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“Hahaha, 2 of you have worked hard.”

Song Fei and Hu Meier were sitting in the side hall and drinking tea leisurely. Before seeing Du Pont, they first heard his hearty laughter, and then saw Du Bang stepping into the side hall with Sun Qingrou, facing Song Fei. And Hu Meier cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile: “This time, the trouble 2 shots.”

Song Fei flew out of the side hall without speaking, and then left Tang Ming and the others’ corpses in the compound. Five hill-like corpses overlapped each other, and the incomparable Divine Beast Vermilion Bird was like a killed pheasant Generally, it was piled motionlessly in the compound.

“Tsk tsk tsk, Divine Beast Vermilion Bird.” DuPont said, “Unfortunately, it was still killed by Optimus brother like a chicken. Two people, I want to hang this corpse in our military camp to improve morale, I do n’t know if it is good?”

Song Fei said: “The head is for you, the corpse is useful to me, unless you use the same level of Divine Beast for me.”

DuPont shook his head: “Divine Beast of the same level, I don’t have it. In this case, the skull is also good.” It only stimulates morale, and the skull and the body have similar effects.

Song Fei nodded, let the blood come out, twist the heads of 5 Vermilion Bird Divine Beasts and throw them to DuPont, then put the corpses away. Nowadays, the magic power of Avatar’s mana increases, it is difficult to rely on engulfing a large number of low-level creatures, even if it is Celestial Immortal realm, the promotion is very limited. Only Gold Immortal-level creatures have a great degree of improvement, and many of them Divine Beast is the best choice.

They are large in body and high in strength. Tang Ming of Gold Immortal Level 4 is worth dozens of ordinary creatures of the same realm.

Such a good thing, naturally, will not be left to DuPont to stimulate morale. In DuPont’s intelligence, Song Fei’s Heaven Devouring Demonic Art has been known for a long time, so he did not mention too much on this topic.

After lifting his head, DuPont said with a smile: “Now that the military service is busy, it is really difficult to take time. I will not be with 2 people. If there is anything, 2 people can find gentleness.”

“Wait a minute,” Song Fei said loudly.

“Oh, Optimus brother seems to have something to do.” DuPont said with a smile.

Song Fei said, “Marshal DuPont, but you are the marshal. You should have a clear reward and punishment. I killed a strong enemy for you. Just thank you?”

Du Pont said: “Bright brother, you killed all of them are masters of the Vermilion Bird One family, they must have a lot of treasure in their hands, is it worth the reward in the lower districts.”

Song Fei coldly snorted and said: “Little nonsense, that’s my spoils of war. It has nothing to do with you, but I can help you kill someone, and I can’t just kill it in a word.”

Dupont said with a smile: “Oh, Optimus Brother, our Shura World is not as wealthy as your Demon Realm, and there are not many good things. Even more how, generally the spokes of war, we have to put them away and redistribute them after the war . “

Song Fei squinted and said coldly, “Why, don’t you want to take away my spoils of war?”

DuPont shook his head: “The Optimus brother is a distinguished guest, naturally it is different. Well, let’s talk about what kind of reward you want.”

Song Fei said: “Re-create a Gold Immortal 7th grade, kill these 5 in front of you, and they are all Divine Beast Vermilion Bird. You just follow your military regulations.”

DuPont narrowed his eyes: “Here was the Vermilion Bird that hit Gold Immortal 7th grade, I don’t know if there is evidence for Yue brother?”

Song Fei said: “Little nonsense, you sent Sun Qingrou to monitor us, you do n’t know what happened? I do n’t want any of your Asura treasure, in a word, give me the Divine Beast corpses you harvested on the battlefield.”

“It turned out that Brother Optimus wanted the body of Divine Beast?” DuPont whispered softly.

Song Fei said: “Yes, those things are of little use to you. Give me, as a military skill, I will do it next time.”

DuPont groaned for a while, then said: “No problem, I will try to pick out some Divine Beast’s corpses to prevent the Optimus brother from losing money. However, this military merit is made by the two together. “The words fell, and DuPont set his sights on Hu Meier.

Hu Meier turned away and said, “Half and a half. My share, you remember first.” Then the body fluttered and flew to the sky.

“Okay!” DuPont nodded, facing Song Fei. “Bright brother can disagree.”

Song Fei said: “Just do it, send the body quickly. If it’s less, don’t ask me to shoot in the future.”

After speaking, Song Fei moved towards Hu Meier’s direction.

In the courtyard, DuPont and Sun Qingrou were left looking at the direction of the two people.

Sun Qingrou stomped his feet: “This arrogant sky is really insatiable. After getting so many benefits, he also asked the marshal to reward him.”

“Hahaha!” Du Pont said with a big smile, “If you have merit, you will be rewarded, and if you have been punished, you will always be rigorous in running the army.

Sun Qingrou said: “Marshal was intentional?”

Dupond nodded: “If he does n’t mention military merit, I will have doubts, and I will check to see if he is really asking for nothing. If there is nothing, then he must be asking elsewhere. It seems that I still worry about , Can kill 5 Gold Immortal Vermilion Bird as a vote, there should be no problem. Gentle, you go and follow Qingtian to serve and promise any request. “

Sun Qingrou shuddered, showing a shocked expression, “Any request?”

DuPont looked into the sky. At this moment, his face was full of the majesty of the commander of the 100000000 million 10000 army, said solemnly: “Yes, any request.”

“Marshal!” Sun Qingrou immediately knelt down on the ground. “I have a lot of Asura women, their looks are better than Qingrou, and those women are willing to taste the taste of Optimus Demon Emperor. They are more waitresses than Qingrou. It’s better to call them tenderly. “

Du Pont turned around, his cold eyes were on Sun Qingrou’s back, and Sun Qingrou, who was cuddling on his back, shook his body in shock. Although this person was laughed in front of Song Fei, he was still a little quiet and could be a commander of the army How could it be a benevolent generation.

Compassionate army, this is the ancient truth.

DuPont lightly said, “Are you doubting my order?”

Sun Qingrou shivered even more: “Qingrou is afraid.”

“Don’t dare, then go.” DuPont lightly said, “The devil head of Optimus has a fetishism for women. For now, you are a suitable person to break into him. If you can get Optimus instead of Hongxing, Your admiration, you may not be inferior to me in Shura World in the future. I have studied this person. Although he has a violent personality and arrogance, he is also a very innate talent person. If he does not die, the future success will be in me. Up, otherwise, why should I be so polite to a Gold Immortal level 4. If it really is like Optimus said that one day he can be my Shura World under one person above ten thousand people, then you will be me Shura World, first woman, you are my confidant, but understand my painstaking efforts? This is your chance to make a contribution, don’t let me down. “

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