At the dinner table.

Jiang Nianming told the girls about her heroic deeds of helping Lake kill the boss, which was highly appreciated by the girls, and then Yiming began her performance.

The details are as follows.

When I was brushing the copy today, I happened to encounter the provocative Ye Ye Sheng Ge, this guy brought a dozen players in their early 30s to surround Yi Ming and Sugar Candy, and then a big battle broke out.

In the end, Sugar Candy and Yi Ming didn't know the mother who beat up the night song like a cruel dish, and the faces of the troubled generals were all lost by him.

Then, Ye Ye Shengge said that after seeing Yi Ming, they killed them once at a time, but they hid in the city and did not dare to come out, making a lot of jokes.

"The generals of the troubled times have also come out?"

"No, he is also brushing the copy with peace of mind, this guy seems to be about to awaken the Essence Spirit Seal, and it is estimated that one day later."

"Wasn't it almost last time?"

"You forgot, there are many people in troubled times, they can enter the copy in batches, and then specifically break one person."

"Now it's a tight night song, the troubled world general himself is not so anxious, he seems to be going to collect five high-level spirit seals, and then awaken the S-level Essence Spirit Seal!"

Jiang Nianming sighed: "It's good that there are many people, you can come repeatedly."

"How about we recruit some too?" Yi Ming asked tentatively.

"No, I can't afford it, it's good that we can keep ourselves now."

This proposal was immediately rejected by Jiang Nianning.

Yi Ming is actually just joking, and now that a guild has not been established, they are not a big deal, and they can save money.

"By the way, I also saw a new spirit seal fragment in the auction mall today." Yi Ming said.

Jiang Nianning was suddenly surprised: "What fragments?"

"Nameless fragment, but I can be sure that it is a spirit seal fragment, and there is a mark that resembles a fire dragon on it, if you don't believe it, you can ask Sister Sugar."

Icing was picking dishes, and when he heard Yiming say this, the chopsticks stopped for a moment, and then nodded: "That's right, I also took a screenshot, and I can send it to you to see it online." As

soon as Jiang Nianming heard the mark that resembled a fire dragon, she knew in her heart.

It is very likely to be the Fire Dragon Spirit Seal fragment.

"How's the price?" Jiang Nianming asked.

"The price... It seems to be quite expensive, but no one buys it, after all, no one knows how much this is a thing to collect, and it may not be useful to buy it, and I haven't seen the specific price.

Icing said: "After going online, you can bring up the mall page by yourself, and if you want to buy it, you can buy it yourself immediately."

"Well, I see."

Jiang Nian Ming quickly finished the meal, and quickly returned to the room to go online under the surprised and puzzled eyes of Yi Ming and Sugarcoat.

Divine Realm.

The white light flashed, Jiang Nianming appeared, and then immediately clicked on the auction mall system, this system existed at the beginning, but Jiang Nianming didn't pay much attention, because it was only the early stage of the game, he felt that there should be nothing unusual to sell.

But obviously he thought badly, and after clicking on it, he found that he was thinking a little less.

The auction mall is roughly divided into two main categories.

The first category is recommended by the game mall system itself, such items are rarer, the number is small, and it is refreshed every 12 hours, maybe the things you watch are still there during the day, and they are gone at night, even if they are not left by the player in seconds, they are also brushed by the system.

The second is that the player puts it on the shelves by himself, this kind will not be refreshed, but you need to pay a certain booth fee, the higher the position booth fee, the more expensive the booth fee, such as what you want to sell to get the second place to pay 600 gold coins, get the first to pay 1200, the price is very terrible, and it may rise in the later stage, so generally there are no players auctioning things, it is better to sell it on the street, Jiang Nian Ming is.

However, the fragments on the shelves this time are listed by the players themselves, ranking eleventh, the top ten are empty, the eleventh place needs to pay much less booth fees than the top ten, Jiang Nianming looked at it, only 100 gold coins, and the price of the fragments is 4800.

The number of fragments is 6, one is worth 800 gold coins, and death is expensive.

Jiang Nianming looked at it, and it was indeed the Fire Dragon Spirit Seal fragment he wanted.

It's just that for this price, he really can't buy it.

Glancing at the player ID that sold the shard, tears fell without a trace.

Connect directly with friends.

Searching for this id, it soon came out, it was a level 33 swordsman, Jiang Nianming immediately added his friend, and in less than a minute, the other party agreed.

"Hello, what's the matter with me?" Tears without a trace are also straight to the point, direct greetings.

Jiang Nianning also did not ink: "Brother, I don't hide that I saw the mysterious fragments you put on the shelf, I want to buy them, but this price is a little too expensive, see if you can trade directly in a private way, give me a cheaper." It

took 20 seconds for the tears to fall: "My intuition tells me that these pieces are worth the price."

Jiang Nianming said, "This... I don't know, I just want to study it. "

Guess I believe it, you must have the same fragment in your hand, although I don't know its name, but I think it must be able to synthesize a very powerful spirit seal, 120 such fragments can synthesize a spirit seal, even if it is a high-level spirit seal in the copy, it cannot reach this level, so this price is really not expensive, especially for you." The tearless response made Jiang Nianming really feel big.

"Brother, it's cheaper." Jiang Nianming didn't say the rest, it is estimated that the tears fell without a trace and he knew in his heart that it was very difficult to collect 120 such fragments, otherwise he would keep it for his own use and would not sell it in such a place.

"So how much can you pay?" Tears fell without a trace asked.

Jiang Nianming reported a number: "2400."

"It's too low, I still have to pay the booth fee, if I remove something from the shelf, it is equivalent to a default fee, and I have to pay a default fee of 300 gold coins, right?"

Jiang Nianniing gritted her teeth: "Okay!" I'll come out, you name a number, come a little sincere. Tears

fell without a trace and re-reported a number: "3000!"

Jiang Nianning's head was big again.

But in the end, I agreed.

"Okay, you take things off the shelves first, I'm doing tasks now, and I will trade with you when I go back."

"Okay, I'll keep the things for you, don't play tricks, otherwise I'll report you directly to the whole city, and you won't want to do business anymore."

"Don't worry, I'm not a night song."

"Well, I believe you, after all, you are also a celebrity on the leaderboard, a few thousand gold coins should not be a matter for you, I will remove the item from the shelves now."

"Thank you for your trust."


30 seconds later, Jiang Niannian refreshed the auction mall again, and sure enough, the fire dragon fragment on it was gone.

Next, continue with the task.

Jiang Nianning first talked to Lake on the side, and only listened to Lake say: "During the time you left, I have destroyed the core of the enchantment, just go out from the front."

Jiang Nianning saw that there was an additional teleportation array on the ground.

However, he did not go directly up, but asked Lake: "Was you the only one here to deal with the Alba King projection before?" Hearing

this, Lake's face immediately showed sadness, as if there was something sad.

Jiang Nianming wanted to know more details.

Lake did not hide either: "There are a total of four enchantments in the town, eight mercenaries entered one of them in pairs, and Wei Feng, who came in with me... Eaten by King Alba's projection, he left all the medicine to me before he left, so that I can survive until now. When

Jiang Nianming heard this, she suddenly felt sad.

He took out a silver armor and handed it to Lake: "This is the armor that the bald uncle made for Wei Feng, since he is gone, then his legacy should be inherited by you, wear it, let's find other companions."

Lake took the silver armor in Jiang Nianming's hand, looked at it affectionately for a while, and put it on himself, and his defense power was improved to a certain extent.

"Let's go."

Jiang Nian Ming walked up to the teleportation array and left the enchantment that had no energy.

When he reappears in town, he immediately receives a new system prompt: you have found Lake and guaranteed to survive, +5% exploration!

System Tip: You killed the Alba King projection and helped destroy the enchantment, +9% exploration!

System tip: With a total exploration level of more than 30%, you have obtained a special reward [Moon Spirit Pupil].


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