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From the traces at the scene, the chaos here obviously used a lot of external forces, but strangely, Song Fei and the others were not far from here, and simply didn’t find any abnormalities just now.

There was no fire here, the night became darker, and Song Fei’s face also darkened along with it.

“Stop the noise and immediately call for the backbone.” Song Fei said darkly.

“Yes ~” Wang Shishi said resolutely and turned away.

“Wait ~” Song Fei called Wang Shishi again, and Wang Shishi turned his head, waiting for Song Fei’s order.

“You tell the second uncle in detail about the situation here, and you assist the second uncle, and you have full control over the search.” Song Fei said.

“Sect Leader you?” Wang Shishi was startled.

Song Fei waved his hand: “I’m fine, I have no time to discuss with everyone. I dived into the peak with a sloping charm to see if there is anything strange in the mountain. You and the second uncle are responsible for searching outside. When necessary, use The seized sound transmission talisman was contacted. “

There are two sound transmission talisman, one from Zhao Tianying and one from Yan Canghai, one in Song Fei’s hands and the other in Qin Shihu’s hands. Under normal circumstances, naturally cannot be used easily, because once this sound transmission talisman is used, it is likely to be intercepted by the enemy within ten miles.

But once it comes to a critical moment, you can’t take care of that many.

“Use your wisdom to assist the second uncle.” Song Fei looked at Wang Shishi’s eyes very seriously. After saying this, his body slowly sinks into the rocks.

“Sect Leader, I will work hard.” Wang Shishi watched Song Fei’s completely disappeared ground, lightly said, then resolutely turned around and moved towards the crowd in the middle of the bonfire.

At the same time, the corner of Wang Shishi’s mouth issued a sharp howl, which was an early warning signal agreed by everyone in Heavenly Sword Sect.

Hearing this kind of shouts is like facing the enemy.

Soon, the people still immersed in joy, stopped very tacitly, and looked up towards Changxiao quickly.

At one end of the mountain, Qin Shihu, like a swallow, fell lightly in front of Wang Shishi, with a heavy face on his solemn face, and asked, “Poem, what’s going on? Sect Leader?”

“Second Boss, something unexpected happened, I’ll make a long story short ~”

After a while, the crowd gathered and Qin Shihu issued the first command: “Xiao Ru is gone, and immediately check the surrounding traces, if there are traces of strangers, and if there is a clue to the brother who is on alert. Focus on finding footprints. “

Qin Xiaoru’s disappearance, Song Fei’s first suspicion was naturally the white animal described in the mouth of the two women. Although she did not understand the motive of the animal’s crime, Song Fei didn’t change her mind at this moment.

Judging from the way animals appear, they should be hidden near the top of the mountain, possibly in a cave not far from the top.

If you look at the cave entrance from the cold weather, it is far worse than Song Fei now, using the magic of the earthen symbols to quickly shuttle the surface of the mountain, using carpet-like search to find possible caves.

The silhouette of Song Fei is constantly shuttled among the rock and soil, but the entire mountain body is too wide. After searching for a while, Song Fei still has no clues.

The more he couldn’t find it, Song Fei’s calm and extraordinary heart began to become a little irritable.

“Strange, why are emotions so easy to get out of control,” Song Fei murmured, “calm down, must calm down.”

“When ~”

While Song Fei was searching at full speed among the dirt and rocks, I suddenly heard a bang, and ran into Venus at random, dizzy, and almost fainted.

Immediately afterwards, a sudden pain came over his head. With the help of the pain, Song Fei was not comatose, but he held back the pain. Song Fei first checked his injuries.

Then I discovered that the top of my head was scratched off by an unknown thing, and my hands were stained with blood.

“Fortunately, a minor injury.” Fortunately, Song Fei was just a thin layer of scalp on his head and hit something unknown, otherwise, if the entire head hits it, he will run away at the extremely fast speed, now his own Your head should be like a smashed watermelon.

He pulled out a simple bandaging tool from the Storage Ring, and after applying Jincang Medicine, he simply bandaged it. Song Fei immediately checked what he had just encountered.

However, what falls in Song Fei’s eyes is not at all strange things, but like the objects around me now, all are rocks.

Song Fei slowly leaned over, came to the place where he just hit, and touched it lightly with his hand, only to find that although he hit his place just now, although it was also a rock, it was strange that the rock here couldn’t Shuttle with shuttlecock.

What’s even more weird is that when Song Fei touched this layer of rock with his hands, Song Fei didn’t hear the hint of the God-Level Exchange System in his mind. It can be inferred that this rock is not a very special rock, but Just because of this, the ground character cannot enter.

“No, this is it?” As Song Fei slowly stroked the rocks with his hands, he suddenly felt a bit of something wrong, and the touched part turned out to be very neat and smooth.

If it is a stone raised by Innate Earth, it should not be as smooth as a mirror.

Thinking of it, Song Fei quickly touched it along the surface of this inaccessible rock.

“Sure enough.” Song Fei found that the rock was not a huge piece, but was like marble, with a gap in the middle, except that the gap was very clever. There was no way to insert the needle between the gaps.

Then Song Fei discovered that the similar rocks here are not large, and the pieces are composed of rocks, much like the structure of an artificial house.

“An underground chamber? Or an underground tunnel?” An idea quickly came to Song Fei’s mind.

The mysterious stone can stop the stilts, and the wild beast of mysterious is extremely fast. Song Fei faintly felt that the two might have a connection. After eager not to find Qin Xiaoru, Song Fei saw the Independent Wooden Boat like a sea-going person, regardless of whether the Independent Wooden Boat can withstand the wind and waves, at least, it brought the land Hope for survival of sea people.

Seeing this group of walls, Song Fei seemed to see the hope of rescue Qin Xiaoru.

Song Fei quickly discovered that the set of walls was surrounded by 4 sides, and the other 2 sides stretched a long distance.

“It’s a channel, a big channel.” Song Fei secretly said in one’s heart. Immediately following the direction of the wall, the party moved toward quickly. Since it is a wall, there should always be an entrance. It should be right to find an intersection along the wall.

But the channel extends to the two sides, and I don’t know which direction is right. Song Fei can only pray in his heart, hoping that the direction he is going away is correct, so as to reduce the time to rescue Qin Xiaoru.

This time, luck was good. After Song Fei stunned for about half a minute, Song Fei suddenly found a smooth rock surface, and a fault suddenly appeared. Song Fei was overjoyed, and immediately walked along this fault.

Immediately afterwards, Song Fei came out of the rock and found that he had come to a passage. At this position where he stood, there was no exit. The so-called exit was blocked by a layer of ordinary rock. If it were not Song Fei There are maggots running through ordinary rocks, and it is not easy to find the underground Secret Realm.

Song Fei turned around, next to the aisle 2 was about five meters wide and about 4 meters high, which seemed very spacious.

It stands to reason that the channel buried underground should be dark.

In this passage, Song Fei found that every five meters, there was a goose egg-sized fluorescent stone, which made the underground passage, which should be extremely dark, glow with dim dark light.

The farther the front of the passageway, the darker it becomes. As for the end of the passageway, with the eyesight of Song Fei, simply couldn’t see clearly.

Song Fei is struggling with time now. He has no time to stop at all. While walking towards the inside of the passage, he starts to observe the 2 side of the passage.

Every 5 steps, a relief is carved on each side of the channel.

The content of the relief is a naked human figure with one eye on the forehead and 2 opponents. It’s just that this humanoid’s mouth is more than twice as large as the ordinary person. The two ears have pointed ears, a nose loop on the nose, and the eyes are angry, looking awful.

Each relief sculpture depicts this humanoid creature, but each relief sculpture has different forms and movements, such as standing, sitting, side, etc.

The only thing that is the same is that the sculptures of each relief are vivid. If you do n’t know that this is a relief, I really think that there is a creature standing in front of himself, and the master who carved these reliefs has extraordinary skill.

Just after running for about ten seconds, Song Fei found that on the rocky ground of the passage, there were a lot of white bones scattered, and these white bones can be seen at a glance from Song Fei’s experience, this is a human bone.

The dark environment, the white bones, gave this passage a strange feeling.

As he deepened, the scattered bones became more and more, and several complete humanoid skeletons appeared.

In the end, the ground was full of bones. There were several places. The white human bones were like carpets, covered with a full layer. Song Fei could only walk on the bones.

As Song Fei stepped on, the seemingly solid skeletons turned into pieces.

These skeletons do not know how many years have existed here, but they have completely lost the internal structure of bone due to years of corrosion.

“In the end this is where the hell, Xiaoru 10000000, don’t go wrong.” The deeper it goes, the more Song Fei has a bad hunch.

“Dangerous.” Among the pile of white bones in front, Wu sharply cut out a sharp sword energy, approaching Song Fei’s legs.

Sword energy was swift and fast, and suddenly came again. Song Fei immediately tightened his nerves and ran the catkin method in an emergency, avoiding the sword energy dangerously.

“What kind of sneak attack?” Song Fei shouted at a bunch of skeletons. It is expected that those sneak attacks should use clever methods to hide among a bunch of skeletons.

Song Fei was right, but only half right.

Just as Song Fei’s voice fell, the whole pile of skulls slowly scattered, and a humanoid object was drilled from below.

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