[Moon Spirit Pupil] (Special Item): After use, it permanently increases the hit rate by 10%.

Jiang Nianming looked at the round of clear moon spar in his hand, click to use, as the spar disappeared, the hit rate has increased, 10%, which is already very high, and the possibility of Miss being a boss with a much higher level than himself in the future will be less.

Destroying the enchantment in the northeast corner, Jiang Nianming went northwest, and the monsters encountered on the way were solved by the two together, and then entered the northwest enchantment.

Unlike the enchantment in the northeast corner, the two mercenaries here are still alive, although the amount of blood is not much, but they can barely last for a while, with the addition of Jiang Nianning and Lake, the balance of victory quickly tilted to their side.

After the weapons and equipment were given to the two mercenaries, their combat effectiveness was also greatly improved, and in less than an hour, the boss in this enchantment was killed.

The enchantment is destroyed, coming out of it.

System prompt: You found two mercenaries and guaranteed their survival, +10% exploration!

System Tip: You helped the mercenaries kill the Alba King projection and destroy the enchantment, +9% exploration!

Down the river, southeast direction, as concocted.

Here, Jiang Nian Ming found a mercenary and successfully killed the Alba King Projection, increasing the exploration degree by a total of 14%!

System Improvement: The total exploration level exceeds 60%, and the reward [Moon Spirit Magic Book] is obtained.

【Moon Spirit Magic Book】(★ Gold) Magic

Attack: 480~525

Mana: +11Max

Blue Amount: +300

Additional: [Condensing Moon] Each time you release magic, there is a 1% chance to confine the enemy's actions.

Additional: [Specialization] When a mage equips this weapon, the level needs to be reduced by 5.

Level required: 35

Classes required: Mage, Summoner


Goldware... Gold again.

This is the second gold weapon in his hand, and it is also the second gold weapon in full service, this time there is no system prompt, similarly, he does not hide the name of the equipment owner, and people who need this magic book will naturally contact him.

If nothing else, the first person to contact him was the floating goose sunken fish in his friends list.


Less than 3 seconds.

The friend information came, no, it should be said that it was a voice call, and the requester was the floating goose sinking fish.

Jiang Nianning smiled heartily, then connected, and said straight to the point: "I don't think there is any need to say anything more this time, the one-star gold magic book, and it is also the most powerful mage equipment at this stage, 30,000 gold coins, right?" As

soon as the floating goose sunken fish wanted to say something, he was interrupted by Jiang Nianming: "There is no need to talk about the price, thirty thousand." The

floating goose sinker was silent for a while and said, "Okay, but you have to give me some time, I don't have so many gold coins in my hand right now."

"Okay, anyway, I'm also doing a mission now, I can't go back for the time being, I'll keep this weapon for you first, and contact you when I go back."

"Well, don't sell this thing to anyone else."

"Don't worry, I'm not a night song."


After the floating goose sunken fish hung up, Jiang Nianning saw that there were many more friends in the friend list, but he was too lazy to look at it, it was too troublesome to bargain with these people, he wanted to collect 30,000 gold coins, and the floating goose sunken fish was relatively crisp and neat to give him this favorite price, so that he didn't have to think about others anymore.

The girl also quickly sent a message: "Awesome, the second gold weapon!" Did that floating goose sunken fish look for you to buy?

Jiang Nianming replied: "That's right, she has already contacted me, I opened a price that satisfies both parties, guess how much?"

Yi Ming replied, "Thirty thousand."

Jiang Nianming: "Those who know me are also sisters." Yi

Ming: "Hehe, divide the money, please eat."

"OKOK, it's all small meaning, plus clothes."

"Good drop, thank you brother!"

Jiang Niannian was also happy from the bottom of her heart.

However, this is not the time to rejoice, because the task is not yet done.

There was still the last southwest-oriented enchantment, and after a few people replenished the amount of health, they directly killed it, and without much effort, they destroyed the Alba King projection inside and found the only remaining mercenary.

Exploration increased by 14% again!

Now the total exploration degree has exceeded 75%, 70% even if the task is completed, that is to say, now Jiang Nianning can return to the Eternal City, he looked at the return to the city scroll in the package, when the exploration degree is insufficient, the color of the scroll is gray, that is, it is disabled, but now it is bright and can be used.

But he doesn't plan to leave there, and if he can reach 100% exploration, the reward will obviously be better.

It's 22.9% short!

At this time, the mercenaries were still sad, several good brothers died in battle, and the partners who once fought side by side disappeared into this world.

Jiang Nianning opened her mouth and said to them: "Now is not the time to be sad, the culprit King Alba has not been completely eliminated, we can't take it lightly, now that the four enchantments have been destroyed, King Alba's power must have been weakened, I think we can make a move."

Lake was also indignant: "That's right! Go find that hateful fellow, I will crush it with my own hands with thunder and slash, and avenge my dead brothers! "

The other mercenaries are also enthusiastic, and they want to meet the real body of King Alba.

Jiang Nianming felt that the strength of this Alba King would definitely not be weak, and if the mercenaries participated, there would be a risk of death.

Jiang Nianning didn't want to reduce the degree of exploration in her hand and retreat.

"There is still a little girl surviving in the town, and now in the bald uncle's shop, the third candle on the wall is the mechanism, open it, enter the secret passage, and protect the girl, this is your task."

Jiang Nianming said: "To destroy King Alba, just have me and Lake." "

Among these mercenaries, Shu Lake's strength is the strongest, before he was level 29, after killing several bosses and some miscellaneous soldiers, his level has been raised to 34, very fast, far from being comparable to other mercenaries, Jiang Nianming called him also makes sense, this is the person who can really help.



Jiang Nianming took Lake to a cave at the end of the town, and after entering, he found that this cave was not big, only one road could pass, just go ahead.

On the walls of the cave, there were dense blood stains everywhere, the color was extremely dazzling, and the vine roots rooted in the ground were extremely thick, and seemed to be absorbing the energy of the underground.

There are no ordinary monsters in the cave, the Alba monster does not exist at all, to the altar at the end, you can see that the vine roots in the four corners of the east, west, south and north of the altar have been broken, and at this time there is a figure sitting cross-legged on the altar, this figure is red, as if it was born of blood.

However, this figure is no different from a normal adult, no more than one meter nine, and Jiang Nianming even thinks that this guy is not the king of Alba.

But the facts told him that this guy was.

[King Alba] (quasi-gold level boss)

Level: 42

Health: 5500000

Physical Attack: 1339~1449 Physical

Defense: 988 Magical Defense: 988

Talent: [Moon Curtain] When attacking, 10% damage free from self

Skill: [Bloody Wind] [Crack].

Introduction: The king of the Alba tribe was once sealed by the lunar warriors, and with the passage of time, the miraculous power of the moon god weakened, and the king of Alba, who absorbed part of the moon spiritual power, was revived, but it seems that its power did not reach its peak.

"Quasi-gold-level BOSS..." Seeing the grade and HP of this Alba King, Jiang Nianning's expression suddenly became a lot more solemn, five and a half million HP, nearly 1,500 attacks, and 10% damage-free, this is special... You tell me the task difficulty is only 800?


Jiang Nianming suddenly thought that if he didn't come to the trouble of King Alba, in fact, the task could be regarded as having been completed, and he was increasing the difficulty of the task for himself!


No way, it's coming, you can't open up at this time, Lake is still watching, this is a shame to run.

"Lake, or you go first, I see that the strength of this Alba King is a bit terrifying, and your life is in danger if you stay."

Jiang Nianming began to persuade, but Lake's dead eye just didn't leave, holding a long knife, he said solemnly: "No matter how strong the enemy is, I will protect the land under my feet!" "

What a stunned man.

Knowing that this Alba King is so terrifying, he shouldn't let Lake come, in case of death, the degree of exploration is likely to decrease, and the money earned is hard money, which is not easy.

At this time, King Alba jumped down from the altar, his posture was unusually strong, but the blood streaks on his body made people look particularly uncomfortable.

He had no weapon, the sharp claws of his hands were his most powerful weapons, and after a sneer, he didn't say anything more, he shot directly, and the figure turned into a red streamer, which suddenly penetrated Lake's body.


The damage broke a thousand.


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