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“People aren’t fooled.” Tang Xiaoyue, who mumbled, suddenly smiled again, squatting down, holding Song Fei’s left hand and swinging gently with both hands, facing Song Fei, “Sect Leader, then you said, if you go Dancing, who do you choose? “

Talking, Tang Xiaoyue put his left hand on Song Fei’s palm, and then the right hand pulled his finger, causing the hand between them to be inadvertently held.

Looking back, Tang Xiaoyue glanced at Wang Shishi and Qin Xiaoru, his eyes narrowed into a line, and he laughed silently, and laughed happily.

“Of course it is a choice ~” Song Fei came out suddenly, just said these 4 words, and suddenly found that the scene was a bit wrong.

“Hey, you two, why are you staring at me with Murderous aura, Xiaoru, aren’t you usually very good? Why use this expression, and poems, what’s wrong with you?” Song Fei asked nervously Road.

“Pu chi ~” Wang Shishi laughed suddenly.

“Uh?” Qin Xiaoru turned her head inexplicably, she wondered, why did Wang Shishi, who had just been fighting with his enemies, suddenly change his position, shouldn’t he show dissatisfaction and anger at this time?

Wang Shishi smiled and looked at the place where Song Fei and Tang Xiaoyue were holding hands, and blinked at Song Fei. Song Fei immediately followed her gaze and noticed the direction that Wang Shishi’s gaze was pointing to, only to realize that just now, accidentally, it turned out And Tang Xiaoyue’s hand clasped together.

However, it is just holding hands. I have experienced both what I should have experienced and what I should not have experienced in previous lives.

Moreover, people are still little girls. Brother has always liked mature and feminine, never like loli.

“Hahaha, you say this.” Song Fei gave a haha, raised his hands, and the hands of two people held up, Song Fei said with a smile, “I thought it was and so on, Satsuki It’s our Little Sister, what do you think of your little head? “

Hearing here, Wang Shishi’s eyes also smiled into a line, his eyes were facing Tang Xiaoyue, but he said to Song Fei, “So, don’t bully our Little Sister.”

When Wang Shishi was talking, he bit the Little Sister three words, and bite them particularly heavily.

“Hehe, Sect Leader big brother, let’s go dance.” Tang Xiaoyue hit the snake around the stick, and didn’t care about Wang Shishi’s ridicule.

“Okay, let’s go.” Song Fei stood up, facing Wang Shishi 2’s female road, “I’ve passed, you two are watching the barbecue, and I’ll be back in a while.”

After speaking, Song Fei took Tang Xiaoyue’s hand and led the smiling Xiao Tangyue to move towards the middle of the bonfire center.

The lagging Tang Xiaoyue turned back to Wang Shishi and Qin Xiaoru, secretly vomiting their tongues and grimacing.

“This little month, people are so young, so much thought.” Wang Shishi lightly said after the two left.

“Yeah.” Qin Xiaoru turned to answer the meat.

“She came to ask Sect Leader to dance,” Wang Shishi continued.

“Yeah” Qin Xiaoru mechanically added firewood to the fire.

“But Sect Leader agreed.” Wang Shishi said.

“Huh ~” Qin Xiaoru’s voice was much weaker.

“Xiaoru, do you like Sect Leader,” Wang Shishi asked.

“Yeah.” Qin Xiaoru turned back subconsciously, then suddenly looked up, and quickly shook his head, “No, no, what do you think?”

“Really do not have?”

“Well, really.”

“Hehe ~” Wang Shishi laughed and stopped talking.

“Crack ~” The burning sound of matches made the night appear quieter. The lively scene in the distance seemed to be separated by an invisible film, which could not pass to the two of them.

After a while, Qin Xiaoru spoke lightly:

“Sister Shishi”


“Do you like Sect Leader?” When Qin Xiaoru asked this sentence, his voice was obviously trembling.

“Hehe.” Wang Shishi glanced back at Qin Xiaoru, said with a smile, “If I said yes, would you be sad.”

“Ah ~” Qin Xiaoru apparently didn’t expect Wang Shishi to answer like this, and hesitated for a while, not knowing how to answer her.

“Hehe.” Wang Shishi’s laughter interrupted Qin Xiaoru’s embarrassment, and then Wang Shishi said, “Xiao Ru, people like Sect Leader, as a member of Heavenly Sword Sect, I have such a Sect Leader. feel proud.”

“Uh?” Qin Xiaoru looked up and looked at Wang Shishi with a different look.

Wang Shishi smiled at Qin Xiaoru’s eyes, then leaned over her body, holding Qin Xiaoru’s shoulders, looking up at the starless sky, and lightly said: “Sect Leader is a man of good morals and has great potential. If he can be his friend It is also an honor. “

“En!” Qin Xiaoru had a feeling in the heart, gently nodded.

“But.” Wang Shishi’s tone was still indifferent, but after speaking these two words, Qin Xiaoru heard a different feeling in his ears. “I don’t know if Sect Leader is a husband, What kind of person would it be. “

“Ah?” Qin Xiaoru was puzzled.

“Hehe,” Wang Shishi explained, “I admit that I have a good opinion of Sect Leader, but do I have to trust my life for good? Is it good to be happy? Should I be together?

“Ah ~” These three questions asked Qin Xiaoru at a loss.

Then Wang Shishi said, “I saw Sect Leader’s responsibility and friendliness as a leader, but I didn’t see a good husband like him.”

“That’s it.” Qin Xiaoru apparently hadn’t digested Wang Shishi’s words, but just answered subconsciously.

“Can’t you?”

“Sister Shishi.”


“Not all of the stories say that love should be dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety, like the moth flies into the flame?”

“You said everything, that’s the story.”

“Me? I really don’t know, at least in front of me, what makes me dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety is only the responsibility of being a member of Qingly Sword Sect, not what is called love, Xiaoru, you will ?”

“Me?” Qin Xiaoru was silent.

“Hehe, it’s hard to answer.” Wang Shishi let go of his hand holding Qin Xiaoru’s shoulders, and the mud next to Pats’ feet slowly stood up.

“Sister Shishi, where are you going?”

“Hehe, that Little Lass has abducted Sect Leader for so long. It’s too much. I’m going to come back, Xiao Ru, do you want to go together?”

“Ah, no, I want to watch the barbecue.”

Around the campfire, everyone ate a lot of meat, drank a lot of wine, and young people with in small groups met together to dance and dance happily, which caused the elders to laugh in good faith.

Tang Xiaoyue, like a beautiful green butterfly, led Song Fei to the field. When everyone saw that Song Xiao was behind Tang Xiaoyue, they screamed loudly.

“Ao ~~” the big goat howled.

“Bang bang bang ~” Thunder pillar hits each other frantically with two wooden sticks, all kinds of weird tones are exhausted to express the ridicule of Song Fei.

“Everyone, so enthusiastic.” Song Fei touched his nose.

“Hehe hee.” Tang Xiaoyue took Song Fei’s hand and began to dance slowly with strange footsteps following the rhythm of everyone.

“Sorry, step on your feet.” Just after Tang Xiaoyue’s steps, taking 2 or 3 steps, Song Fei accidentally stepped on Tang Xiaoyue’s toes.

“It’s okay ~” Tang Xiaoyue laughed indifferently, revealing two lovely dimples.

The curved eyebrows, small oval face, bright eyes like gems, and cherry-like mouth, the dimples that are very obvious at this moment make Tang Xiaoyue very cute and charming.

The bonfire was suddenly left, suddenly right in the wind, shining on people’s faces, the light and shadow mottled, making Tang Xiaoyue even more pleasant.

“Oh ~ oh ~” There was a loud cooing around.

Hearing the coquettling of the crowd, Tang Xiaoyue jumped and suddenly lowered his head in shame and buried it in Song Fei’s chest.

Tang Xiaoyue invited Song Fei. Although there was a feeling of admiration in it, it was more of a thought to make Song Fei play.

Even she didn’t expect that Song Fei agreed.

As a young girl who hasn’t been out of the house, even though she is usually cute and generous, she likes to joke with people, but after all, she is young. After Song Fei agrees to dance with her, Tang Xiaoyue ’s heart is like hiding a little bunny, jumping up and down 7 When I got up, I saw everyone teasing at this moment, thinking that everyone had witnessed her relationship with Song Fei, and Face was red with shame.

Among so many people, only Song Fei is stupid and doesn’t know what it means for the girl to invite a man to dance. He keeps following Tang Xiaoyue’s dance, stepping on Tang Xiaoyue from time to time, and watching the crowd screaming hard, Song Fei only tonight It is a tense nerve that has been vented for many days.

But the more you jump Song Fei, the more embarrassing it is, a real man ca n’t bully a girl all the time, what ’s going on with my brother stepping on the feet of a minor Little Sister? Song Fei regretted it and agreed with Tang Xiaoyue that it was too hasty.

Originally thinking about having fun with the people, what happened to these mallets, when I saw Lao Tzu coming, how each and everyone ran to the side. Is n’t it a group of people holding hands and dancing bunny around?

Oops, forget this world, no bunny dance anymore.

Song Fei was wondering if he should stop and let everyone join hands to practice a bunny dance.

“Hehe, Sect Leader, the meat is roasted.” Wang Shishi appeared in time when dancing just halfway through the dance, interrupting Song Fei’s rhythm of twisting his ass.

“It’s baked, let’s go.” With Wang Shishi’s help to the steps, Song Fei seemed to meet a savior, and quickly straightened Tang Xiaoyue’s head buried in his arms, with a serious face: “Xiaoyue , I have something very important right now, and I’ll be with you later. “

After speaking, before Tang Xiaoyue answered, he followed Wang Shishi in a hurry and left.

“Ah ~” Not only was Tang Xiaoyue surprised, everyone was surprised.

Is the barbecue cooked?

Even if the barbecue is cooked, leave the beloved girl alone and go to eat barbecue. What is the situation?

Tang Xiaoyue wakes up from shyness, looks at the back of Song Fei and Wang Shishi, and clenches his teeth tightly.

Suddenly, Tang Xiaoyue laughed again, revealing two charming little dimples.

When Song Fei returned with Wang Shishi, the two were stunned looking at the place where the fire had just been burned.

Burning half of the dry wood scattered the ground.

Qin Xiaoru is gone.

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