After collecting all the weapons and equipment, the degree of exploration did not increase, Jiang Nianning was just about to leave, took two steps and stopped, and suddenly thought of something.

He looked back and looked around, it was a closed space, monsters did not invade, that is, it was safe enough.


Little one, can you stay?

Jiang Nianming stared at the little girl: "You just stay here for the time being, and when I find the mercenaries, I will come back to you." "

The girl is aggrieved, of course she doesn't want to.

Jiang Nianming touched her hair: "Child, well, for your safety, stay here for the time being, rest assured, it won't be too long, I will come and take you away as soon as possible." "

The girl has no choice, she can only come down, Jiang Nianming only hopes that this guy won't run away, otherwise I don't know what consequences it will cause."

After leaving the secret passage, Jiang Nianming's gaze looked at the northeast corner and started from there first.

After heading straight to the northeast and killing some native monsters, Jiang Nianning saw a red stone.

The pattern on this stone is somewhat familiar... It seems to have been seen somewhere.

Jiang Nianming thought about it carefully, oh, remembered, isn't this the same as the pattern on the Alba monster?

That's right.

The power of the enchantment condensed on the stone, Jiang Niannian raised his sword and slashed it, but before the sword fell, a brilliant red light directly emitted and rolled his body in!


When it appeared again, Jiang Niannian had already come to a fiery red space, where there was flowing magma, and there was a hot breath floating in the air, Jiang Niannian was sweating, this place was really unpleasant.


There was a warrior in front of him fighting with a gigantic Alba monster, but the gigantic Alba monster obviously suppressed him, at this time, the monster's health was still about 65%, but the warrior only had 25% of the health left.

Jiang Nianming looked at his name, Lake.

Heard of.

Jiang Nianming took out the Moon Battle Knife, and there was Lake's name in the introduction, just give him the weapon.

At this time, Lake's posture is still quite strong, but the weapon in his hand seems to be only a bronze weapon, and when shuttling back and forth to slash the monster, he can only take away more than three hundred of its health, which is too low, and the other party can take away seven hundred or even eight hundred blood with one return fire.

Take a look at the attributes of both sides.

[King Alba Projection] (Bronze Boss)

Level: 40

Health: 500000

Physical Attack: 1100~1250 Physical

Defense: 666 Magical Defense: 666

Talent: [Inheritance] Has part of the power and ability of King Alba's true body.

Skill: [Flame Spurt] [Fierce Fire Breath] Introduction:

The projection of King Alba inherits some of the power of King Alba and has extremely strong strength, if it can be killed, it may also be a strong blow to the real King of Alba.

Just a projection, not very strong.

Look at the properties of Narek.

[Lake] (Mercenary of Relic Town)

Level: 29

Health Points: 7600

Physical Attack: 825~946 Physical

Defense: 388 Magical Defense: 388

Talent: [Lightning Break] Increases movement speed and attack speed by 10% for each three attacks, lasting 2 seconds.

Skill: [Flash] [Thunder Slash]

Introduction: Originally just a young villager in a ruins town, he later trained to become a well-known mercenary, especially good at assault combat.

With only 7600 HP, it is not easy to fight with the boss to this point, Jiang Nianming watched him fight with a blood bottle and stuffed it into his mouth, thinking that after fighting for so long, the blood bottle was almost running out.

Gotta go up and help.

Jiang Nianning shouted at him: "Lake, your weapon!"

Lake heard the sound and turned back abruptly, and then he saw a combat knife flying over, his eyes widened, and then he sharply raised his hand to grab the hilt, and turned around to project a heavy blow to King Alba, who was extending his claws.

King Alba's projected HP plummeted by 681, and Lake's combat effectiveness was greatly improved.

"Thank you!"

He stepped backwards and retreated to Jiang Nianming's side: "It's just... I've never met you, are you?

Jiang Nianning replied, "It was Lin Chong who asked me to come to you." As

soon as he said Lin Huang, Lake immediately knew what was going on.

Jiang Nianming didn't want to say more, because the Alba King projection had already rushed over.

"Join forces to kill it!"


The two shot together, King Alba projection was not afraid at all, with one enemy and two, opened his mouth to spit out a fierce fire, Jiang Nianning did not say a word to open the brave fearless and pushed forward, ate this blow for Lake, dropped 658 blood, did not fight tightly, a backhand sword, the light thorn of the left hand condensed, 1.5 seconds later another critical hit, King Alba's blood fell rapidly.

Lake held a saber in his hand, shuttling through the battlefield, speeding up his speed with every three attacks, and King Alba gradually became a little overwhelmed.


Lake's long knife pointed forward, his figure suddenly turned into a white light and disappeared, and 1 second later, the long knife had penetrated the body projected by King Alba, and Lake also appeared behind it, and then turned around for a quick continuous blow!





Jiang Nian Ming also attacked quickly, and King Alba projected bitterly.

More than half an hour later.


Yi Ming sent a message: "It's time to eat!"

Jiang Nianming just glanced at the information and replied, "Wait for me for fifteen minutes, I'm killing a small BOSS, and I'll solve it quickly." "Good


In order to enjoy the food early, Jiang Nianning worked harder to kill the boss.

With Lake's cooperation, the amount of blood projected by King Alba gradually bottomed out.

At this moment, Jiang Nianning shouted: "Brother, leave the last blow to me!"

Lake was stunned for a moment, Jiang Nianming had already turned on the brave fearless rushed up, left sword and right sword, light thorn and another critical blow, King Alba projected a few times violently, his eyes showed hatred, maybe its real body has remembered this damn guy, when he sees him, he must die without a place to bury!

But now there is no chance.

With the disappearance of the Alba King projection, Jiang Nianming also received corresponding prompts.

System Tip: You kill the King Alba projection, gain 23,666 experience points, and gain 20 skill points.

Because the Alba King projection is just an ordinary bronze boss, there are not many skill points given, after all, it is not very difficult to kill, and the amount of health is very low compared to other bosses.

After killing the Alba King projection, Jiang Nianning quickly picked up the items on the ground, and at a cursory glance, there was nothing good, the most valuable was a two-star bronze, too cold.

"Thank you." At this time, Lake stepped forward, greeted Jiang Nianming, and thanked him.

Jiang Nianming said with a smile: "You're welcome, this space seems to be safe, you stay here first, I'm going to go offline to accompany the girl to dinner."

Lake didn't know what it meant to go offline, he just knew to wait here, Jiang Nian Ming went offline, hoping that Lake could understand his anxious heart.

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