of Ahura World.

The White Bone Palace is floating at the entrance. As commander in chief, DuPont is behind the battlefield and can better judge the situation and mobilize the army command.

Sun Qingrou took the two to the side hall of the White Bone Palace, called the maids to have tea, and then said to Hu Meier and Song Fei: “Two later, I will report to Marshal Dupont.”

Song Fei shook his hands and said, “Go and go.”

Today DuPont “plays chess” with Immortal World. There are many things. Naturally, you can’t see yourself at any time like before. The barracks are very strict. Even arrogant people dare not challenge military regulations in such a large-scale war.

In the main hall of the White Bone Palace, DuPont heard all the details of Sun Qingrou’s entire group. After hearing that Hu Meier and Song Fei seriously injured Tang Yunjing and killed Tang Ming and other 5 Gold Immortal masters of the Vermilion Bird One family, his face was also This kind of result is very rich.

DuPont nodded and said: “They shot and killed the five Immortal World’s Gold Immortal. This is tantamount to vengeance against Immortal World. This reputation is very important, so don’t doubt them.”

Sun Qingrou said: “But there is one point that needs to be noted by the marshal. I always think they are too easy to find the Vermilion Bird One family.”

DuPont waved his hand: “You mean they know the location of the Vermilion Bird One family? No matter how generous, Immortal World will not use the 5 Gold Immortal of Vermilion Bird for conspiracy, and the Vermilion Bird One family will not agree. Go and follow me to see the corpses. Just confirm that the corpse was Gold Immortal of Vermilion Bird. We don’t need to worry about them. “

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